Coming across another football related stuff.

As James walked on the street, he thought about Simon. Was Simon done with whatever he was doing? Was he back in front of the hotel waiting for his arrival? Yeah, James thought about all those as he sauntered. Then he realized that he hadn't even eaten anything for today, and he didn't feel like eating anything.

He had waited for hours before it got to his turn to audition, and he didn't feel his stomach rumbling throughout those times. And now that it was afternoon already, he had auditioned, but he wasn't still feeling hungry. He didn't get accepted to take part in the main contest, that was enough to make him lose appetite to eat anything as for now.

His destination now was to get to the hotel to see if Simon was there already. He journeyed until he arrived at the front of the hotel, but he didn't see Simon. Then he remembered what Simon said about waiting if he came here and didn't see him, so he sat on a vacant chair very close to the hotel. People were sauntering about on the street, it wasn't empty at all.

Going to a music school now was his next agenda, but he wasn't aware of any. And definitely, going to a music school requires that you'll pay money, it isn't free stuff. He wouldn't start paying money for music classes when he doesn't even have any source of income not to talk of having a roof under his head. He wouldn't use the money he had left on him to start attending music classes, and even if he wants to do so, he wasn't aware of any music school.

Finding a job should come first, then finding a place to reside in, before going to a music school. He sat on that chair for about 30 minutes waiting for Simon's arrival, but Simon was nowhere to be found.

"Where the f**k did he go to?". James questioned himself.


Meanwhile, Simon had just been strolling about on the street after he and James parted ways. He thought about the music audition James was gonna be participating in and said to himself,

"That guy would most likely not make it past the audition. Hearing his singing, I could tell that it wasn't good enough. He said something like it's better if the judges mock him and give him constructive criticism on how he could improve his vocals. But would he be able to accept the mocking and criticism? Hope he wouldn't be devastated when he gets rejected".

Then Simon's thoughts shifted from thinking about James' audition to how he was gonna achieve his dream of becoming a footballer. Yeah, he had met with James and they had become friends, they have so many things in common and they plan to achieve stuff together...that also includes achieving their dreams. But James' dream was different from his. James inspires to become an artiste while Simon inspires to become a footballer.

James has less knowledge about football and sports as a whole 'cause he doesn't have the passion for it. And Simon has less information about music 'cause he doesn't have the passion for it. So even if they work together to achieve their dream, there'll be some things they wouldn't be able to assist each other with. Simon knew the feeling he does get whenever he is playing football, that type of enthusiastic feeling.

He and James' case were different 'cause James loved music and had the passion for it, but he wasn't that good at singing. There's a lot of improvement that needs to be done about his vocals and all that. But Simon loved football and had a passion for it, and he was good at football playing. He improved his skills even without the help of a coach. He watches football a lot and he sees how his favorite footballers do play, and he learns from them.

Before the age of 12, his football skills had gotten to another level based on his training and with the help of some coaches. Though there were a lot of boys that were better players than him, most of them were older than him. After sauntering for some minutes more, he saw something that caught his attention, but he wasn't sure of what he saw.

A professional footballer he knows just came out from a car and entered somewhere. Now, he wasn't sure of what he saw 'cause he was far away, he didn't know if it was truly the footballer or someone that resembles him. And he didn't know where he entered 'cause he was far away, but he knew that if he walked closer, he would be able to take a proper look at the place he stepped into.

So Simon hastened his pace, and he noticed something, people seemed to be glancing at the place where the footballer or lookalike just entered. That made him more curious to see what was happening around there. He arrived at the spot, stared at the red Benz car the footballer came out from, then glanced at his side where people's attention was fixed on. And alas! there was a wide football field at that side, and it was truly the footballer he thought he saw.

The footballer was American and he had been in the football industry for 8 years now. He started playing football professionally at the age of 21, and he is currently 29 years old. He didn't come out of the car alone, two hefty men came out with him. There were some other boys on the field, seems like a football match was about to begin among the boys...maybe.

Apart from them, there were some men on the field, and surprisingly, a coach that instructs top-notched footballers was also on the field. The field was just like the one Simon saw in California, the only difference was that this one was wider. People passing by couldn't help but stare, many people stood there watching. Who wouldn't stand to watch when a famous footballer and famous coach was standing right on that football field?

Why was this always happening? When he was walking on one of the streets of California and thinking about football, he came across boys that had the same passion as his. And the same stuff was happening now, he was sauntering and thinking about how he was gonna achieve his dream of becoming a footballer, and he had come across a football field, but this time, with a bigger surprise.

A popular and well-experienced footballer was standing right on the field, not only that, a famous coach was also standing on that field. And boys of his age and ones older than him were standing on the field. He didn't understand what was happening and what they were about to do. The people watching didn't understand what was happening also.

Simon didn't understand what was happening until one of the boys started displaying his football skills with one of the balls on the field. Glancing at the boy, Simon could tell that he wasn't his age mate, he would be in his late teens, maybe, 17 to 18 years. With every skill he displayed, Simon knew he could do all. As he displayed his skills, the footballer, coach, and the other men on the field watched him intently.

Seems like they were trying to get some boys that were good at football playing for some football-related stuff. Simon was getting a glimpse of what was happening, but he doesn't have a full understanding yet. After the guy was done displaying his football skills, all the adults on the field clapped their hands.

Then another boy used the sole of his shoe to move the ball closer to him and started displaying his football skills also, he was of Simon's age. Now, the boy's football skills weren't that impressive, it wasn't that bad either, but it wasn't as good as the first guy's own. Simon could tell from the footballer's face that he wasn't that impressed. Not only him, the coach, and the other men weren't that impressed.

Now, Simon was getting eager to take part in what they were doing, he felt like the boys were f**king up...they weren't doing enough. He wanted to show this 29-year-old footballer how good he was at football playing, he wanted to display his skills right in their front to see. But he didn't know how the boys were allowed to do what they were doing, and he didn't want to embarrass himself.

The boy finished displaying his football skills, but that unimpressed expression was still fixed on the adult faces. Another boy of like 16 years old used his foot to move the ball closer to's about time to display his football skills.