I don't understand what you are talking about Damian.Can you be more clear please?
Sir I'm saying that Sebastian kicked me out and he did so because he wants to do everything about the revenge alone without the help of anyone.
When did this happen?the supreme commander asked sounding very upset.It happened yesterday sir and I've carried my loads out of his house even though he was trying to stop me.
I didn't feel like changing my mind because I knew that was what he really wanted all along because he told me himself. He said he wanted to do everything alone and that he didn't need my help or even yours.
That's so bad because according to my research about that man,he is really dangerous and I don't think your friend can handle all that all by himself. He has to be very careful because it won't be as easy as he thinks.I more than anyone understand how he feels but he should apply wisdom in these kind of things,if he goes alone,he might go down and no one will help him rise up again.Thats why we are here and it's a pity that he doesn't know how important it is that we collaborate.He is Lucky that he has people willing to undergo inconveniences because of him.
I don't know how else to talk sense into him thought. That's why I'm not going to disturb him anymore.He can do anything he wants ,its his problem and I'm just here to lend a helping hand but it's okay to withdraw when you find out that the person in question doesn't need your help and doesn't even appreciate it.
You've done well,you also have a life and I'll advise you pull your life together and allow everyone to solve their own problems.But I know that he would still need us and I hope he finds us still willing to help him then.I have prepared all my men and they are all eager to help him because everyone here knows he is a good person and he had showed them great love in different ways.But since he doesn't want their help,I'm going to tell them to forget about the supposed mission and prepare for other important things.
Wait sir,Damian said as he heard the last statement made by the supreme commander.
Can you please give him time?Like maybe a month to know how far he has gone and to know whether he would still need our help.
Its quite funny because if he allows us to help him then this wouldn't even take up to a month because we are very large in number and we can take that so called Ralph down together but anyways not to worry,I will relax and see how things turn out.Don't forget to call me anytime you need my help with somethings.Besides where are you now? Since you said you left his house,Where are you staying now?
Well I had to go back to the first hotel we lodged when we came into this city. For now I'd like to stay here and see what he is up to.I don't think I can leave him here all alone even though he deserves it for pushing me away and keeping me off his plans.When our friends reject us,that is the right time to show them we have not rejected them.And besides he is in pain,and that alone is enough to justify how he's acting right now.I hope it all gets easier with time because I don't want to see him fail.If only he would swallow his pride and call on me whenever he needs help.
I see you care so much about Sebastian. Why is it like that?I look at the way you care about him and also the sacrifices you've made for him and I start to wonder what kind of love you have for him.
Damian laughed but didn't know what to say to the supreme commander concerning what he just said.Everyone back in the school always said similar things to him,but none of that changed his behaviour towards Sebastian.
He is just my friend sir and I even see him as a brother so I just want to be there for him and take care of him that's all,even if it's from afar.I want to see him win in the end,no matter what happens.Even if I am hurt in the process,i don't really care.
You are really a good person boy,keep it up boy,I just hope that he values you and loves you just like you love him.One sided love usually hurts but anyways I hope this isn't the case,he said and ended the call.
Sebastian now spent most of his times with his friend Clinton and they became unimaginably inseparable.They grew fond of each other and it was as If they knew each other from childhood.Their friendship blossomed.
I noticed the friendship between you and that young man that normally comes here,where did you see him and how did you become so close to him without even telling me anything. One of the workers in the mansion who was very close to Clinton asked him as he saw him see Sebastian off just few minutes ago.
Mind your business young lady,are you my mum?What do you care,..he answered nonchalantly and was about to leave but she stopped him.
I just want you to be careful though before you get into trouble.I've been hearing a lot of rumours about that your friend but I rather keep it to myself now till the need arises,she said and left almost immediately.
Women and unnecessary drama,that's why I don't like being around them.They always make up absurd stories and scenarios in their heads. What a gender!Clinton thought to himself.