Searching for a job(Part 2)

The next person they were gonna ask for help was a young guy, and James was gonna be the one to ask him 'cause he was the one that found him. James did that stuff of using a person's face to decide if the person was rude or not. And according to what he was seeing, the guy wouldn't be rude to him when he ask him for help.

And the guy wasn't rude to him when he halted him, his face was calm. He wore a backpack, and he had earpieces in his ears. He took off the earpieces so he could hear what James was saying. James had already apologized for halting him, and his statement was simple and polite,

"No prob, go on".

"Thanks, I and this guy over here are in search of a job right now, we need one badly. If we don't find one today, a lot would happen. The type of jobs I'm speaking of is maybe working in a restaurant as waiters, working in a food store, working in a bar and so on. And the ones that pay their workers daily. Please, help us out if you know one".

"You guys just asked the right person", That statement of his had already put a smile on James and Simon's face. The guy continued speaking, "There's a restaurant at the far end of this street that needs three waiters. Three waiters recently resigned from that restaurant, so they need three waiters. I'm saying this 'cause I do eat in that restaurant a lot, though there are lots of restaurants in this street, I eat only in that one,

You guys would just have to keep strolling until you arrive at the restaurant. You wouldn't see any other restaurant before getting to that one. You'll even see the job vacancy sign plastered on the wall of the restaurant. And just as you guys want it, they pay their workers daily".

James and Simon smiled once again, this guy had just given them what they wanted, they couldn't thank the guy enough. All the guy kept on saying was, "You welcome". He's really humble.

Then Simon inquired of the guy, "To find the restaurant, we'll just have to keep strolling along this street, right?".

"Yeah, it's at the far end of this street, you won't find any other restaurant before it. But there might be a little problem".

"What is it?". James and Simon inquired in unison, inquisitiveness evident in their facial expressions.

"The restaurant might underestimate you guys 'cause of your statures, not like you guys are too small, but seems like they aren't in search of teenagers. They are in search of adults that would handle the work more efficiently". The guy explained, and it seems like his explanation saddened James and Simon a little.

The guy noticed the gloomy expression on their faces and quickly said,

"But you guys should go try out anyway, maybe they employ teenagers now".

"OK, we'll go try out, thank you for the help you rendered us. We really appreciate it". James said showing appreciation.

With that, the guy fixed the earpieces back into his ears and walked away. James and Simon began sauntering, they were gonna follow the guy's direction to get to the restaurant. They'll just have to keep walking straight along this street to get to the restaurant according to what the guy told them. They strolled for some minutes before arriving in front of the restaurant, they arrived this early 'cause of the fast pace they used in walking.

Arriving at the front of the restaurant, as the guy told them, they saw the job vacancy sign plastered on the wall of the restaurant.

"Should we just walk into the restaurant?". Simon inquired of James.

"Yeah, that's the only thing we can do, to walk into the restaurant. They might think we are customers that came to eat food, but we'll immediately explain to one of the waiters our sole purpose for coming". James retorted.

"OK then".

With that, both of them opened the glass door of the restaurant and stepped into it. People didn't glance at them when they entered the restaurant, everyone was focused on what they were doing. The ones that were eating focused on their foods, and the ones drinking kept on drinking, the waiters were busy with their jobs. There were no male waiters in the restaurant according to what they were seeing, all females. Does the restaurateur have a hating for male workers?

If the restaurateur truly does have hate for male workers, then there is a problem since they were males. And according to what the guy told them, there was no teen among the female workers, all of them were adults in their 'Twenties. Simon and James strolled over to one of the female waiters in the restaurant, it seemed like she was less busy.

Arriving at the spot she was standing, before they could even say anything, she inquired,

"Young boys, you here to eat food, right?".

"". Simon responded shaking his head a little.

"Then, what did you guys came here for?".

"We came 'cause of the job vacancy sign we saw plastered on the wall of this restaurant. Three workers are needed in this restaurant, and we wanna apply. We need the job badly". Simon clarified.

It was evident from the face of the lady that she wants to laugh, but she was trying her best not to. Was Simon's statement funny?

"You guys wanna get employed in this restaurant?". She inquired of them once again with a type of mocking facial expression.

"Yeah, we need the job badly".

"And who told you guys that we are in search of young boys? According to the owner of this restaurant, she needs adults that are in their 'Twenties to do the job. And she doesn't want males, she needs females, that's the new rule. Two males were part of the waiters that resigned from this restaurant. So as of this moment, she doesn't need male workers".

That statement of hers was enough to put back that gloomy expression on the faces of James and Simon again. The guy had already notified them about this, and it was true. No wonder the restaurant was filled with only female workers, the restaurateur wants no male workers at this moment. And worst of it, they were still young boys. Then James voiced out something that surprised not only the waiter, but Simon.

"Can we speak with the restaurateur?".

"You wanna speak with the owner of this restaurant?". The waiter inquired of him.


"You think that would change anything? That would even be worst. But since you wanna speak with her", She pointed at a door at the corner of the restaurant, "Stroll over to that door and knock on it, that's her office".

"Thanks". James uttered before the both of them began sauntering over to the door, the waiter kept on glancing at them mockingly.

They arrived at the front of the door, but they were afraid to knock on it. Since the waiter had already told them that speaking with the restaurateur was gonna be worst, then that means that she'll most likely be rude.

"Be the one to knock". James said to Simon.

"No, you be the one to knock. You are even the one that's supposed to knock 'cause you were the one that suggested that we speak with the restaurateur". Simon uttered, that was just the absolute truth.

James had no choice but to knock on the door. He knocked on it the first time, there was no response, knocking on it the second time, a voice resounded from inside,

"Who is that?".

"Umm, we wanna speak with you". James responded.

"Come in then".

James opened the door gently as the both of them stepped foot into it. The woman didn't even glance at them when they entered, she was glancing at paperwork right in front of her table. She wore a red fitted gown that reached her knees, and she had a watch on her wrist. She looked like she'll be in her early 'Forties.

Some seconds to when they entered, she glanced at them, and there was a bit of surprised expression on her face, she wasn't expecting them to be this young. She inquired of them,

"What do you guys want?".

James was a bit afraid to respond, but he's gotta respond anyway, "We saw a job vacancy sign on the wall of your restaurant, that's why we are here, we need a job badly. We don't know if you can employ us as waiters in this restaurant".

He had stated the reason why they came, so it's time to wait for her response. Was she gonna be rude or not?