Searching for a job.

'So that boy was truly a swindler, we fell into his trap'.That's what was on James and Simon's minds.

James was still sitting on the ground not minding the people that were staring at him. Simon forwarded his hand to him and uttered,

"Bro, stand up, people are glancing at you".

James held Simon's palms, and with Simon's help, he stood up from the ground. The moment James got up from the ground, he glanced at Simon and said,

"So, that guy was actually a crook, he outsmarted us. My impression of him was right".

"We've got not even a single penny on us. We wouldn't even be able to purchase the cheapest foodstuff". Simon expressed.

The both of them just felt like crying at this moment, an 18 years old boy swindled them. James was so frustrated that he began voicing out audibly,

"F**k Detroit city, curse be on to Detroit city". Passersby could clearly hear him.

Simon used his palms to cover James' mouth and said to him,

"Don't say that, people can hear you, don't wait for their reaction".

"OK, take your palms off my mouth, I'll stop uttering that". James managed to voice out even with Simon's palms on his mouth. The statement was so unclear that Simon had to listen carefully to hear it.

"You sure, is that a promise?". Simon inquired of him.

James managed to voice out once again, "It's a promise".

Simon took his palms off James' mouth, and he kept to his promise...he didn't make that statement anymore.


James and Simon were sitting on a long chair along the street, they were the only ones occupying it though there were vacant spaces for other people to sit on. They sat on that chair for some minutes without uttering a single word to each other, then James inquired of Simon,

"You still remember the coffee shop incident, right? The occurrences that took place there which caused us to meet each other".

Simon nodded his head and retorted, "Yeah, I remember them vividly. You saved me that day from the false accusation that was laid upon me. For the whole of that day, I took you as my savior".

"You still remember the boy that laid the accusation on you, right?". James inquired of Simon once again.

"Of course, since I still remember the whole events that took place at the coffee shop, then definitely, I'll still remember the guy that laid the accusation on me. I'll never forget his face...such a crook".

"Now, we've become victims of a crook. We were duped of the last money we have on us. Seems like our actions in the past have come back at us, we stole the money that was swindled from us". James stated, that was just the absolute truth. The money they stole had been stolen back from them.

Simon just nodded his head, deep inside, he knew that what James just said was the truth. A type of angered expression appeared on Simon's face. It was even evident in his voice when he spoke,

"We gonna rip that boy apart once we get hold of him next time. Even if he's taller than us, there's only one of him while we are two in number. We gonna handle him, we gonna injure him. He'll most likely still be lurking about in this boulevard looking for his next target. We gonna get him and deal with him seriously. I'm so angry right now".

"Yeah, that's what we gonna do once we get hold of him. But we've gotta focus on now, what are we gonna do? We've been swindled of the last money we have on us. If anything concerning money comes up now, we wouldn't be able to handle it. Have you eaten anything for today?". James asked Simon, he was asking this 'cause nothing had passed down his throat for today.

"Yeah, I've eaten something for today. I ate breakfast at the building we were taken to before the footballer came and eliminated me from partaking in the upcoming football match. What of you? have you eaten anything for today?".

"Nothing at all, and I'm feeling a bit hungry right now, but I won't be able to purchase something to eat 'cause I've got not even a single penny on me. Thanks to that boy, that f**king swindler".

Simon rubbed his jaw with his fingers for some seconds, then he uttered,

"I think we'll have to start searching for a job right now. That's the best thing I can think of, there's no time to even start selecting the type of job we wanna do, any job we find, we take it like far as it's legal".

James also rubbed his jaw with his fingers, his facial expression indicated that he was in thoughts. Then he stated, "But since we need instant money to take care of our needs, most jobs don't pay daily salary, they pay you at the end of each month. We'll have died of hunger by that time, I know how hungry I'll be if I don't eat anything for today...not to talk of waiting for a whole month".

"Hmm, that's true, then we'll have to start searching for a job that pays daily salary...that's gonna be a bit hard to find. That idiot told us that he's gonna take us to places where our needs would be taken care of and routes to achieve our dream. He said that just to arouse our interest noticing that we are homeless and those other stuff. We gonna deal with that boy mercilessly when we get hold of him...I just wanna smash his head to pieces". Simon expressed, he could do that if he caught the boy now...he was angry.

"We move then, we just have to search to the best of our capabilities and ask people when the need arises. The aim now is to find a daily paying job...and we must find one, unless...." He didn't need to complete the sentence, Simon understood already.

The both of them stood up from the chair they were sitting on and began sauntering...their backpacks perfectly placed on their backs. They strolled on the street searching for any edifice that had the job vacancy sign on it. Hotel buildings, bars, food stores, restaurants, and so on...those were the type of edifices they were searching for.

They strolled and strolled, but they couldn't found any one with the job vacancy sign on it. They have passed numerous restaurants, but none of them had the job vacancy sign. Since finding one was hard, they decided to go with option two...that's asking people for help. A young lady was coming in front of them at that moment, so they decided to ask her,

"Let's ask this lady coming in front of us right now, who knows, she could know vacant jobs and give us direction on how to find them". Simon said to James.

"OK then, you'll be the one to ask her. Hope she isn't rude". James uttered.

Simon waited for her to get closer to them before stopping her. The lady was in her mid-twenties and she wasn't really in a good mood at that moment. James noticed it, that's why he immediately shifted the responsibility of asking her to Simon. The moment Simon halted her, he voiced out immediately,

"Sorry for halting you".

"No need to be sorry 'cause I'm angry already, what is it?". The lady questioned with a harsh tone of voice, she was pretty, but the annoyed expression on her face made her look like a pretty witch.

"Umm...we are searching for a job, maybe at a restaurant, a hotel, a food store, and so on. But we've been walking around for minutes now to see if we would find the job vacancy sign on any edifice, but we haven't found any, so we decided to ask someone. We just wanna ask if you know any vacant jobs like the ones I just mentioned to you".

The lady first eyed the both of them from head to toe before uttering,

"Go ask your mamas, do I look like a job finder to you guys?".

After making that harsh utterance, she walked away. Simon and James just stood there gazing at thin air, what just happened now? Then James said to Simon,

"I noticed this from the very moment I sighted that lady. I knew that most likely, she'll be rude to doesn't seem like she's in a good mood".

"Ohh! That's why you immediately shifted the responsibility of asking her to me". Simon stated coming to a realization.

"Umm...yeah, somehow, but you were the one that sighted her first, so normally, you should have been the one to ask her".

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard you. Since our first attempt didn't work out, we gotta ask someone else, we gotta find a daily paying job as fast as possible. A lot would happen if we don't find one today". Simon stated, yeah, a lot would happen if they don't find a job today.