How was the visit to Mr Ralph?how did it go,you came back and you didn't tell me anything so I wonder why you didn't.But even though you didn't care to tell me,I do care to know what transpired between you and Ralph.Damian said to Sebastian as they finished having their dinner.
I am really tired and I don't think I can tell you everything this night.I really need rest can we talk tommorow?
Come on Sebas,how much time will it take you for you to just tell me what happened.U think you are relenting though.I thought that by now you should be ready for everything but here we are still arguing.
I have almost everything in order okay?Sebastian answered sounding irritated.
Well you don't tell me anything,you don't feel me in on everything you are doing.You always wait for me to ask before you tell me.Come on I'm the one helping you here but you are making it seem like it's the other way round.
You know you don't have to boil because of this.I have already assured you that everything is in order but still you insist on asking a lot of questions.
I am asking questions because I am part of this and I am your partner and I need to know about how everything is going.I gave up a lot of things just to make sure that I am here with you on this journey but it just seems like I did the wrong thing.
You don't even go anywhere with me,you just keep me here and I am the one who does all the cooking.Yet you don't tell me anything concerning my main aim of following you to this place.What do you take me for..A lap dog?Seriously you can do better than this Sebastian.
Damian said and left the room angrily but Sebastian followed him immediately. He stood at the balcony of the house and Sebastian tapped him on the shoulder but he didn't budge till Sebas decided to open up.
Let me tell you what's really going on Damian,he said as he adjusted In order to get a closer view of Damian's face and to look him eyeball to eyeball before saying what he had to say.
The main reason why it seems like I'm pushing you away via the issue of our mission is just because I don't want help from anyone.I didn't tell you but I was thinking of not calling our people over there at the military school because I just don't want to.
If they help me do it then I wouldn't feel fulfilled after doing it.Thats one of the reasons why I didn't tell you anything concerning my plans at first.I had wanted to tell you not to follow me from the very beginning but I didn't want you to feel bad.This explains my behaviour during those times we were contemplating on whether to tell the supreme commander or not.I didn't want you to get involved with anything concerning this issue from the beginning and that's why I acted in a repulsive manner.
I am sorry I didn't tell you earlier than now but I just couldn't find the words to....
Enough of this Sebas!Damian said sounding very angry.Its hard but I am going to leave you to your fate.I have done everything a brother could do for his own blood brother but I don't think it's cool to go where you are not appreciated not even a little bit.
No Damian,I really appreciate you trust me .Don't talk like that brother.I haven't seen anyone like you and I just don't know what to do to appreciate everything you've done and are still doing for me.
You don't have to appreciate anything Sebas.When I did it was all out of love and I don't want you to repay me with anything.I really love and care about you but I see that it doesn't really matter much go you.I just hope you are not making a huge mistaking by deciding to break the partnership we have.And even deciding not to let our men to join in this mission.Its your choice though and I will respect that.Thats why I will carry my luggage and leave.I wish you the best Sebas.