Anything Is Useful! Johnson's Performance Time

Looking at the few items in front of her, Monica was completely stunned.

The loud sound of the mercury bomb would definitely attract a large group of zombies.

According to Monica's way of thinking, if she wanted to kill zombies quietly, Johnson should have made something similar to a "silencer".

Although she didn't know how it was supposed to be done, at least in theory he should have worked towards this goal.

But what did Johnson do?

Not only did he not make anything similar to a silencer, he even made an alarm clock.

Wasn't this making the situation worse?

Monica didn't understand, but Johnson had a clear plan in his heart.

In this apocalyptic world, he had to deal with two problems.

One was the demand for supplies, such as food, water, and a safe home.

At present, this factory could be considered a "home".

As for food and water, as long as there was a miniature cleansing device, Johnson could have as much as he wanted.

After all, the world was full of contaminated food and water. In the eyes of others, they were "waste" or even "poison", but Johnson could turn them into precious resources.

The next problem would be security.

More specifically, zombies and nuclear radiation.

Johnson didn't need to worry about radiation at the moment

After all, the nuclear pollution in this district wasn't serious. Furthermore, Johnson had a Mechanic suit, which could completely prevent radiation from harming his body.

Right now, what he had to deal with was the zombies around the area.

And he had to clean them up thoroughly.

Johnson certainly wasn't going to kill zombies with an electromagnetic pistol. That would be too slow and dangerous.

Therefore, his plan was to lure all the zombies together and blow them all up at once!

And this plan required…

A bomb, an alarm clock, a remote control car and a signal amplifier!

Then, under Monica's puzzled gaze, Johnson began his work.

First, he placed the mercury bomb on the toy car and fixed it with a strap found in the factory.

Next was the alarm clock.

It was also fixed onto the toy car.

The last and most crucial one…

That was the signal amplifier.

That's right, this was the signal amplifier which blueprints cost 20 points in the system shop.

This was the most crucial part of the plan.

Johnson put the amplifier on the remote control car and set the alarm on the clock.

The alarm would ring a minute later.

Then Johnson reached the other side of the factory and climbed up the metal stairs to the roof.

Meanwhile, Monica hesitated for a moment before following.


The two of them arrived at the rooftop one after another. It was already afternoon and the sky had not darkened yet, so visibility was still relatively high.

Monica followed Johnson to the edge of the roof. She happened to glance down and almost lost her balance in shock.

The street below was filled with zombies!

If the bomb were to explode here, the two of them would definitely die in the wave of zombies that would follow.

Monica instinctively glanced at Johnson.

However, there was no fear on Johnson's face. There was even a hint of… excitement?

What was wrong with this man?

Johnson was indeed feeling quite excited at this moment.

Other people would see a multitude of zombies, but Johnson instead was seeing a lot of points!

As long as he killed all these zombies, 100 points… No, he could obtain at least 200 points!

Johnson took a deep breath and adjusted his emotions before starting to operate the remote control.

The next second, the toy car drove out of the factory steadily.

Johnson's toy car was no ordinary toy that could be found on Earth.

He had equipped the toy car with a very effective shock absorption device.

No matter what terrain they were on, there would not be a risk of the mercury bomb being detonated due to the vibrations.

The toy car slowly drove the alarm clock and bomb out to the street.

Monica stared at the tiny car nervously.

The next second, the alarm rang.

Ring Ding Ding….

Hearing this ringtone, Monica's heart could not help but tighten.

Why was the ringtone so loud!

The bell rang like that naturally because of Johnson's modifications to it.

His purpose was simple: to attract all the zombies around him!

As she expected, the moment the bell rang, all the zombies nearby moved toward the toy car.

Johnson, on the other hand, controlled the car and kept weaving between the zombies.

Soon, the scene below changed completely.

The toy car that was surrounded by zombies turned into the pack leader leading a chain of zombies.

That's right, leading!

All the zombies nearby were attracted by the ringtone.

Under Johnson's guidance of the car, all the zombies gathered together.

A large group of zombies began to follow the toy car.

Seeing this scene, Monica widened her eyes.

She could not help but glance at the man beside her.

This man was too amazing!

At this moment, Monica circled around the top of the factory building and realized that there was not a single zombie around them.

They had all been lured away by the sound of the alarm clock.

Two blocks away, a large group of zombies was following the toy car as it sped along.

This was the function of the signal amplifier!

Without the amplifier, ordinary toy cars would not be able to drive so far because the effective range of the remote control was too limited.

But now Johnson could lure these zombies to a location far away from his original position.

That way, even if the bomb exploded, the surrounding zombies would only gather at a location far away and not near the factory.

When the time came, the surroundings of the factory would become very safe.

Johnson glanced at the zombies and smiled.

They were far enough.

He now put down the remote control.

The toy car that had lost its guidance immediately stopped.

The zombie crowd behind the toy car quickly caught up.

Once they got close enough, the zombie at the front let out a growl and pounced.

After the mercury bomb was shaken, the mercury inside immediately flowed to come into contact with the copper wire.


A loud sound was heard.

Johnson was immediately inundated with countless notifications.

[Successfully killed a mutated creature. Obtained 1 point]

[Successfully killed a mutated creature. Obtained 1 point]

[Successfully killed a mutated creature. Obtained 1 point]


He had struck the jackpot!