"Your wedding is in a few days"

As she was falling her brother jumped up but by then Wang appeared out of no where, caught her and landed on the ground gently on his toes.

"Leader Wang" everyone said as Yu and Hu came down.

"I am sorry" Yu said as she hopped out of Wang's arms.

She placed her hand on Yu's face "relax it is not your fault" she replied as Cheng grabbed the whip and hit the guy on hos back that started the problem.

Everyone jumped as he did that.

"You could have made innocent people die, you fool" he shouted as he hit him again.

"Yu how many time have i told you not to use that evil thing?" her uncle asked,

"Uncle it was not his fault" she responded and her uncle raised his hand to slap her but Yu grabbed on to his hand.

"If you want hit me not her because if you do i might do something really crazy" he said and Wang smiled.

"Uncle please just let it go" she said while coughing and Hu sighed.

"I wonder how much more you have to suffer?" Wang asked himself.

"He has to take his punishment which would be two thousand whips, that is my final decision" her uncle said,

"Then you are going to have to hit me too" Lien replied.

Wang, Yu and Hu looked at her with their eyes wide open.

"Fine have it your way" her uncle said as the guards grabbed on to her and Yu.

"Uncle i suggest you release her this instant" Han said,

"Not going to happen, you might be the leader but remember we have saying in everything when it concerns dark energy" his uncle replied.

Hu then pointed his sword to the guards neck and they all looked at him.

"She is my future wife and if you have a problem, you will have to deal with me" he said.

"Young lord Hu please do not get involve" she said with a frown,

"As you wish" he replied and Wang folded his cuffs as the wind started to blow strong and cold.

"Leader Wang is this your doing?" the general Li from the Yunmeng clan asked,

"So what if i am?, what will you do Li ?" he asked with a wicked smirk.

The general was well know for destroying one's core and most of the cultivators were afraid of him but not Wang.

Lien smiled as she looked at Wang.

He looked at her and smiled gently as the guy pulled his sword.

"Trust me general you do not want to pick a fight with me today" he said as he pointed his sword to guards neck and they released Yu along with Lien.

"Enough with this nonsense Li, leave the evil king alone" Cheng shouted and he obeyed his order.

"Yu this is not over her and lady Lien prepare for your wedding which is in a few day" he said as Lady Lien grabbed on to Yu and Wang's hand then her uncle left.

She started coughing and Wang's eyes glowed red as he looked at her body but no one saw.

'Lady Lien you need to rest" he said,

"He is right, you are getting weaker" Yu replied as he lifted her up in his arms and they returned home with her brother.

Yu took her to her room and Wang left.

She sat on her couch and drank some water then her nose started to bleed and she wiped the blood so that Yu won't see.

"Wang is only brave fellow, seems like everyone was right to be afraid of him" Yu said,

"Yeah but i do not believe he is a bad person" she replied,

"You have a good heart Lien but people don't just call someone evil for no reason" he said,

"Oh really?" she asked,

"Yeah.." he responded and she sighed,

"Yu if you use darkness to protect and they feel threaten then eventually they will start calling you evil too, probably the evil prince next" she said and he laughed,

"You are right i should not judge him especially when i know nothing about him same as you" he replied and she looked at him.

"Are you implying something Yu?" she asked,

"I am just saying you are vulnerable at the moment and i really care for and i do not want you to get hurt so all i am saying is that you should be careful" he responded,

"I understand Yu and i appreciate your concern but i will be fine" she said,

"Okay you need to build your energy up, i will make you some porridge, i will be right back, keep your sword near you" he said then rushed off.

"You okay lady Lien?" Wang asked and she jumped then she looked at him and smiled gently.

"I really wish i had the energy to slap you but unfortunately i don't" she said as he came and sat on her bed.

"Why do you hate me?" he asked and her eyes widened.

"What makes you think that i hate you Leader Wang?" she asked,

"I do not know because of the way i am, darkness and you don't even know me yet you try to defend me even against Yu" he responded.

"Please do not ask me questions i cannot answer i just do not think you are as evil as they say" she said,

"Are you going to marry him?" he asked with a cold tone and she jumped then swallowed deeply.

"Y.. yes i am" she responded and he punched the bed.

The girl jumped "wh.. what's wrong?" she asked,

He then got up and grabbed on to her hand, pulled her up from the couch and shoved her against the wall.

She started to tremble.

He passed his hand around her waist and on her face.

"You are pretty, tell me do you have any feelings for him Lien?" he asked and she held on to his hand.

"Move please" she said as she turned away and he grabbed on to her face turning her towards him.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked,

"Ever since i met you everything has been going wrong" he responded and she gasped,

"I never asked you to loiter around me, i never asked for anything" she said.