Running from the Lewis' family.

Mrs. Lewis had almost finished preparing dinner when her husband came back from work. He didn't waste time as he mounted the staircase up to their room to take his bath, yeah, that should always be done after coming back from work. After taking his bath, he changed into casual outfits and came downstairs.

Dinner was already served by the time he got downstairs, Mrs. Lewis had already dished out the foods and arrange them on the dining table. Simon and Lilian were already sitting on chairs around the dining table. Mr. Lewis didn't need to be told before he took a seat on one of the chairs around the dining table.

It took minutes before they finished eating, then Mrs. Lewis and Lilian did the normal stuff of clearing the table of plates, they've got no maid to do that for them. Mr. Lewis asked Simon a lot about school, he had heard from his wife the condition the principal gave before Simon could move to the next grade. So he asked Simon if the extra classes had begun, and Simon replied him with an affirmative 'Yes'.

Then he asked Simon if he could cope with it, though Simon knew that he couldn't cope with it and he had no plans of coping with it, he still replied with a 'Yes'. After some minutes of staying in the parlor, he climbed the staircase up to his room, he wanted to be alone and strategize on something important...his escape plan.

He had decided that he was gonna run away this night when everyone would have been fast asleep. He knew that he has some packing to do, he needed to pack clothes, shoes, and the rest of other things he'll need when he runs out. But he didn't want to start now, Mrs. Lewis could enter his room at any time and notice something weird, so he was gonna start packing when everyone was fast asleep.

He laid on his bed making sure that he didn't fall asleep. After about an hour and some minutes of lying there, he got up from his bed and strolled out of his room, then he glanced downstairs at the parlor, Mrs. Lewis was sitting on one of the couches operating her phone. As far as someone was still awake, he wouldn't be able to pack the stuff he needed and run out. So he went back into his room and sat on the bed, he would have to wait until she goes to sleep.

He waited for close to an hour before going out of his room to check if she was still in the parlor...and thank goodness, she wasn't there anymore. She must have gone to sleep, it was late in the night already. Immediately, he ran back into his room, changed his casual clothes into something more fashionable. Emptied his backpack of books, and began packing some stuff he'll need into the backpack.

He put in some clothes, shoes, and the essential things he'll need when he runs out of this place. After fixing those things into the backpack, he began thinking of something else he'll need when he moves out, then he thought of something that would be of great importance to him,

'Yeah, money, that would be of utmost importance', Then he thought to himself once again, 'But where would I find money from? Seems like I'll have to steal from Mr. and Mrs. Lewis' room, surely, there'll be money in their room. I gotta do this even though it's risky'.

With that, he placed the backpack on the bed and sauntered out of the room. Their room was upstairs also, so he wouldn't need to descend the staircase to gain access into their room. Coming out of his room, he strolled towards the door of their room. Now, he was really afraid to open the door 'cause one of them could be lying on the bed but was still awake, maybe, both of them.

But an idea popped into his head immediately, if that was the case. He would tell them that he was having nightmares of the accident that put him in coma, so he just wanted to get consolation from them...or if possible, lie on the same bed with them. Yeah, that was what he was gonna tell them if they were awake.

With that in mind, he opened the door gently and stepped into their room. Luckily, both of them were fast asleep, they must have reached wonderland. He began glancing around to see if he could find the best places where they would most likely keep their money. Then his gaze rested on a briefcase, the briefcase Mr. Lewis does carry to work.

'Money could be in there'. Simon thought to himself while rubbing his jaw with his fingers.

He wasted no time as he began tiptoeing towards the suitcase. Arriving at the suitcase, he began searching it to see if he could find money in it. What he first saw while searching were documents, but after searching some more, he found up to five bundles of dollar currencies.

He knew that money must be available in their room. He didn't want to take much, so he just took an amount of 500 dollars and placed the suitcase where he saw it. Then he put the money in his pocket and tiptoed out of their room. He sighed after coming out of their room, what he did now was dangerous, you know what would have happened if one of them woke up and caught him stealing money from the briefcase.

He entered his room, took the backpack, and placed it on his back. Now, it was about time to evacuate this building. He knew that it was late in the night, but he didn't care, he was still gonna move out. He descended the staircase and reached the parlor then departed from the main building. The gateman would surely be sleeping in the boy's quarter by now, so he didn't need to worry about meeting him in the compound.

And it was so when he got to the compound, the gateman was nowhere to be found. Passing through the mini gate, he got out of the compound and into the streets. Now, the street was silent, it would be hard to see someone walking about at this time of the night. The street would have been wholly dark if not for the street lights that brightened the entire boulevard.

As he walked, he glanced at the beautiful buildings. This boulevard seemed exactly like an estate though it wasn't, only people loaded with the cash can afford an apartment or a house of their own in this place. He kept on strolling until he sighted some cops resting their backs on a police car, they were three in numbers.

It would be really bad if they saw him walking about on the street at this time of the night. Terror struck him when one of the cops started walking in his direction. The cop hadn't sighted him yet, so Simon made use of that opportunity to hide behind a car. The cop that was walking in his direction suddenly stopped and went back to meet his colleagues. They talked for a while, then they entered their car and drove off.

Simon came out of his hiding and uttered to himself, 'Men, that was a close call. What are they even doing here at this time of the hour?'.

He continued walking until he got out of that boulevard, he was even tired of walking already, he was feeling sleepy. Most hotels would have been closed by now, and even if any one was open, he has no idea of their locations. Luckily, he found a bus with an open windscreen, the bus doesn't seem like it was dumbed, the owner might come to carry it tomorrow. But he was gonna spend the night on the bus anyway, he was feeling very sleepy.

He gained access to the bus through the windscreen, one of the windscreens was open, so he forced himself through it. He took off the backpack from his back and placed it on one of the chairs in the bus. Then he sat on the chair closest to the one where he kept his backpack, rested his head, and dozed off immediately.


Mrs. Lewis woke up very early the next day to prepare breakfast for her family. What they'll eat before going out to their different locations. Mr. Lewis woke up, brushed his teeth, and took his bath, dressed up, and not too long after, he was already sitting on one of the chairs around the dining table.

So as Lilian also, she woke up, took her bath, dressed up, and took her seat around the dining table. Mrs. Lewis had already dished out the foods and placed them on the dining table. But someone was missing, the three of them had noticed it, Simon was missing.

"Why isn't Robert downstairs yet?", Mrs. Lewis questioned, then she focused her gaze on Lilian and said, "Go and call Robert in his room, tell him to come downstairs for breakfast. Isn't he gonna go to school?".

Lilian did as her mum had instructed, she climbed upstairs, strolled to the door of Robert's room, opened it, but she couldn't find him inside. She did some little searching, but she couldn't still find him. According to what she was seeing, she started having the perspective that he had run away. She noticed that some of the clothes in his wardrobe had gone missing, his backpack was missing and his school books were on the ground.

Immediately, she ran downstairs and informed her parents of what she saw,

"Robert isn't in his room, seems like he has run away".

"Run away?". Mrs. Lewis questioned with a type of confused facial expression.

"Yes mum, some of the clothes in his wardrobe have gone missing, his school bag is missing and his school books are on the ground".

"What! Honey, let's go see for ourselves". Mr. Lewis said as he and his wife hurried to the staircase and began mounting it.

They arrived at Robert's room, and all that Lilian said was true. Their son that just woke from coma had run away? Why? They were confused and afraid at the same time.