Chapter 2: Wishes

" Have you finished thinking about your wishes? "Luciel ask when I raies my head out of contemplation

"Yes, I dont know if some of them will be granted but here it is:

First I want to have a body with highest physical fitness you can give."I said my first wish

" Do you want to be bulky or compact? "ask Luciel. " As a bonus I will give it a handsome appearance since your first wish is related to the body, or do you want your current appearance

As confident as I am on my appearance I still accepted it cause why not that's a freebie.

" Can you make it compact . I dont a bodybuilder body because big muscles can hinder body flexibility. "I answered

"Okay, so a body with high physical fitness and compact it..... and done" Luciel mumbled and show me something like a hologram of what will be my body. The body Luciel made has an appearance of a cold guy with balck and red eyes. The parameter showed that it will have the highest height of 190 cm. I am happy since my current body is only at 175 cm. The body also has an incredible compact body. This man in the hologram will surely make everyone turn their heads again and again.

"Its super good , Luciel. Good job"I said to Luciel who is happy about his work too.

" Okay so next is I want to have high intellegence and instinct"I stated my second wish and Luciel accepted it but he said that isnt instinct was also covered by the first wish. I thought about that it really is.

" Can I have a wealthy, supportive family? "I stated my third wish.

Luciel paused for a moment and then" Sure , do you want some siblings? " I nodded at this

" For my fourth is faster mastery on things"Luciel thought about it and said" I can only make it that you learn five times faster than everyone, is that okay?"To which I also nodded. To be honest I only expecred to learn two times faster but to think it will be five times.

" Lastly, can I have high luck value? "I ask unsure if it will be accepted.

"I can do it, though I am not really that great at manipulating luck, I can give you luck that surpass others"Luciel said to me finishing what he is doing.

" So,that complete the wishes, what world do you want to be in? Do you have one in your mind? "Luciel

"Yeah I want to be reincarnated in the world of Haikyuu. "