We have a request.

Though people were being rude to them, they wouldn't stop searching for a job. Like, if they don't get employed in a place that pays daily salary, they've got no money to purchase something to eat, and they've got no money to book a hotel room where they'll spend the night. It was mid-afternoon getting very close to complete evening, and they've been entering one place or the other in search of employment...but to no avail.

They entered all the restaurants along that street, but they were rejected and told the same thing, 'We're not in search of workers, we don't need extra waiters'. Since getting a job in a restaurant wasn't working out, they began searching for either, a bar room, a hotel, or a food store. They found a bar room along the street and entered it.

The bar room was filled with people, but it wasn't overcrowded. Some were sitting on their chairs while sipping their beers slowly from their glass cups, while some were waiting for the servers to bring their drink order. James and Simon sauntered over to one of the servers in the bar and told him their reason for being here. He immediately pointed to where the owner of the bar was sitting and enjoying a glass cup of beer like he was a customer.

They thanked the server and began strolling over to where the bar owner was sitting. Arriving at the front of the bar owner, he immediately glanced up at them and asked what they wanted. They explained to him their reason for coming, and this is what he said to them,

"Umm..sorry guys, I wouldn't be able to employ you guys in this bar...this bar has more than enough workers, so there is no need for extra ones".

"But sir, is it possible to just create small employment space for us? Even if it's just the cleaning aspect". Simon pleaded.

"No, didn't you heard well? There are more than enough workers in this bar, even the cleaners are in surplus. I can't add extra ones, where would I get the money to pay you guys?".

Once again, there was nothing that can be done about it, James and Simon started strolling out of the bar. Getting outside of the bar, James placed his palms on his head and rested his back on the wall of a building, he was getting really stressed out and tired. So as Simon also, he was even more stressed out than James. But they had no plans of stopping yet, they were still gonna keep searching.

They searched around and found another bar room, there was no job vacancy sign on it, but they still entered it. And as usual, they were rejected and told the same thing. They got out of the bar room, continued searching and found a food store, and entered it. When they told the lady in it their reason for coming, she told them that she needed no workers and she's got no money to pay anyone.

And that's how it kept going, from food store to food store, and they kept on getting rejected. They weren't putting much attention on locating a hotel, but they had to put attention on locating one since getting employed in a food store wasn't working out. They eventually found one, ignoring every other worker in the hotel and sauntering over to the receptionist's desk, they told him their reason for coming. This was what he told them,

"What the f**k, are you guys buffalos? You can't get employed here, what made you guys think that you'll get employed in a hotel? First of all, there are enough workers here, and secondly, what role do some two young boys wanna play in this hotel? The owner of this hotel isn't even around to employ you guys if at all he wants to employ you guys".

James and Simon had no choice but to walk out of the hotel, not only that they were tired and stressed out, they were deeply frustrated. It was dusk already, but people were still walking about on the street...it wasn't too late yet for the streets to be empty of humans. The both of them rested their backpacks on the wall of a two-storey building and began discussing.

"Men, people really do lack empathy, like, everyone keeps on rejecting us...most of them being rude on top of it. It's clear, we wouldn't find a job today, it's nighttime already. And am ain't even sure if we'll find one tomorrow, am really tired and frustrated right now". Simon uttered to James.

James used his palms to scatter his hair and uttered, "We aren't gonna find a job today, that's for sure, so no hope of eating anything, and am hungry right now. I can feel my stomach rumbling more, I need to eat something, I haven't eaten anything for today". After making that statement, he shook his head a little and uttered once again, "People lack empathy, people are heartless...the world is wicked".

"That's true, people are heartless. I can also feel my stomach rumbling, but I know it isn't as much as yours. We aren't even talking about where we are gonna spend the night, we've got no money to secure a room in a hotel".

After making that statement, Simon used his palms to scatter his hair also, the frustration was getting the better part of him. Then he uttered, "Curse be onto that boy that swindled our money and ran away...curse be onto him".

"Yeah, everlasting curses be onto him".

"Definitely, we aren't gonna eat anything tonight, but where are we gonna spend the night?". Simon inquired of James.

James rubbed his jaw with his fingers, he was in deep thought about where they could spend the night. Coming up with an idea, he voiced out, "Remember that hotel where we spent the night together after meeting each other for the first time?".

Simon didn't need to think that much to remember it, "Yeah, I remember it. The hotel we slept in before parting ways the next day".

"You remember it vividly, after parting ways to our different destinations. I went for the music audition, got rejected, and came back to that hotel. I waited and waited for you, but you didn't show up, so I ate and spent the night in that hotel. The receptionist even asked me about you. The next day, I checked out of the hotel and began searching around for you, but didn't find you. So I came back to the hotel and saw you sitting at the chair nearest to it. That same chair we were sitting on when that crook tricked us into believing what we shouldn't have believed".

Simon hadn't understood the main point James was trying to drive out, how would this help them find where they'll spend the night today? So he asked James, "So what is the main point?".

"My suggestion is that we go back to that hotel and plead with the receptionist to allow us spend the night in one of the hotel rooms without paying money. We'll explain all the stuff that happened to us, how we were swindled and all that, who knows, he could allow us spend the night in one of the rooms. At least, we are acquainted with him a little". James stated his point.

Simon shook his head a little and uttered, "I doubt if he'll do that, he isn't the owner of the hotel".

James tapped Simon on the left shoulder and said, "We just have to try it out, all we can do now is to keep trying, we are completely helpless. Let's try it out hoping that he'll let us make use of one of the rooms".

"OK then".

The both of them began sauntering with the hotel in mind as their destination. James could really feel his stomach rumbling, but he'll have to keep hunger aside to find where he'll spend the night. They journeyed until they arrived at the front of the hotel, if the receptionist could just permit them to make use of one of the hotel rooms for free, they'll be really happy.

They stepped foot into the hotel and headed straight to the receptionist's desk, they were used to doing that. The receptionist was attending to some customers when they got to his desk, so they had to wait. After about two minutes, the receptionist was done attending to the customers as they walked away, now, it was about time for them to speak with him.

The moment he set eyes on them, he voiced out, "You guys are here again", Then he pointed at Simon, "He is here with you this time. You guys are here to book a room again, right?".

James scratched his head a little and retorted, "No, actually, we have a request".