Damian is looking for answers.

Young man,why are you here? I think I've seen your face here before,like yesterday but I can't remember when exactly,Ralph said to Damian who he saw walking about in the mansion.

I don't know what you are talking about sir,this is the first time I'm coming into this place and I'm only here to see one of your workers who is my good friend, nothing more.

You don't have to get so defensive young man, I am only being protective of my family because a lot has happened daily, that's why I am taking a lot of precautions concerning who comes in and who goes out of this house.

Ok sir,I understand you but I mean no harm.Damian replied.

What's your name by the way?

My name is Damian sir.

Oh I see,that's nice you can go in and see who you came to see.Welcome to my house and feel at home too.

Thank you sir,Damian said and left abruptly to avoid being called back by Ralph.Damian has made a friend in the house and it was very convenient for him to go in and go out of the house.He was always looking around the house to know whether he could find something that could implicate Ralph or show him that Sebastian was kidnapped by Ralph.He couldn't fine any clue but he didn't give up at all.He kept coming to the mansion every day and he was always very observant whenever he notices something unusual.

Cross have you seen or noticed anything weird?Like for the past two weeks.Have you noticed anything that isn't normal in this house.

Sorry but I don't understand your question Damian,weird in what sense?I'm not following.

Ok let me be more open with this,the thing is that I'm looking for someone.A very good friend of mine and for some reasons ,I think that your boss somehow has a hand in his disappearance .

What!?Cross shouted looking very shocked.

Come on don't pretend you don't know what your boss is up to.You know your boss is not a saint and he has done and is still doing a lot of unspeakable things.

I don't know what you are talking about Damian but I don't even want to know.Just forget we had this discussion and please don't bring it up again, at least not right in this house.

Oh so there's really something going on just that you don't want us to talk about it here?Damian asked while giving off a mischievous smile.

I didn't say so Damian,I don't want to get into any trouble with the boss so please just count me out.I don't want to lose my job either unless you have a better offer for me.

Come on Cross,we are talking about someone who is in danger here and he might die anytime from now if you don't help me.Are you going to let someone die just because you don't want to lose your job?

I told you I don't know anything Damian,please if you are going to insist with this then I'd rather you leave here and don't come back.

Come on Cross it hasn't gotten to this brother,calm down and just listen to me.I promise you that you won't get into any trouble.All I need is for you to just open up and tell me everything you know.Even the tiniest details,just anything that could help me and I promise I will be fine and nothing will happen to you just trust me.

I barely know you Damian and you are asking me to trust you.Come on give me a break,just forget about all this madness or you seek help somewhere else because I'm not doing anything to help you and that's final,Cross said and left the place immediately.