
The boy began displaying his football skills as everyone watched him solely. Both the passersby, the footballer, the coach, and the other men kept their eyes glued to what he was doing. Now, the boy was good, his football skills were way better than the last guy's own. Simon could tell that he was good at football playing, it's possible to say that his skills were even better than the first guy's own.

The 29 years old footballer was satisfied with what he was seeing, that impressed expression was already evident on his face. Not only him, both the coach and the rest of the other men were also impressed. Simon wished he could just jump into the field and show them his football skills, they'll surely be impressed. The guy finished displaying his skills, and he received applause. And that's how it kept going, every one of the boys displayed their football skills one after the other.

Some were impressive, while most weren't. They weren't bad though, but it wasn't enough to fascinate the 29 years old footballer to a certain extent. The footballer turned his attention to the boys after they were done displaying their skills and said to them.

"You guys have all done your best, but not all of you were able to impress me. Now, am not saying that your skills were bad, but there are certain types of skills I am searching for. You guys know the reason for this right?".

"Yeah, we still remember what you told us". They all replied in unison.

"I picked you guys from the streets after noticing the passion you have for football. I monitored you guys for a week until I was sure that you all truly loved football. There won't be time to train you guys before the football match for young ones would commence, that football match could change your lives forever. I'm at where I am today 'cause of football matches like that,

I discerned that you guys had passion for football, but I wasn't sure of your skills, there's a difference between having a passion for something and being good at that thing. So we decided to test your football skills as we've just done now, and not all of your skills are up to the standard we are looking for. As I said, we won't be able to mentor you guys to improve your skills 'cause there's no time for that. And sincerely, many of your skills aren't even up to the standard we are looking for, am gonna pick only a few of you, the ones that truly impressed me".

There were different expressions on the boys' faces after he made that statement. Some had smiles on their faces, the ones that were sure of themselves...the ones that knew that their football skills were good enough. While the rest had anxiety on their faces, they weren't sure of their skills...they felt like their skills weren't impressive enough.

People were still standing there watching the scene, the numbers were increasing. Most people had been passing this street for a long time, and seeing this football field wasn't a new thing to them. But the moment they set eyes on a famous footballer and coach, men, they had to stand on the spot and see what was happening. Simon was still standing there watching the unfolding event, how could he leave? Something related to football?

He heard everything the footballer said about most of their skills not being impressive enough. And he acknowledged that, he was good at football playing, so he could easily discern how good a person's football skills were. He knew that most of them f**ked up, only a few of the boys' skills were impressive enough.

Simon wanted to display his football skills to them, this could be an opportunity to achieve his dream of becoming a footballer...he wouldn't let this chance pass him by. His plan right now was to wait for the footballer to choose the boys that were gonna partake in the football match, then he'll walk right straight into that field and reveal his God-given talent.

The footballer chose the guys that were gonna partake in the match, the ones whose football skills were impressive enough to him. The ones that weren't selected had a sad and disappointed expression on their faces, so this great privilege would just pass them by like that? The footballer noticed the expressions on their faces and said to them.

"You guys shouldn't be sad, more privileges would come up in the future. Don't give up on your passion, don't think your skills are awful, they are not. It's just that they weren't good enough for what we are looking for. Yeah, you might still be asking yourselves this question, why can't you guys just be trained a little before the day of the football match arrives? But trust me, there isn't enough time to do so. And even if there's enough time, I would be too busy to do so, footballers and coaches have really busy schedules,

Once again, don't be sad, more privileges would come up in the future. And try not to be jealous of the ones that got selected, try to be happy for them instead. Am gonna compensate you guys".

Most of the boys shook off the sad expression off their faces after he made that statement...they were relieved by it. But some couldn't just take off that sad expression from their faces...even if they were gonna get compensated for at least, taking part in the first stage of the football match. Now, it was about time for Simon to walk right straight into the football field, seems like they were done and were about to move.

Simon passed through the people blocking his path as they stared at him. He didn't walk into the football field completely, he just stood at its front and voiced out,

"Can I say something? Can I be granted a favor?".

"A favor? Who are you?". The famous footballer asked, just like the same question those boys in California asked him when he told them that he wanted to join what they were doing.

"I am just a young boy that has been watching you guys for some time now. Yeah, I'm among these people watching". Simon responded.

"What do you want?".

"I want just one thing, and if you can grant it, I'll be really happy".

"No promises, granting any stuff you spill out of your mouth now is based on a probability. Voice it out though". The 29 years old footballer permitted.

"Is it possible for me to display my football skills also? I really love football and I have an immense passion for it". Simon implored.

The footballer glanced at him for some seconds before asking,

"How good are you at football playing? It isn't only about having the passion for it, it's also being good in what you have passion for. Are you a good football player?".

"Yes, I am". Simon retorted with confidence in his face and tone of voice.

"Come into the field then".

Simon was really happy, he had been granted permission by a famous footballer to come display his football skills. He wasted no time as he sauntered into the field completely. All the boys were staring at Simon, in fact, all eyes were on him. From the people watching and to the coach, the other men, and the footballer.

"Show us what you've got". The footballer stated once again.

Simon used his foot to move the ball closer to him, then he put it under the sole of his shoe and glanced at everyone once again...that's his style. Then he began displaying his football skills. He focused and put in more effort as he displayed his skills, he wanted it to be much better than the ones he displayed for those boys back in California. Now, the footballer's gaze was fixed on what Simon was doing, seems like this boy's football skills were enough to impress him, no, it was enough to fascinate him.

The coach, the men, and the people watching fixed their gaze to what Simon was doing also, it was fascinating. Simon kept on displaying his skills, but he hadn't noticed how well he was mesmerizing the people watching 'cause he was focused on what he was doing. Somehow, the boys watching were getting jealous, this boy that came from nowhere was mesmerizing everyone?

Simon continued displaying his football skills, and after some minutes more, he was done. The footballer strolled over to where Simon was standing and forwarded his hand to him for a handshake. Simon received the handshake with a smile on his face, then the footballer uttered,

"You good boy".