Damian and Clinton in search of Sebas.

Have you seen Sebastian?I have been coming to his place for the past three days but I haven't caught up with him for those days.His house is locked but he didn't tell me he was travelling anywhere.Do you have any idea where he might be?Damian asked Clinton whom he saw at the crossroad between the market roads.

Sorry who is Sebastian?Clinton asked looking at Damian inquisitively.

What do you mean who is Sebastian?Your friend of course.

I don't have any friend that goes by the name Sebastian but who are you talking about ?

I mean the friend we have in common,you guys have seen me in this market one time when I came to buy foodstuffs and he introduced me to you as his good friend.So why are you pretending like you don't have an idea who I'm talking about.

Do you mean Donald?Clinton asked looking confused.

I don't understand who is Donald?Damian who was more confused that Clinton responded.

The only person I know and I think you are talking about is Damian.My good friend and my second brother and i really have no idea where he is at the moment.I've gone to his house,I have asked people and no one has an idea where he is.I even wanted to come and see you to know whether you know his whereabouts but I don't know where you live.Donald just disappeared into the thin air and I am really very worried about him.How can someone just disappear like that without any trace.

So are we talking about the same person?Clinton added.

Damian who was already thinking deep into the matter came to find out that it might be that Sebastian had to lie to Clinton about his name.There was no other suitable explanation for what was happening because they were clearly talking about one person.

Oh no,I made a mistake.His name is also Sebastian too just that I'm the only one that calls him that.His real name is actually Donald and I guess that's why he told you that one.I didn't think about that at first.

Oh ok,I was wondering because I haven't heard or had any friend that goes by the name Sebastian that's why I was confused.

My bad,Damian responded.

No worries,but have you tried calling him with your line?Because I have tried but mine goes straight to voicemail.And I have no clue what to do again.

Yes I gave tried calling him countless times but it still says the same thing.It goes straight to voice mail and sometimes it's not available. But I have came to look for you at your place and they said you were not around.I came for straight two days but they all said you were no where to be seen.

Yes its actually a long story but I am back now.I came straight to see Donald when I came back but his house was locked as you said.I tried calling him and it wasn't going through.I actually didn't give it any thought till I came the second and third day and didn't see him.I don't know what to do.

Alright I will ask somewhere else Clinton,thank you for your time anyways.

Of course Damian,you don't have to thank me.He is very important to me as well so if you need any help from me concerning his issue don't hesitate to hit me up.

But I don't have your number.

Alright give me your cell let me input it there,Clinton answered taking the phone from Damian.

I will call you once I hear anything and I hope you do same too,Clinton said.

I will,I have to get going before night comes.

As he left he was thinking about everything that has happened.What if Clinton actually knows where Sebastian was?What if he had found out about his schemes and his plans to kill his whole family.What if he planned with his father to kidnap and keep Sebastian before they kill him,what If he know all along who Sebastian was but just decided to pretend in order to get him to trust him.All these thoughts kept running through Damian's mind but he couldn't provide any answers.I think I need to call the supreme commander and inform him about the latest happenings.This is obviously getting out hand.