The upcoming audition.

James sat back on the chair waiting for the sky to brighten up fully. As of now, he could see no one walking about in the street, he'll love to see at least a single soul walk past him. He waited and waited, and after some minutes, a lady walked past. And before he knew it, about more than four people had walked past.

The sky was brightening up already, the atmosphere had least, to a certain point. Now, people were walking around freely, he couldn't even count anymore. But they were still few 'cause four times the amount of these people do roam about in this boulevard in full daylight. He was still sitting on that chair though the sky was close to brightening up fully.

He was waiting for the number of people walking about on the street to increase and for the atmosphere to illuminate completely...he was waiting for full daylight. After waiting for some minutes, the atmosphere had wholly illuminated and the people sauntering about had increased, that was when James stood up from the chair.

He wore the backpack and began sauntering, the aim was to locate the avenue and the edifice where the auditioning for the 'Shining Stars' music contest was gonna take place. It's just like knowing the place ahead of time and learning if there were requirements to even participate in the audition.

The name of the avenue was vivid in his head. But the problem was, he knew the name of the boulevard, but he doesn't know how to locate it. So the best thing was to get help from people walking about, the ones that want to help him would help him, and the rude ones would be rude to him. He tried asking for direction from a group of young ladies coming in front of him, but they all ignored him.

That wouldn't discourage him though, he's got to find the was really important. He was given full direction and guidance when he asked a man for help. The man directed him on how he should go, and if possible, take a taxi to make it easier. Before he and the man parted ways, the man said to him,

"Don't get lost, young boy".

James was gonna closely follow his direction to locate the boulevard, as for the part of boarding a taxi, he wouldn't do that 'cause he needed to save money, he needed to spend the money left on him with discretion. He began sauntering while following the man's direction closely. He followed the paths with corners, and before he knew it, he had arrived at the boulevard.

He confirmed that it was the boulevard when he saw the name written on a street sign. Now, it was about time to locate the edifice where the music audition was gonna take place. He began sauntering once again, then he caught sight of that same banner he saw in Atlanta that made him aware of the audition and music contest. But this banner was a bit different and it had more information on it.

He opened his mouth in awe when he read in the banner that the audition was gonna commence tomorrow, then it would last for the next two days before its climax. By that time, they would have selected the contestants that were good enough to take part in the main music contest. This information wasn't written in the previous banner he read in Atlanta.

"The audition is gonna commence tomorrow, shit! my thinking was that there was still a week left before its commencement". James said to himself.

Yeah, that was his thinking, he needed about a week to prepare himself for the audition, maybe some little voice training and other things like that. Not like he had plans of going to a music school before the audition, he just wanted to do some little vocal practices himself...self voice training. But there was nothing that can be done about it, the audition was gonna commence tomorrow...and it must hold.

He needed to find the edifice where the auditioning was gonna take place, so he began sauntering. But how was he gonna identify the right building? He needed a sign to locate it. He sauntered and sauntered but couldn't find it, the main problem was identification...who knows, maybe he had walked past the edifice.

Since he couldn't find the building, he's got to do the normal stuff, that's asking people for direction. As known, the rude ones would ignore him and walk past, but the mild-tempered ones would render him the help he needed. The Avenue was a bit silent, it was more of an estate though it wasn't...there were very few people walking about in it.

He had come across lots of rude people as a result of this stuff of asking people for direction. But this time, he doesn't want to ask someone rude, he needed someone that would direct him without badmouthing or ignoring him. So he was scanning the faces of people passing to discern their personality and the type of person they were. You know, it's possible to discern a person's personality by just glancing at the person's face and taking note of the person's attitude...though not all the time.

Most rude people do have this type of unwelcoming facial expression and bad aura flowing around them. Whenever you get close to them, you feel this type of bad energy that makes you wanna shift away immediately. But mild-tempered and kind-hearted people are cheerful most of the time. They are easygoing, and whenever you get close to them, you just don't wanna leave 'cause of the good vibe they elicit.

It's easy to tell that someone is mild by just glancing at his or her face, though you can be wrong sometimes...some people are pretenders. So at this moment, James was searching for the opposite of a rude person. He sighted a young girl that was not even up to her twenties, she was in her late teens. She looked nice to James, her face was calm and she was gorgeous. James decided he was gonna ask her for direction on how to locate the structure where the audition was gonna take place.

He waited for her to get close before halting her,

"Sorry for stopping you just like that, are you offended?".

"Hmm, no, how may I help you?". She inquired of him.

"Do you reside around this avenue?"

"Yeah, any prob?".

"Since you reside around this avenue, then definitely, you must be aware of the audition for the 'Shining stars' music contest that's gonna take place in this particular avenue".

She smiled and stated, "Yeah, I am aware of it".

"Please, I am trying to find the edifice where the auditioning is gonna take place. I have been walking around on this avenue for some minutes, but I can't find it. Do you know where it's located? Can you direct me?".

"Yeah, I know where it's located, and I'll personally take you there. It's not far from this place, do you have plans of partaking in the audition?". The girl asked him, that smile still plastered to her face.

"Yes, I have plans of taking part in the audition, and according to what I saw in a banner, the audition is gonna commence tomorrow". James retorted.

The girl finally broke the news that had been making her smile all these while, "I have plans of partaking in the audition also, and if possible, make it to the main contest that's gonna take place in Chicago".

"Seriously?". James questioned with a type of surprised facial expression.

"Yeah, I'm gonna participate in the audition, I love music and I love singing, so I just wanna try out my luck".

The girl looked like the type of person that could sing, James knew that most likely, he would be no match for her. He was happy that he had found someone that was gonna participate in the audition also. He smiled and uttered,

"Wow! that's good to know, it's nice to see someone that's gonna be partaking in the audition also".

"According to what I heard, all the judges of the contest are popular artistes that we know here in the USA...but I don't know who they are. The auditioning for the contest had taken place in other cities in the USA before this city, are you aware of that?".

"Yeah, I am aware of that". James responded.

James wanted to know if there were requirements to participate in the audition, so he asked her,

"Are there any requirements to partake in the audition?".

"There isn't much, just one, there's a certain form you gotta fill and submit. I have filled and submitted mine, surely, you haven't submitted yours since you are asking if there are requirements to partake in the audition. You weren't aware of it, right?".

"Yeah, not even the slightest idea". James replied scratching his head a little.