The girl along with Yu went to the arena where everyone were training, she sat in the chair and looked at them.
"You okay lady Lien?" Chang asked,
"Yeah i am find young lord Chang" she responded,
"Still recovering huh?" he asked,
"Yeah i am" she responded,
"Young lord Chang do you need something?" she asked,
"Look we got off on the wrong foot and i am sorry" he responded.
Her eyes widened and she looked at him.
"Slap me i think i am dreaming" she said,
He laughed "i cannot do that, pinch yourself" he replied and so she did.
"Ouch" she shouted and he laughed.
"Crazy but i really am sorry for the things that i have done" he said,
"It's fine, it's not like you had much of a choice, you can never have any with a father and a sister like that" she replied,
"It's complicated" he said then sat near her,
"You cannot cultivate can you?" he asked and she frowned.
His eyes widened "sorry but you can still fight" he said,
"Yeah" she replied with a sigh,
"You know you and Yu are similar, you never give up not even on each other and i like that about you guys" he said,
She smiled "you are a little sentimental after all, thanks" she replied,
"I am not and you are welcome" he said.
Yu saw Chang talking to Lien and he got worried.
Everyone heard about Yu using resentment and a few of the disciples cornered him.
"Guys i am not in the mood to fight with you right now" he said,
Her brother and a few of the clan leaders were there and when they heard what Yu said they all stood up including Chang and Lien, at the very time Hu came too.
"You do not belong here, we do not want some like you training with you, you are a filth" one of them said,
"You have no right to tell me what i am, you are more of a filth than me" Yu replied as the guy punched him in the face.
Lien looked away and Yu saw.
"Lady Lien, if i fight back it will cause problems for her" he said to himself as the other guy punched him and he grabbed on to his flute.
"If you hit me one more time, you will have some trouble" he said,
"What will you do about it?" the other guy asked,
"Yeah you are just weak that is why you had to used resentment to save yourself, you are just the Jin clan little dog" another guy said,
"You always get lady Lien in trouble, she should have never became friends with a filth, wait a second is she involved?" the guy asked,
"Now she is just as weak as you now that she cannot cultivate all thanks to you" the guy said and tears ran down her cheek as Hu folded his cuffs and her brother looked at her in pity when he heard she lost the ability to cultivate.
Yu saw tears on her face so he did not fight back as they boy punched him.
"Enough" her brother shouted as he grabbed the whip and hit the boy across his back.
The other clan leaders were surprised at what he did, Lien finally looked their way and smiled.
"You are just another filth bag form the Yunmeng clan, so you should not talk about other " Han said and Chang laughed as he walked towards them.
"Come on Lady Lien" Chang said and she followed him.
"Yu" she said as she turned his face towards her, took out her handkerchief and wiped the little blood off of his face.
"You okay?" she asked,
He noticed that she was not looking at him and he sighed.
"Why can't you look at me?" he asked and she looked at him.
"I am looking at you" she responded as tears came to her eyes and she hugged him in front of everyone.
Her brother raised her off of him and she looked away from him.
"I am sorry, i didn't know" he said,
"It's fine, i did not want to worry you" she replied,
"You are my sister, it is my duty to worry about you" he said then hugged her and Hu smiled.
"Ha she deserved it who told her to go try and save this idiot" the guy said as he pushed lady Lien to the ground and Yu got angry.
He lifted her back up "are you okay?" he asked her,
'I am fine" she responded and he hit the guy across his face with the flute which scratched his face.
The darkness started to raise from the flute and everyone gasped.
"Yu calm down" she said,
"How dare you hit her?" Yu asked as the darkness surrounded him.
"I will kill you if you touch her again, you hear me" he shouted as his eyes turned dark and he flew up into the air.
"Oh no, if he gets out of control he will really kill him" she said to Hu.
"You cannot go up there, but can i touch you?" Hu asked,
"Yes" she responded as he lifted her up in his hands and flew up to Yu with his sword under his feet.
"Yu please snap out of it" she said as she stood up on Hu's sword with him.
The darkness surrounded the entire arena.
"None of this is your fault then why is everyone always blaming you for everything?" he asked as he squeezed the flute,
"Yu... please, if you don't stop and if you kill him they will kill you please stop" she said as tears ran down her cheek.
"He will kill us all" the guy said as he closed his eyes and pulled out his sword and pointed his finger to Yu as a blue aura surrounded him.
The sword was heading for Yu and Lien saw she pushed Yu out of the way and the darkness disappeared.
Due to the pushed both she and Hu fell but Hu got up back and since Lien was falling so fast he could not catch up to her.
"Sis..." her brother shouted.