Vulnerability thy name is Hale

While the emotionally exhausted twins were napping the room was quiet and Rosalie knew it was absolutely necessary because her and Emmett were barely controlling their need to leave the twins with their parents and find the bastards who wanted to harm their children. It was a done deal, these kids were there's in all but blood and what did that matter when you were an immortal vampire?

"When they wake up I think we should revisit having them show us what they are.." Carlisle spoke up, and Rosalie couldn't contain the low growl she released. Holding up his hands in a placating motion he continued, "I know, but we can't protect them if we don't know what we are getting ourselves into. Honestly I wasn't aware there were other supernatural species besides werewolves, shifters and vampires…the only thing I can think is they are part shifter which should be impossible for a shifter and a vampire to procreate."

As Carlisle continued his musings, Emmett knew he was right. He would at the very least, get Emma to show them what she wanted to show them and he would reassure her as many times as he needed too that no one would harm either of them. Not while he was alive, and he knew his family would fight for the twins just like he would fight for Renesmee. It's what they did in this family, and the twins were no different. If he had to call the Denali's then he would, he knew they were still grieving their sister but having Kate on their side would be more than beneficial and after finding out that he wanted a child bride - a three year old child bride, even Tanya wouldn't argue.

"Esme, do you mind?" Rosalie asked softly motioning to Emma . Esme wasted no time flitting to the bed, sitting in the chair and pulling the tiny blonde into her arms who inhaled her scent before snuggling into her creating a wide smile from the brunette.

"Ill be right back," Rosalie told a concerned looking Emmett before placing a kiss on Emma and Liam's head and leaving the room. She knew she would need Shannon to get back in but she had calls to make and they couldn't wait. Once she was outside in the fresh afternoon air, she found a bench and sat down taking deep breaths. She needed to calm down before she returned and she wasn't surprised when her phone rang,

"Rosalie." She stated without opening her eyes.

"I saw.." Alice spoke on the other end and she could hear the barely contained fury in her sisters voice.

"Does anyone else..?"

"No. Only Jasper, I had to tell him what the twins told you, because he felt my emotions and knew something was wrong. I haven't told the rest of the family anything, not even about the twins. I thought you would want to do that."

"No, Will you and Jasper do it please? I want them to be prepared to control their reactions. The twins are scared enough as it is and I don't know if Emmett or myself will be able to control ourselves if one of the family doesn't react well. Currently our instincts are running rather high.."

"That's understandable rose.." Her twin interjected and his accent was more prominent than normal, being the southern gentlemen he is - its no surprise he would be especially angry about what almost happened to the young ones. "We will tell the family and we will protect your little ones. They're our niece and nephew, we stick together."

"Ill make sure to watch the future, if anyone comes for her we will know about it and your decision to call Kate next is a good one. They'll want to help once they know."

"Thank you both, honestly…"

They could hear the vulnerability in her voice, something Rosalie didn't often let show and they knew why this was affecting her so. Not only was it her children involved but it's easy to guess the awful things that would have happened to the little blonde girl had she not been found by Shannon.

Rosalie hung up and took a few more deep breaths, she felt better knowing Alice and Jasper were on her side and she loved her twin dearly for it, he was truly a formidable opponent - she considered herself lucky he was on her side. She decided to call Kate next,

"Dear Cousin, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call?!" Kate answered in her usual Kate manner and Rosalie would have usually snarked back but she just didn't have the energy right now. She needed to hurry before Emma woke up because she didn't want her to think she had left her alone.

"Kate, are you somewhere that everyone can hear me?" Rosalie asked and Kate immediately paused her game and sat up straight looking into the eyes of her family behind her, who were watching the phone curiously.


"Emmett and I…we need your help." Rosalie didn't know if she should ask outright, or let them meet the twins in person. She was finding herself at a loss of what to do a lot lately, she just didn't want to make any bad decisions but how was she supposed to know the right ones?

"Rose?" Tanya must have taken the phone from Kate realizing this was an important situation - it made sense, she was the coven leader after all. "Are you in danger?"

"I-I'm not quite sure yet Tanya… but we are in Chicago right now. We leave tomorrow, could we stop by for a few days? I would rather tell you the situation in person..."

She waited only a second then interrupted whatever Tanya was going to say, "It's okay if you decide not to help us. I won't be angry or offended in any way but this is such a fucked up situation and I just -" She isn't proud of the way her voice broke at the end but she knew she was going to break down when she left the twins. She was horrified, absolutely horrified and she wanted to rage, scream and cry. She wanted to go hunt and then rip apart the woods around her. She wanted to find the monster who was going to hurt her babies and tear him apart and make him watch as she burned his limbs piece by piece but right now she had to let them hear the vulnerability in her voice. It was all she could do before she had to return to the twins.

"Rose, you're family. If we can side with you against the Volturi, I think we can help you with whatever is going on in Chicago, it's going to be alright. Of course you can come stay with us."

She knew they could hear the soft sobs that she released and normally she was against such weakness but she needed them to understand how serious this was. She knew, she fucking knew that bastard would come after the kids again, and she didn't know if it would be next week, next month or next year but they would have to destroy him.

