Johnson Has Superpowers?! Wait, Are You Making A Bomb?

Johnson removed the material he needed from the iron racks.

As an apprentice mechanic, he naturally knew what materials were needed to make certain things.

Johnson also had the knowledge to create high-tech special products that did not exist in this world.

Retrieving a bottle of mercury from the rack, Johnson smiled and started working.

He wanted to make a mercury bomb!

In the meantime, Monica once again returned to the factory premises, having already moved the second zombie corpse to the basement.

She counted the corpses on the ground. Very good, she just needed to move another twelve corpses to complete the task.

Monica opened the bottle of mineral water and took a small sip, before placing it on the ground in satisfaction.

As long as she had water, food, and could live safely, she did not mind doing hard labor.

Carrying zombie corpses was nothing!

Although it was a little disgusting, at least there was no danger.

Monica smiled in satisfaction. She was about to move the next zombie corpse.

But at this moment, she caught a weird sight from the corner of her eyes.

Turning over subconsciously for a look, Monica was rooted to the spot in shock.

She seemed to see Johnson controlling some screws with just his mind.

Monica rubbed her eyes and felt that she might have been hallucinating.

However, even after rubbing her eyes, she realized that she was not mistaken.

Johnson was really controlling the screws to move and drill themselves in without using his hands!

She only saw Johnson waving his hands in the air, like a conductor directing an orchestra.

The materials floating in the air were pieced together by Johnson, as though on their own accord.

This was actually one of the basic abilities of an apprentice mechanic, [Machinery Proficiency].

Even Johnson himself didn't expect Machinery Proficiency to have such an effect.

This was too convenient for him.

Under his mental control, the materials were assembled together with incomparable precision, more precise than any machine could have done!

The error margin was always 0!

Soon, a mercury bomb was completed.

With a thought from Johnson, the mercury bomb landed steadily on the metal rack by his side.


A bomb with such a dosage would definitely be able to kill a hundred zombies in one go!

This would be a huge sum of points for Johnson.

Just as he was about to continue making other things, Monica walked over and asked with a stunned expression,

"Mr. Johnson… You… Do you have superpowers?

"I think I saw… that…"

Monica pointed nervously at the 'alloy box' on the metal frame and asked hesitantly.

Johnson nodded calmly.

"You can think that I have superpowers, but I'm actually just a Mechanic."

He has superpowers?

He's a Mechanic?

Monica was a little lost. She felt that everything had become part of her dream.

But the next second, she stared at the "metal box" on the iron frame with her mouth agape.

"This… this is…"

Monica felt that this thing looked familiar. She seemed to have seen it often in movies.

Johnson's voice still remained very calm as he casually replied.

"Mercury bomb."

Hearing this answer, Monica's lips trembled.

She swallowed and glanced at Johnson who seemed to treat it like an everyday toy.

That's right, this man was definitely not joking.

He was serious!

Monica hesitated for a moment. She stammered and did not say anything for a long time.

Didn't they say that any noise would attract zombies?

Why did Johnson make a bomb then?

Was he trying to attract all the zombies in this area?!

Countless questions appeared in Monica's heart. Compared to Johnson's 'superpowers' and 'profession', the issue of safety was more important to Monica.

However, Johnson didn't bother clarifying her doubts. He merely pointed at the zombie corpses,

"Back to work."

Hearing this, Monica ran over helplessly and continued to move the corpses.

She was very clear about her status in this "home".

However, she couldn't help but worry. If the mercury bomb exploded, the zombies would definitely surround them. What should she do then?


Watching Monica continue to move the zombie corpses, Johnson took out the [Signal Amplifier] blueprint from his Storage and studied it carefully.

Johnson was a machinery designer in his previous life.

However, if this blueprint was given to him in his previous life, he would not be able to create it.

This design was too exquisite!

Furthermore, it was not something that the people from Earth could do.

It was too complicated!

However, he now had the Legendary Mechanic System.

As an apprentice mechanic, he could completely understand this blueprint and create this amplifier on a 1:1 scale!

Johnson immediately got to work.

The base, structure, triggering method… all of them were carefully created according to the design plan.

Just like before, Johnson only needed to use his mind to control the parts and put them together.

He did not need any tools at all!

As for the Mechanic workbench in the Storage, it was used for super precision processing, so he had no need of it yet.

Time gradually passed.

The zombie corpses in the factory had already been moved to the basement by Monica.

And all the tools that Johnson had planned to use had been produced.

The props were actually very simple.

A mercury bomb, a simple alarm clock, and…

A toy car.

Monica looked at what Johnson made and was puzzled.

What was he doing with all these trinkets?