Acting towards hatred.

The boys were given food to eat by two women. One of the women handled the part of serving the boys food in the first apartment, then the second woman handled the other. The foods were as delicious as ever, the women did a good job in preparing such nice meals. Simon ate the food until he emptied his plate, then he gulped down the bottled water the woman brought along with the food.

The other boys emptied their plates of food also, and they all enjoyed it. Thinking about it, the footballer had already made lots of preparations for this. Apart from renting two apartments where the boys were gonna reside for the meantime, he also hired two female chefs that were gonna handle the part of cooking for them. After they were done eating, the women packed the empty plates.

The men had left already, they had abodes of their own and they had other things to handle. The boys in the two apartments got to know a lot about each other as they kept on chatting, and best of all, there were TV sets in their separate compartments. After discussing for hours, they put on the television, relaxed, and began watching different TV programs.

Simon was so happy to be here. First of all, achieving his dream of becoming a footballer was about to take place soon. Secondly, he was with boys with the same passion and dream as his, and they were getting along pretty well. Thirdly, he is in a well-furnished apartment right now watching an interesting TV program...he felt relaxed. Lastly, he got to see and speak with a famous footballer, something he thought would happen later in the future.

But then, he thought of James once again and he felt bad a little...leaving him just like that after they had gotten to know a lot about each other. After the close connection they felt towards each other, the many similarities between them. But he didn't leave just like that without informing him 'cause he wanted to, the situation at hand made him do so.

He pacified himself with the same thought,

'I'll find him after the football match, even if am at a greater level at that time".

The boys in the same compartment as Simon were immersed in the TV program they were watching until a knock resounded on the door. Then they heard the footballer's voice,

"You guys should come out".

After informing them to come out, he sauntered over to the door of the next apartment and did the same thing. The boys came out of the apartments now standing in the corridor. They were delighted to see the footballer. The footballer glanced at them before asking,

"How convenient do you guys find the apartments?".

Some of them replied, "Convenient enough".

While the rest replied, "Very convenient".

A little smile appeared on the footballer's face, then he inquired of them once again, "Have you guys eaten?".

"Yeah". They retorted in unison.

"So this is where you guys would be residing until the day of the football match reaches. As I said, that football match could change your lives forever, you just have to put in your best. The day before the football match, we'll do some little training on that same football field where the match is gonna take place. I know you guys might be wondering now why I didn't allow those boys that their skills weren't good enough to still partake in the match since there'll be little training before the match?

Well, the training is just very little training, it's not enough to improve their skills. One-day effective training isn't enough to improve a person's skills, though it can add a little impact. You guys should enjoy your stay here, you'll be provided with the necessary stuff you need. Goodbye as for now, I'll see you guys tomorrow".

"Bye". The boys uttered with smiles on their faces.

With that, the footballer departed from their presence as the boys walked back into their separate apartments.


The man that was hating on Simon had been thinking about what to do to stop Simon from partaking in that football match. What did Simon do to him? No one knows, all he knew was that Simon was a showoff and shouldn't take part in the upcoming football match. He sat on one of the couches in his parlor thinking about how to jeopardize Simon's dream of participating in that football match.

Then he came up with an idea, the idea could work out. He quickly got up from the couch and strolled into his room to dress up. After dressing, he took his car key from his cupboard and departed from his abode. Getting outside, he entered his car and drove off...his destination was the footballer's house. He planned to forge false lies about Simon to the footballer so he would eliminate Simon from partaking in the match.

He drove until he arrived at the front of the footballer's edifice. This was one of the footballer's houses, he's got houses in different cities in the USA. This house was the smallest of his houses in USA. He bought a house here in Detroit city 'cause this was the city he was residing in with his parents until luck shined on him. He got a chance to expose his football skills to top coaches through prepared football matches like the one that's about to take place.

That's why he decided to pick some of the boys with football passion that would partake in the recently prepared match for young ones. He knew that he got to where he is now 'cause of football matches like that, so he wanted to help other young skilled football players get to where he is now.

The man got down from his car after parking it well, then he strolled over to the gate and began knocking on it. The footballer has no gateman in this house of his, so he was the one that opened the gate himself. The moment he sighted the man, he said,

"Oh! you here, any prob?".

"There isn't much problem, there's something I want to talk to you about". The man retorted.

"There's something you want to talk to me about? OK then, come in". The footballer stated paving way for the man to enter.

The man entered and began strolling towards the main edifice, the footballer closed his gate before following the man from behind. Entering his edifice, they arrived at his glamorous parlor. The man needn't been told to sit down before he made himself comfortable on one of the sofas in the parlor. The footballer sat on one of the sofas also before asking,

"Should I offer you something?".

"No need for that". The man retorted.

"So what brought you here?".

"I have an information for you".

"Spill it out then".

"Out of those boys you chose to take part in the upcoming football match, the one that displayed his football skills to us lastly. There's a lot you don't know about him".

The footballer immediately discerned who he was talking about, and curiousness became evident on his face. The expression on his face indicates one thing, 'Continue speaking', and the man understood immediately, so he continued speaking.

"After we dropped them at the building, I heard him whispering to one of the boys that you were a fool for believing that he was currently living with his Aunt. According to what I heard him say, he is homeless and he had been surviving on the streets for some time now. And he had engaged in all sorts of criminal activities to survive. But that doesn't change the fact that he loves football, he truly loves football...but he is a f**king homeless criminal,

He said something like some people are even searching for him now 'cause of the criminal activities he had engaged in. Do you know how those people would feel when they find out that you kept such a boy? They'll be furious, your name could get spoilt, and you could get into trouble. The boy he was telling isn't at fault, seems like he threatened to deal with the boy if he spills out what he told him,

You can see that he is a f**king criminal and psycho. Why did he reveal his true self to the boy when he knows that he would threaten him after that? When he knows that he didn't want other people to learn about the true him? My suggestion is that you should just remove him from the group of boys, he shouldn't take part in the football match". All these were lies, the man said these things not knowing that some of them were true.