
Three days passed and only then, was Ayami discharged from the hospital because her parents were so adamant that she must stay in the hospital, even though the doctor said it was okay for her to be discharged. 

Ayami had to use an amount of energy to persuade her parents to let her out of the hospital.

And finally, after a long war of words, she was able to get out of the hospital.

"Congratulations on your discharge." Kayden said with a smile and handed her a box of donuts.

Ayami took the donuts with a displeased look. She was annoyed that Kayden didn't even help her persuade her parents and just sat back and enjoyed watching their war.

What's worse was that he was even eating popcorn while watching.

"Thank you." Ayami said with a monotonous tone.

"Well then, I'm gonna leave now. I'll treat you some time later." Kayden left in a hurry. He looked really busy these past few days.

"Ayami!" A cute sunny yellow was running to her at the speed of light and tackled her down to the ground. 

"Touchdown." Kayden mumbled but Ayami was still able to hear seeing that she was glaring at him fiercely.

"Celine, you might injure her. She just got discharged." Rina spoke behind them. Celine was hugging Ayami tightly.

The both of them really looked happy seeing Ayami was discharged. Her family also had happy smiles plastered on their faces. 

Only the person who was discharged was unhappy. Her lips were pressed into a thin and her brows were furrowed.

How could she be happy?

"Traitors." Ayami unhappily spoke. When she and her parents were in the war of words, what did they do? Nothing!

Ayami expected them to help her but that expectation of hers was betrayed. It was fine though, as she was used to it.

Celine chuckled and stood up. She reached out to Ayami and pulled her up. "Come on, don't be like that. We can't really join your battlefield. We'll die the moment we step in."

You could have been cannon fodders. She thought but didn't say out loud, afraid that they might take it the wrong way.

But even though they didn't help her in her war, she was still happy deep inside. After all, they did cry the moment they saw her. 

They were really worried about her after hearing that they visited everyday. It was nice to see that there were people worrying about her.

"Hmph." Ayami puffed her cheeks and ignored them, but there was a faint smile on her face.

Seeing her expression they all smiled warmly.

Afterwards, Ayami and her family went to a high-class restaurant to celebrate her discharge. Celine and Rina left as they didn't want to get in the way of their family time.

An escort showed up and guided them to the private room her father booked.

They first had a toast, of course Ayami and Allina only had fruit juice. Even though they were already adults, their parents prohibited them from drinking until they graduated.

As they ate merilly, her father cleared his throat before opening his mouth to speak.

"Ahem, Ayami. You and that boy… ahem, ahem."

Seeing that Dennis had a hard time asking the obvious question, Elsa had no choice but to do it.

"Your father is asking about your relationship with the boy." Elsa said with a straight face.

"Yes, that. I am not prohibiting you from getting into a relationship, but I hope that you will choose the right man." 

"…" When did she ever say that she was in a relationship. She hasn't yet even answered the question.

"Ahem. Anyways, I won't spoil the mood for today, so I'll talk about it on another day." Dennis said after seeing the expression of Ayami.

He then changed the subject while Ayami ate the food with a bitter taste in her mouth. For some reason she wasn't happy.


"Young Miss, please call for me if you need anything." Marie said while forcing a smile on her face.

Her eyes were swollen from crying too much, worrying about her Young Miss well-being day and night.

"Alright." Ayami nodded her head at her. She was surprised when she found Marie after getting to their home.

Mary was on a vacation and was supposedly in her hometown right now. When Marie heard that Ayami collapsed, she hurriedly went back from her vacation.

"…Young miss, please take care of your health." Marie said and took her leave after she finished speaking.

After the door closed, Ayami let out a sigh.

「With the way you are going, I wouldn't be surprised if you suddenly died.」

Those words were stuck inside her mind as Ayami laid in bed, unable to forget the words the guide told her.

Ayami didn't know whether that was a dream or not but, everything felt realistic that she chose to believe that it was real.

It was better to lay low for now. Ayami thought.

Her plans would have to be put on hold. Although she wasn't particularly happy with it, she decided it was for the best.