Filling the form.

"But it's not too late though, the form is still available, and it's possible to fill and submit it today. By tomorrow, everything concerning the filling of form would end 'cause that's when the audition is to commence". The girl informed.


"Yeah, you just have to get to the edifice where the audition is to take place, and you'll be offered a form, you don't have to pay a dime for it".

"Then take me there".

"Sure, follow my lead".

With that, the girl began sauntering as James followed her from behind. They strolled for some minutes until they arrived at the front of the building where the audition was gonna take place. The building wasn't tall at all, it was wide and it was painted in purple color. It wasn't fenced at all and there was structured writing at the top of the building that says, 'Audition for the Shining Stars music contest'.

"Here we are, this is the building". The girl said, James had already discerned that this was the building...the structured writing at the top of it was enough evidence.

"Yeah, I've discerned that already", James informed, he sighted two people sitting at the front of the building. He was curious to know who they were, so he inquired of the girl, "Who are those people sitting at the front of the edifice?".

"Those are the people that are gonna offer you the form. Not all the people that wanted to participate in this contest came here to collect forms, some filled online. It's possible to fill and submit the form online".

James nodded his head in understanding, then he inquired of the girl once again, "Are we free to saunter over to them to collect the form?".

"Sure, they wouldn't come to meet you if you don't go over to meet them". The girl responded.

"Then let's get going".

With that, James and the girl began sauntering to meet the two men sitting in front of the edifice. They were dressed in all black with a black face cap on their heads. The moment they sighted James and the girl coming towards them, they immediately stood up from the chairs they were sitting on. They hadn't sighted the both of them all this while? They were so immersed in their conversation.

The both of them arrived at the spot where the two men were standing, then one of the men inquired of them,

"Who are you guys? and what do you want?".

"I'm here to collect the form for the audition, the form that's needed to be filled and submitted". James replied.

"Why are you just coming now?". One of the men questioned.

Now, that question confused James, like, why was he just coming now? They should have discerned that he was coming now 'cause he knew about the audition and music contest late, and he had no idea that a form is needed to be filled and submitted for a person to partake in the audition...he had never participated in a music contest before. Or was it too late to fill and submit the form anymore? Were they short of forms?

"I'm coming now 'cause I had no idea that a form is needed to be filled and submitted for a person to be enabled to partake in the audition. And sincerely, I found out about this contest yesterday when I was in Atlanta, so I had to take a bus that drove me straight to Detroit city. That's how much I am interested in this audition and the contest as a whole". James explained.

The man rubbed his jaw with his fingers, then he voiced out, "Hmm, but who is this girl beside you?".

Before James could even answer that question, the girl uttered,

"I am the one that brought him straight to this place so he could fill the form and all that. And also, I am gonna take part in this audition, I have filled and submitted mine already. You were even the one that gave the form to me, you've forgotten so easily?".

"You know, we've been offering the forms to lots of people, so we've been seeing different a result of that, we forget people's faces easily".

"I just wanna ask, are the forms still available?". James inquired, that's what was of importance to him".

"Yeah, they are, am gonna go grab one for you". The man said as he walked into the edifice.

Minutes later, he came out with the form and a pen in his hand, then he handed the paper and pen over to James and voiced out,

"Here you go, it's best you fill it here, there's no time to take it back to your abode to fill it. Just fill and submit it here".

Then he pointed over to the chair he was sitting on and said, "You can sit there to fill it".

James strolled over to the chair and sat on it and started filling the form, the girl assisted him, and within minutes, they were done filling it. James stood up from the chair and handed the form over to the man and voiced out,

"It's done".

"Nice job filling it, now you are fully qualified to take part in the audition. Just so you guys know, lots of people are gonna take part in the audition also".

The girl uttered, "Yeah, we aware of that, there are lots of singers out there that wanna showcase their talent. I heard that the judges of the audition and contest are all famous artistes. Is that true?". She directed the question at the man.

"Yeah, that's true, they are three in number, two males, one female". The man responded.

"Can you tell me their names specifically?".

"No, I won't, that's spoiler alert, you'll find out when you come tomorrow".

"Okay, at least, can you show us the inner part of this building? We wanna see how it looks like".

"No, I won't, you'll see it when you come tomorrow".

All of her requests were declined, she has no choice but to wait until tomorrow to see all the stuff she requested for. The man fixed his gaze on James, then he fixed them on the girl before asking,

"How confident are you guys of making it through this audition?".

"I can't give a certain percentage, but all I can say is that I'll try my best. I know that am ain't that bad at singing". The girl retorted.

James kept mute, he didn't know what to say, he knew that he wasn't that good at singing. The man then glanced at him and repeated the question, this was James' reply,

"Umm... I can't say anything yet, all I can say is that I'll try my best".

"OK then, I'll be expecting you guys tomorrow. Note, the audition is gonna begin by 9 pm". The man notified.

James and the girl nodded their heads in understanding and began sauntering away. After walking some meters away from the edifice, James glanced at the girl and said,

"Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. If not for you, maybe I'll still be sauntering about in search of the building, you made things easier for me".

The girl smiled and stated, "No prob, I'll be expecting you tomorrow".


With that, the both of them went their separate ways.


The bus Simon boarded that was supposed to drive them straight to Detroit city broke down on the road at the time of 3 pm. And you know what? All passengers on the bus including Simon had to come down from it so it could be fixed. They waited for hours, like, it was so frustrating. The problem with the bus was from the engine, and engine problems aren't easy to fix.

The driver tried his best to fix the engine, he thought he could do the work of a mechanic, but to no avail. He tried and tried as time kept on passing, from seconds to minutes, from minutes to hours. Realizing that he couldn't fix it, with the help of people walking along the highway, he contacted the nearest mechanic using his phone.

Not until the mechanic came and worked on the engine that the bus came alive once again. But it still took the mechanic close to an hour to finish working on the engine, it wasn't easy stuff. All passengers boarded the bus once again as the driver put the bus in motion. Due to the time they had spent on the road as a result of the bus breaking down, they arrived in Detroit city very late in the night.

All passengers on the bus had their different destinations, they all had where they were gonna spend the night in. But Simon had no destination, he had no place to spend the night. And since it was very late in the night, most hotels would have closed by now. So as a result of that, he slept in an uncompleted building.