Taking another deep breathe and wiping her eyes, she finally responded, "Thank you… We.." Clearing her throat she continued, "We have two people who will be coming with us, I know Carmen loved to cook but since you don't eat she can't, so if she would like to get some groceries and then teach me a few things while I'm there I would greatly appreciate it. Please don't ask any questions, as I said it's very complicated and it'll be easier to show you than to tell you.."

"Alright… Carmen would love to go grocery shopping. Anything specific?"

"Eggs and Bacon seem to be a favorite and I'm not sure how far besides that their pallet extends so.. go with your gut?"

Rosalie didn't have to find Shannon or even call her to let her back in with the twins, the minute she entered the waiting room she found her sitting in a chair and waiting to take her back, but before they made it too far she pulled her into a little too tight hug, "Thank you.." She whispered and she knew Shannon knew exactly why she was thanking her.

When she entered the room, Emma was awake, playing with Esme's hair and talking to Carlisle while Liam and Emmett were watching a football game and the minute their eyes landed on Rosalie she opened her arms already expecting the two little bodies that crushed her in a hug.

"Hello to you too, little ones." She chuckled and she felt better, so much better. Maybe it was because she knew she had allies, or maybe it was because she had cried outside - but a large part of her thought it was because of the small bodies inhaling her scent. "I called the Denali's and when you and Esme head to forks - We are going to pay them a visit for a few days."

Carlisle had already expected Rosalie would want Kate on their side, so he simply nodded - "did you?" He questioned softly motioning to the twins with his eyes.

Rosalie shook her head, "I wouldn't even know where to begin, I did tell them it was complicated and it would be better to show them than to tell them."

"Now that the gang is all here I think if we are going to continue with our earlier demonstration - just in case, we need to relocate rooms." Shannon interjected, and Rosalie begrudgingly agreed. This room wasn't exactly small but it was small for what they would need it for, depending on what the twins revealed.

"Is daddy coming too?" Emma asked, and Rosalie smirked at the beaming smile Emmett had on his face,

"Of course Emmy-bear, I wouldn't miss it for the world." He reached out and accepted Emma into his arms.

"Emmy-bear?" Rosalie questioned her husband with a raised eyebrow,

He nodded sheepishly, "I haven't figured out a nickname for Liam yet but it fit perfectly for Emma ,"

Rolling her eyes, Rosalie she shook her head fondly, of course it was something to do with a bear. "Alright, is everyone ready?" Shannon asked, and started to lead them out of the room. Before the door was completely shut Emma and Liam both released a gasp that drew the attention of the five vampires,

"Silas!" was a dismayed whisper that left Emma 's mouth with tears in her eyes and even Liam looked stricken, before Esme cupped her cheeks,

"Hush now angel, you didn't think we would leave him behind, did you?" She asked, while Shannon blurred into the room and grabbed the dark brown bear that she placed in Esme's waiting hand behind her back. The encounter took less than a second and the way the teary blue eyes lit up when she saw the stuffed animal made everyone release a relieved breath. Note to self, Never lose Silas or Zane! When Silas was placed safely in her arms, Emma threw herself at Esme and kissed her cheek, "You're the best grandma ever." She told her so seriously that Carlisle and Rosalie fought to keep their composure, while Emmett and Shannon's shoulders shook with silent laughter.

The proud smile that took over Esme's face upon hearing that just made it that much harder and they watched as she practically strutted down the hall while following behind a chuckling Shannon, Liam who still hadn't said much of anything was smiling now that Emma had gotten her bear. The dynamic between the twins reminded Rosalie of Zafrina and Senna. They were both powerful and imposing but Zafrina did the talking for both of them - she imagined it was easier for the twins. They could just talk to each other in their minds and she has seen evidence that they do it quite often.

They reached a huge activity room that had been recently remodeled, it still smelled of fresh paint while the floors had been buffed and only a single couch and two chairs were available to sit on. Rosalie figured that was thanks to Shannon. Esme placed a kiss to Emma's cheek before handing her to Emmett who walked into the middle of the room and set her down before kneeling in front of her.

"Alright Emmy-bear, I need you to listen to me very closely okay?" He took her tiny hands in his, and waited for her to nod.

"I know you were scared to show Mommy and I what you are before your nap, and it's okay if you're still scared, but I want you to know that daddy will protect you from anyone who tries to hurt you or Liam." Emmett brushed a loose strand of hair behind Emma's ear while he talked, looking into her ice blue eyes

"Anyone?" She asked in a small voice and Rosalie sat Liam down next to her, before kneeling next to Emmett.

"Anyone." He puffed out his chest and the rest of the room knew that he meant it, it didn't matter who he had to protect them from, no harm would befall them while he was around. It was a touching Father/Daughter moment and they felt bad for intruding but this needed all of them.

Emma kissed the tips of her pointer and middle finger before holding them out to Emmett, "Big Promise?"

Rosalie thought she would have to intervene because she didn't know if Emmett would understand what she was asking, but she was so proud of him when he simply copied the little blondes actions and then wrapped his two bigger fingers around her smaller ones,

"Big Promise." With that Emmett got up and sat in one of the chairs next to the sofa that already had Esme, Carlisle and Shannon seated on it. Rosalie pressed a kiss to the forehead of each twin before joining Emmett in the seat next to his. She reached out and took his hand, while she knew they would protect the twins no matter what, she was nervous to find out what they were.

"Okay little ones," Carlisle scooted forward to the edge of his seat, "When ever you're ready."