The love of football.

After displaying the pictures of the damaged car, she began talking about what led to the car accident, the truck hitting their car and their car somersaulting twice before landing on the ground. Then she said something that confirmed that his parents died from that car accident,

"The three people in the car died from the car accident, seems like it was a family...a man, a woman, and a boy. There was no need rushing them to the hospital 'cause they were confirmed dead right in the car. These are the pictures of their dead bodies being dragged from the damaged car".

Then they started displaying the pictures on the TV screen, Simon felt like closing his eyes when he set eyes on the pictures. Their outfits were soaked in blood, even if they didn't die when the car landed on the ground, they would have died from excessive blood loss. But they didn't talk about their burial, were their bodies buried or not? But this news wasn't related to that, and he wasn't concerned about knowing that anyway. The fact was that his parents died from that car accident.

They climaxed with their car accident and moved to another that took place in Atlanta. Then the newscaster explained more about the car accident, pictures were displayed on the television, then it came to an end. The news itself and the topic of car accidents becoming rampant in Atlanta all came to an end. It didn't seem like that's how it was supposed to end though, they had to disrupt it 'cause of another program that was about to come up on the TV.

Simon started hearing people's comments about what they've just watched on the TV,

"That's why I'm always scared to drive sometimes 'cause of accidents like this, it could take a person's life in one go".

"I'll try to be more careful when driving next time, I don't wanna die untimely".

"I don't pity that lady that crashed into a truck while driving, she was driving drunk".

"All drivers have to be more careful when driving".

At that moment, Simon lost his appetite, he didn't feel like eating anymore. But it wouldn't be good to leave the food just like that, he was gonna pay for it...his money wouldn't go to waste. So he forced himself to continue eating the food, and within minutes, he was done eating. Then he settled the bill and departed from the restaurant.

Getting out of the restaurant, he began searching for a chair to sit on to relax his mind and cool off his body. He knew that most likely, his parents died from that car accident, but deep inside, he was wishing that they were alive...maybe they survived it one way or the other. He planned to travel straight to Atlanta to find out if they were dead or not, but there was no need for that anymore...the news had clarified it all.

It would be very insensible of him to think that his real body was still alive, like, what the f**k. How could there be life in his real body when he transmigrated into another body? That shows that his soul had to die before it could move into an unconscious soul. Simon knew that fully well, so he wasn't expecting life to be in his real body.

He found a chair along the boulevard while sauntering and sat on it. Now, he wasn't sitting down to strategize stuff, he had done that earlier. He was sitting down to cool off his body, what he just watched on the news was saddening. He sat down there for minutes without even attempting to stand up as people kept on passing by.

Then a man sat beside him on the same chair, the chair was long enough to contain about three people. The man stank of alcohol and cigarette, a mixture of two unpleasant smells. Simon didn't want to cover his nose with his palms, it could cause trouble between him and the man, so he decided to stand up from the chair. He took his backpack and stood up from the chair as he began sauntering away.

After walking about some meters away, he glanced back at the man, and alas! the man was staring at him. What was the man expecting? Was he expecting him to sit there and inhale those awful smells coming from him? Simon took his gaze away from the man and kept on sauntering, the people walking about on the street now were more many than before, it was complete daylight already.

Simon sauntered with no direction in mind, he's got no home or family to go to. What he kept on thinking about was how he was gonna achieve his dream of becoming a footballer. He was a good football player, that's for sure, he was aware of that. But he needed an opportunity to showcase his talent which could take him places and make achieving his dream easier.

Things were even better now since he transmigrated into the body of a bigger person, a 15 years old boy. He had missed lots of opportunities to play in football tournaments back then 'cause of his size and age. Lots of coaches recognized how good he was at football playing, he was among the best players in his school.

There was a certain time when a huge football tournament wanted to take place between his school and another. The teachers knew that Simon was really good at football playing, but they didn't choose him. He wasn't among the students that were selected to go represent their school in the tournament, why? 'cause of his age and size.

The school that was gonna compete against them had hefty players, boys from 16 years to 18 years. So the teachers in Simon's school had to choose boys in their 'mid to 'late teens, boys with hefty bodies, boys that were good at football playing. But that doesn't mean that Simon hadn't represented his school in football tournaments, he had, but with players of his age and size.

Simon kept on thinking about the steps he was gonna take in achieving his dream of becoming a footballer until he came across something that caught his attention. In a mini football field at the side of the boulevard, he could see young boys of his age displaying their football skills with a ball. They were six in number and they were all dressed in a sporting jersey.

According to the way they were making use of the ball and displaying their football skills, Simon confirmed that they were good football players. They were passing the ball to each other and displaying their skills. He was thinking about how he was gonna achieve his dream of becoming a professional footballer, and he had come across football-related stuff. Anything related to football was sure to catch his attention, anywhere, anytime.

He stood there as he kept on watching the boys display their football skills, he couldn't move, his eyes were glued to what he was watching. He stood there for minutes watching them, that's an indication of the type of love he has for sports, The boys didn't even notice that a guy of their age was watching them play...they were immersed in what they were doing.

Simon didn't even know when he started moving over to the football field, he wanted to ask for permission to join them in what they were doing. The field was rounded by thin strong irons, so he couldn't gain access into it. The only way to enter the field was through a little passage created at the other side of the irons.

But that wouldn't stop Simon from asking for permission to join them in the football stuff. Since he couldn't gain access into the field, he voiced out audibly so they could hear him,

"Can I join you guys?".

All the six boys focused their gaze on him, he had grabbed their attention. One of the boys inquired of him with a type of irritated facial expression,

"Who the hell are you?".

"I'm just a dude that is interested in what you guys are doing, and I wanna join you guys". Simon retorted.

"What the f**k do you think we are doing?". One of the other boys questioned.

"You guys are displaying your football skills with that ball".

"So you wanna join us? are you good at football playing?".


"What should we do to you if we allow you into this field and you aren't as good as you say you are?".

Simon grinned a little and responded, "Scold me like a mother would scold her child".