Chapter 1: A new beginning

Have you ever feel thst the world has lost its color? That everything doesn't matter anymore. Mabe the feeling that everything is normal to the point that you have already lost the feeling if anticipating for the new day.

That's what I, Mark Levin felt. I'm a 39 years old office worker. I work at the Human Resource Department for almost 15 years. Everyday , I go to office, back to home, back to office and again and again in a perpetual motion. Well, not that something change since my school days. At least ,I had experienced having a girlfriend so that's one up for me.

My family is now at least financially stable as I and my siblings are now working. Well, my younger brother hss a girlfriend from even before college so I think that they will maery each other in the near future. I'm not that jealous at him, I just feel.happy that they are still able to feel the world still have colors. I dont know why but that's what I feel.

Back in my school days, I have lived myself fully with my friends.I can't understand why they teach us about those mathematical formulas on school, I at least 7understand on the angles, about those velocity and gravitational pull equations. I just hope that they teached us about how to understand society, psychology that can help us survive in this muddy world. Ah, I got off tracked didn't I. As you guessed, I am also an avid reader of novels and manga's. I also watch anime but only when i deem them as something worth watching for. I'm an e-reader so there's reaaly not that much book in my house except for some college texbooks that I still kept and some pocketbooks since my childhood days.

Anyway, did you know that the feeling of dying is not that really exaggerated. At most, you will pain from the injury that you have that caused you to die or something like that. Why? well I am currently experiencing death approaching now so that's why I'm sharing it. I am waiting at the crossroad, on a rainy day when suddenly thunder struck near me causing me to be thrown into the road from the impact of the thunder and unlucky as I am , got my head struck first to the ground causing me my current situation. Ah, I can hear the ambulance, but I xan feel my consciousness fading away. I hope that if I am still alive, that the hospital bill wont get that big. I dont want my family to be burdened by me. Sweet relief of death, if you had decided that this is my time, please, in exchange stay away from my family. That's what I thought when my consciousness finally left.

When I woke up , I am floating in a room with a child in front of me. I see, so I died huh. Well not surprising since my injury is rather severe as I remembered. I just hope thaty family found my bank account password that I left in my drawer in case of emergency.

Back to the current situation, this timid child seem to trying to talk to me all this time. Now that I observed the child, he/she is super cute, big doe golden eyes that make you want to protect them, plump cheeks that will seduce you into pinching them, silky smooth golden hair, fair skin, and a androgynous body build.

"He-hello, sir" said the child while timidly waving its hand

" Hello, child. What's the matter" I said at the child that shyly greeted me. Reminds me of my nephews and niece, doesn't help that I look like a cold person when you look at my appearance

"Haah, thank goodness, I thought that you would panic and be hysterical about this so I was nervous, Ah! My name is Luciel. " Luciel ntroduced himself after releasing a relieved sigh.

"Well, I already accepted my death when I was thrown unto the road anyway. But still to thunk that I really died huh."Anyway child, is this the purgatory?" I ask while looking around. The room has things that you would see on a normal room,well except the glowing portal like thing that swirl with iridiscent lights.

"Uhmmm, well, you can consider it as a aprt of what you humans call purgatory.Ah! Im not judging you or your sins you see. You are familiar with reincarnation right.You see, you are the 10 millionth soul that I will reincarnate and thats the milestone that will promote me to a higher level." Luciel said while beaming because of his nearing promotion.

"Is that so. Congratulations to you then." I said

"Thank you! Mr. Mark."Luciel

" About that reincarnation, do you mean what I really think. The one where I go into different world? That one in the novels that I have read?"I ask.

" Yes,yes!Though I cant reincarnate you into strong worlds. I can only reincarnate you into normal worlds like the one you had lived.I cant also grant wishes like Super strong systems or overpowered abilities. Sorry about that" Luciel said at first energetic but as he goes on, he slowly lost that energy.

Not that I really care because there are still lots of interesting worlds that exists. I cant deny that I am a little dissapointed but that's all.I am already thankful to be granted a chance like this.

"Its okay, I am already thankful as it is. "I said wholeheartedly.

Luciel beamed at my words amd tge proceeded " I can give you five wishes and a choice of world you want to reincarnate."

Amazed on this, I pondered on what shoul I wish. It can't be unreasonable and should be helpful on my new life. So I spent quite a time on this.


Dont know if its good or bad haha.

Im still new and not that really great at volleyball but Ill try my best.