Visiting his tomb.

'What the f**k is Aunt Jane doing here?'. James questioned himself in his thought.

Aunt Jane was James' mum's older sister, she had never been close to James or his father. In fact, all of his mum's siblings weren't close to them, they were the type of people that cared about only themselves and their families...they loved staying on their own. That's why James was wondering what she was doing here, have she taken over the apartment?

"Who are you?". Aunt Jane questioned him, she had not even a single clue that this was James in another body.

James wouldn't notify her that this was him, that would be a foolish thing to do. He would use the name of the person's body he was in and garnish some little lies with it.

"I am Michael by name". James retorted.

"What do you want?".

"I am looking for James, I know that he resides here. We were friends in the same school until I and my parents traveled to a country in Europe to reside in. After a year of staying there, my parents decided that we come back to the USA, and we are back. So I decided to come visit my very good friend, I really miss him".

Aunt Jane's face became a bit gloomy, then she voiced out,

"James is dead".

"Dead? How did that happen?". James inquired with a type of perplexed facial expression, he was really good at pretending.

"According to the forensic scientist that examined their body and this apartment, they were shot to death by someone".

"They? What do you mean by they? Was he shot alongside with some other people?".

"Yeah, he was shot alongside his parents". Aunt Jane retorted.

That perplexed expression became more vivid on James' face as he inquired, "You aren't his mum?".

"Yeah, am ain't his mum, I am his Aunt, his mum's older sister".

"Seeing you here made me think that you were his mum, while we were friends, I didn't get to see his mum's face". James stated.

"Oh! you know, I and my husband are making preparations to move into this apartment, we wanna occupy it since they are dead". Aunt Jane said.

Now, that statement made James angry, so the first thing she could do was to move into the apartment of her late sister. What was so special about this apartment? Wasn't she even afraid that the person that shot them to death could come back once again to clear anyone he sees in the apartment? Most likely, she would have moved on from the death of her sister and family. She never really liked James and his dad.

"So James is dead, my very good friend". James said feigning sadness, then he inquired of her once again, "But aren't the cops investigating the case? aren't they searching for the killer?". He wanted to find out about that also.

"They are, but they haven't found the killer yet, according to what the cops said, the killer really tampered with the surveillance cameras. So finding the killer would be really hard, it might even be impossible".

That made James angrier, so Uncle Fred prepared well before killing them. Well, even if the cops don't discover that he was the killer, he wouldn't go scot-free...James was gonna handle him. By now, Aunt Jane might already be tired of answering questions, but she was answering all these 'cause he said he was James' friend. And James still had more questions to ask her.

"Have their body being buried?".

"Yeah, they were buried two days ago, they've being laid to rest. They were buried in the same cemetery".

James was about to ask her something that most likely, she wouldn't agree to.

"Do you know the cemetery where they were buried?".

"Yeah". Aunt Jane retorted.

Now, this is what he requested, "Can you take me there?".


"To the cemetery".

"What! No, I can't do that, like I've got a lot of things to do. Some people are inside this apartment right now examining the places they need to make changes to before we move in. I have to be with them, I can't take you there. I understand that you are a really good friend of James, and you wanna see his tomb. But I can't take you there, I am sorry".

Then James made his face very pitiable, like he was about to cry. Aunt Jane was already falling for it without him saying anything, then he uttered with that pitiable expression more vivid on his face.

"Please, take me there, I need to see his tomb and know the location of the graveyard. I'll love to take flowers there sometime later when I'm less busy. It really hurt my heart that James is dead".

Aunt Jane had fallen for his pitiable face already, she was gonna take him to the graveyard.

"OK, am gonna take you to the graveyard, but, first of all, let me go inform the workers that I'll be going out, they should continue the work without me".


With that, she entered, and after a minute, she came out once again and notified James,

"Note, I won't waste time there, once I take you there, I'll live almost immediately".

"No prob". James uttered.

The both of them dismounted the building's staircase and into the street. She told James that they were gonna board a cab, and so they did. They boarded a cab that drove them straight to the front of the graveyard. Getting out of the taxi and paying the cabman, the both of them began heading towards the cemetery. The security guard in front of the cemetery stopped them and asked,

"What do you guys want?".

"I want to show this boy over here the tomb of his very good friend, James. The boy and his parents' corpses were buried in this cemetery". Aunt Jane retorted.

"OK, you guys can go in".

Aunt Jane and James walked into the cemetery as James glanced around...tombs everywhere. They were also some other people in the cemetery, some were dropping flowers on the tomb of their loved ones while others were workers of the cemetery. James followed Aunt Jane from behind as they kept on walking, she's the one that knows where their tombs were located.

Then she stopped walking, an indication that they had arrived at the spot where James and his parents' corpses were buried. She pointed at three different tombs very close to each other and said,

"These are their tombs, you can see their names inscribed on it. As I told you, I wouldn't be spending much time here, I have done my part by bringing you to this place. I'll be leaving, as you know, I've got a lot of things to handle".

After making that statement, she began walking out of the graveyard. James stood there as he kept on staring at the tombs where he and his parents' bodies were buried. He bent down, placed his palms on his father's tomb, then he did the same for his mother's tomb and said,

"I promise you guys, I'm surely gonna avenge your deaths. I was given a chance to live again in another body, who knows, maybe to make sure Uncle Fred doesn't go scot-free. It wouldn't go to waste".

Then he stood up and began sauntering out of the cemetery, he planned to go purchase flowers and place them on the tombs. There was a florist at the front of the cemetery, he noticed that the moment he and his Aunt got out of the cab. Seems like the owner of the florist purposely established it at the front of the cemetery knowing that people would love to purchase flowers and lay them on the tombs of their loved ones.

Getting out of the cemetery, he strolled straight into the florist. The florist was a bit filled up with people, couples that needed to buy flowers for their upcoming wedding, that's the bride's property though. People that needed to buy flowers which they'll drop on the tomb of their loved ones, and also, people that needed to buy flowers for reasons best known to them.

James purchased three cheap flowers available in the florist. Then he sauntered out of the florist strolling back into the cemetery. Walking back to the tombs, he laid a flower on his mum's tomb, laid one on his dad's tomb, and laid one on his tomb. Then he stared at his mum and dad's tomb and uttered, "You wouldn't die just like that, the killer would surely be punished".

Then he walked out of the graveyard.