What do you mean Sebastian is missing?The supreme commander asked Damian who called him to let him know about the latest development concerning Sebas.
Yes sir,he's been missing for days now and no one knows his whereabouts.
But what have you done about it?he asked sounding very tensed.You know it's your responsibility as a good friend to look out for him even though he appears to be stubborn,you should try and search for him anywhere you can.
Sir I have gone to the places where I thought he could be but still there is no trace of him there.I even went to the grave yard where his people were buried to know whether I would find him there but he wasn't there either.
So where could he be then? The commander asked.
I don't really know sir and that's why I decided to call you to know whether you could lend me a helping hand.
But where do you think he could be?like what do you have in mind or rather who do you have in mind if at all you've thought about someone kidnapping him.
Yes sir I've thought about that and there is no one else that could do that apart from Mr Ralph, his sworn enemy.He is the only one who would have a good reason to abduct Sebastian.
But I thought no one knows his real identity so how come all these is happening now?
Sir,I am really very perplexed because no one apart from me knows his real identity and that's why I'm still doubting whether it's really Mr Ralph that did this or someone else or maybe Sebas just decided to disappear for some days and turn up later.We all know how he normally behaves but even though he behaves that way,I know that he would still try to put a call across so that we won't be worried.
But I want to ask a question.Apart from you does he have any other close friend of friends?
Of course he does sir,you will find it weird but he has a very close friend from the mansion. I mean Mr Ralph's mansion and the person in question is his son .
Yes sir,you heard me right.They are even closer to each other than I am to Sebas.
So don't you think Sebas told him his real identity?Because that would be the only logical explanation for this.
Well sir,I don't think he told him because he still calls him by his fake name Donald and that's what everyone in this vicinity calls him except me of course.
Have you thought about this.What if he knows but he's just pretending he doesn't know?Just to confuse you and just so you wouldn't suspect anything,the commander said sounding so sure of what he was saying.The supreme commander was very experienced and everyone respected his opinions because of that.He always turned out right in everything he says but a few times he is wrong or just almost right.That alone has gained him much respect from his colleagues and from us as well.
Sir I'm not really sure and I have a lot of things on my mind now.you might be right because I don't really know him so well so he might just be deceiving me by pretending he does know anything. But what do I do now sir?
I would say you should try and carry out some investigations.Go around and ask questions. Try getting into that mansion and know whether you can find anything suspicious. For now just do all these and get back to me.
Alright sir,even though it would be a very hard task i would try my best.
Goodluck Damian, he responded.