Two compartments.

James sat on that chair very close to the hotel waiting for Simon's arrival for hours, but he didn't show up. James had no single idea that luck had shone on Simon, he was about to take part in a special football match that could change his life forever. An easy route to achieve his dream of becoming a footballer.

It took a long time before James finally felt his stomach rumbling, he was hungry now. He not getting accepted to take part in the 'Shining stars' main music contest was already washing off his brain. He wasn't thinking about it that much anymore, that doesn't mean that he had forgotten about it was still lingering across his mind slightly.

'Where the f**k did he go to? Did something happen to him? We are supposed to be sitting here together discussing essential stuff'. James thought to himself.

He wouldn't sit on that chair waiting for Simon the whole day? He'll have to engage in other things, he'll have to least, he had been surviving by himself even before he met Simon. But what kept on worrying James was if something bad had happened to Simon. Maybe, something bad happened to him, that's why he hadn't shown up yet. James was confused if he should go search for him or not.

After thinking and contemplating for some minutes, he decided that he'll go search for him tomorrow if he doesn't come back today...yeah, that's what he'll do. But as for now, he's gotta eat something, like, since morning to now that it was mid-afternoon, nothing had passed down his throat. He was a bit confused as to what he'll eat, should he just eat fast food again?

He ate that yesterday alongside Simon, and nothing had entered his stomach again since that time, and he wants to eat fast food again? Eating too much of it wouldn't be nice, too much junk food has its side-effects on the body...harmful side-effects. He glanced at the hotel very close to him where he and Simon spent the night yesterday and said to himself,

"Seems like I'll have to spend money again, the money is bound to finish soon. I'll have to book a room in this hotel once again...alone this time. And since I don't wanna eat snacks, I'll have to order well-prepared food, that's another money".

He sighed a little before standing up from the chair. There was nothing that can be done about it, to survive, you gotta spend money. He strolled into the hotel, getting to the receptionist's desk, the male receptionist recognized him immediately.

"Young boy, you here again? Just as you guys said. But where is your friend? The other boy that was with you?".

"Umm...he'll be here soon". James retorted, that's the only thing he could say.

He booked a room as the receptionist did the normal stuff of giving him his room number and the key to it. Then he told the receptionist that he was hungry, he needed to eat something. He didn't want to ask if they had any of his favorite food, so he just collected the menu the receptionist handed to him and chose a food in it. With that, he walked out of the receptionist's presence.

Using the number the man gave to him, he found his room, unlocked it, and entered it. Entering the room, before he could even enter the bathroom to take his bath, he heard a knock on the door...the food server had brought his food. He opened the door, collected the tray of food from her, and thanked her with a smile on his face. He's supposed to go into the bathroom to freshen up before eating, but 'cause of the nice aroma of the food, he couldn't do so.

He devoured the plate of food before taking his bath in the bathroom. Coming out of the bathroom, he engaged himself in other stuff.


The bus arrived at the front of the building where Simon and the other boys were gonna be residing for the meantime before the football match commences. The driver drove the bus smoothly along the road until they arrived at the front of the building. The driver glanced at everyone sitting in the bus and uttered,

"We here already".

Everyone began descending from the bus. Simon wasted no time either as he wore his backpack properly and descended from the bus. Getting down from the bus, Simon sighted the men that drove in their cars, they had arrived already. The building they were gonna occupy was a two-storey building and it was dark blue. Seems like there were tenants in the building. But glancing at the building, one could tell that it was an expensive shit.

Renting an apartment there would cost a lot of money, it wasn't just any type of building. The boulevard wasn't just any kind of boulevard either, you must be loaded with the cash to either rent an apartment in it or buy a house in it. One of the men that recently came down from the bus with them said to the boys,

"This is the building where you guys are gonna be staying in until the day of the football match reaches. It's just a two-day stay before the match, so you guys wouldn't be staying here for a long time. And just so you guys know, there are tenants in this building. Our awesome footballer had already paid for the two compartments you guys are gonna occupy before he even started searching for boys like you that have a passion for football. So you guys are gonna be shared into two groups, one group would occupy one compartment while the other group would occupy the other compartment".

All of them began sauntering towards the edifice, then they began mounting the building's staircase until they arrived at the first floor of the building...that's where the two compartments were located. Arriving at the door of the first compartment, one of the men unlocked it with the keys in his hand. Then all of them strolled into it, it was just like an apartment, no, it was an apartment with four wide rooms in it.

It was well furnished with all the necessary home appliances. Was this the work of the footballer also? After staying in the apartment for some minutes, they all came out of it, it's about time to check out the next compartment. They strolled to the door of the next compartment, then that same man unlocked it before they walked into the compartment.

It was just like the first one. An apartment with four large rooms in it. And this one was also furnished with all the necessary home appliances and other home stuff. After they were done checking the apartment, the man that took the responsibility of providing their essential stuff when they move in here said to them,

"So you boys have seen the two apartments where you'll be staying in for the meantime. As known, you guys would be divided into two parts, one part is gonna occupy this apartment while the rest would occupy the other. And for the stuff, you all would need, like a toothbrush and all that, am gonna keep to my words of providing them for you guys. But you all would have to be patient 'cause you wouldn't be given any of those stuff today, they'll be available tomorrow".

Then another man uttered, "So it's about time to divide you guys".

And so they did, they shared them into two parts, one part moved to the first apartment while the other stayed in this apartment. Simon was among the boys that moved to the next apartment, he's only the one that wouldn't be given those essential stuff 'cause he has them with him already...they were in his backpack.

After they had settled in their different compartments, they were informed by two men, one for the first apartment and one for the other.

"You guys would soon be given something to eat".

It was at this moment that Simon remembered that he hadn't eaten anything since he parted ways with James. And he didn't feel his stomach rumbling, how would he feel hungry when he saw a famous footballer and was engaging in something he had passion for? Those boys weren't jealous of Simon anymore, they felt like, 'Yeah, he saw something he had passion for, and he decided to take part in it, not bad.

Since the footballer discovered them from the street playing football, why shouldn't another person take part in what he had passion for? At least, he didn't inconvenience them. They used that thinking to stop feeling jealous of Simon. In fact, Simon had started getting along with some of the boys in the compartment.

But that doesn't mean that the man hating on Simon had stopped hating on him. He still felt like Simon was a showoff and shouldn't partake in the football match. So he planned to stop Simon from partaking in it...either by hook or by crook.