Fascinating enough.

Still holding Simon's palms, the footballer turned his attention to the coach and the men standing behind him and inquired of them,

"Wasn't that fascinating?".

They nodded their heads in agreement, then he focused his gaze on the people watching and asked,

"Wasn't that fascinating?".

Some nodded their heads in agreement while some voiced out audibly, "Yeah, it was".

"Are there any young ones among you that are also good at football playing? Come up".

There was no response, everyone just shook their heads, an indication that there was no young one among them that was a skillful footballer. The youngest person among them was 19 years old. Understanding that there was no skillful young footballer among them, he focused his gaze back on Simon and asked,

"How old are you?".

"I am 15 years old". Simon responded.

"That's pretty young, you heard everything I said regarding the football match for young ones that's about to take place, right?".

"Yeah, I heard everything".

"Am selecting you, you know that right?".

Simon smiled and retorted, "Yeah, seems like my football skills were enough to impress you guys".

"No, it was fascinating enough to impress us". The footballer said rephrasing Simon's words.

Simon smiled once again, then the footballer pointed at the other boys he selected before saying, "Those boys over there are also gonna be joining you in the football match 'cause their skills were good enough also. And their parents are aware of it, now that you've been selected, you won't be staying with your parents in the meantime. Do you reside with your parents?".

"Hmm, yeah, I reside with them, but as of now, we aren't together. I am currently staying with my Aunt here in this city. My parents are in California". Simon responded.

"Why?". The footballer inquired.

"For some reasons best known to me and them, it's something you shouldn't bother to know".

"OK then, you'll have to inform your Aunt before we go".

"No need for that, I don't need to inform her, it's okay". Simon stated grinning like a mad man, the truth of the matter was, there was no Aunt to inform.

"You'll have to go home first to take some clothes and some other stuff. You guys are gonna be staying in an apartment for two days before the match begins". The footballer informed.

"There's also no need for that, there are some clothes inside this backpack of mine. And the other stuff I'll need is also in the backpack, like my toothbrush and all that. So no need for that".

"OK then, we are good to go. Are you sure your Aunt won't get angry at you for leaving just like that without informing her?".

"That football match can take me to greater heights, right?". Simon inquired of the footballer.

"Yeah, to great heights you wouldn't even expect".

"She won't get angry then, let's go".

The footballer turned his attention to the boys that didn't get selected and began speaking to them. He was trying to comfort and motivate them once again. It was at this moment that Simon remembered James, James would most likely be waiting for him at the front of the hotel right now...shit! He would have to go without informing James, this was something that could make achieving his topmost dream easier.

He would have loved to run to the hotel to inform James that he was going somewhere, and he would soon partake in something special. But there was no time for that, he wouldn't tell this footballer that he wants to go inform someone that he was going for something special? There was no time for that. He'll find a way to explain things to James later on if he gets to see him again.

Meanwhile, Simon had no idea that both the boys that got selected for the football match and the ones that weren't were feeling jealous of him. They felt like he came from nowhere and took the attention of everyone, they felt like he received special treatment from the footballer. Apart from that, there was also another person that was feeling not jealousy, but hatred towards Simon.

One of the men was feeling hatred towards Simon, for no reason, he felt like Simon was a show-off. Like, he just came from nowhere and grabbed everyone with his so-called mesmerizing football skills. What a mannerless boy, yeah, that was the man's thinking. Why was this always happening to Simon? This was the same way the boy in California was hating on him...his thinking was just like the man's own.

The footballer focused his gaze on the boys that got selected and said, "There's a bus parked along this street that's gonna take each of you to your houses so you would take some clothes and the other stuff you'll need", Then he pointed at Simon, "Apart from this guy here, he has everything he needs inside his backpack".

"There should be no need for that, that's gonna be a hassle and it would take time. Their parents are aware that they are with us, so let's just provide them with the stuff they'll need once we drop them at the apartment they'll be staying in. I know that that would be another hassle, but it's much better than driving each of them to their houses to take stuff they'll need. I know you don't have time for that, so I'll handle it". One of the men said to the footballer.

"OK then, let's go with that since you say you gonna handle it". The footballer stated, "Let's move, everyone".

Everyone on the field began strolling out of it, both the footballer, the boys, the coach, Simon, and the other men...the footballer's hefty bodyguards were part of the men. Simon's happiness knew no bounds, he couldn't believe this was happening, he was walking towards achieving his dream of becoming a footballer in a much greater way. The football match he was gonna partake in could change his life forever, it could take him to greater heights...he couldn't just stop thinking about that.

Getting out of the field, fans of the footballer couldn't help but touch him. They kept on touching and gripping him that he couldn't even move anymore...some were even asking to take pictures with him. He couldn't reject their request, so he said to the men,

"I can't reject their request, so I'll need you guys help a lot. I know it would be a load of work, but I need you guys to do it for me. Help me compensate these sets of boys that didn't get selected for the football match. Then as for the ones that got selected, the bus and the driver that's gonna drive them straight to the apartment where they'll be staying is along the street...you all know that. I'll need you guys to make sure that everything runs smoothly".

"We'll do that". One of the men uttered.

Then the footballer focused his gaze on his two bodyguards and voiced out, "You guys are gonna wait behind". They knew that they were gonna wait behind even without him telling them. After making that statement, he began taking pictures with the people that requested it. The men did as the footballer instructed, they took the boys that weren't selected aside and gave each of them a certain amount of money while comforting and motivating them.

The ones that chose to receive the words of comfort smiled and walked away. But the ones that weren't willing to put the comforting words to heart still kept that gloomy expression on their face and walked away.

Then the men led the boys as they kept on strolling until they arrived at a light green colored bus. The bus seemed like the type of bus VIPs do enter when their car breaks down. It was new, neat, and glamorous. The boys began boarding the bus one after the other, a man was sitting at the driver's seat...that's surely the driver. About three men took a seat in the bus also, the rest entered their cars as they sped off, then the bus followed from behind.

Inside the bus, Simon kept on thinking about how soon his life was about to change, how soon he was about to achieve his dream of becoming a footballer. He'll make sure that he gives in his very best in the match, his team wouldn't over-lose. But then, he thought about James once again, it wasn't fair leaving him just like that without telling him anything. He'll make sure to find him once he's done with the football match.

But this football match meant for young ones, Would Simon end up partaking in it? A question for thought.