Death Threat

Ayami took her phone and charged. She didn't have much chance to use it as she was resting in the hospital.




The moment the phone turned on, she received a lot of messages. It mostly came from Celine and Rina, as well as the trio who was sent to observe Yanna's movement.

She started to read Celine's message that was sent last week, but only received now. Then she went to Rina's message. The both only consisted of worried messages so she just skimmed it. As she scrolled through her phone, she saw Kayden's message.

Kayden: Still alive?

Sent a week ago.

She frowned and ignored his message.

Ayami paid attention to the trio's message. Yanna was currently staying inside the dorm. She also checked the forums, but there were no scandalous incidents posted, just a bunch of boring topics.

It looks like it didn't spread. Probably that ice cube's doing. Ayami thought.

Hailey: The meeting has been moved to next week. Whether they are a small group or big, all leaders must attend. The leader is allowed to bring only one assistant.

Sent a week ago.

Ayami stared at the phone and started typing. The meeting she was moving for has been moved. How lucky she was right now.

Rose: Alright, bring me along as your assistant.

Then she scrolled again. It was annoying as a bunch of strangers were wishing her good health and congratulating on her discharge. Like, who are these people!?

Lux Jewelry Palace: Your order is complete. You may pick it up at our store.

Sent a week ago.

Ayami: I will pick it up tomorrow afternoon.

After she finished replying to most of the important messages, she turned off her phone but then, a notification message popped up.

Unknown: I'll kill you.

A death threat? That's strange…

She didn't do any actions that would lead someone to threatening her with death, but there is one person. Ayami didn't think that Yanna would do that though.

Must be a prank.

Ayami didn't pay any mind to it and just went to sleep.

The next day, Ayami went back to the academy and met with Celine and Rina in the morning.

"Seriously, I can't believe that girl was vicious enough to do that." Celine complained, talking about what Yanna did to Ayami, while Rina calmed her down.

Ayami wondered how Rina was able to nonchalantly step inside the cafeteria full of students, while she stuck out like a sore thumb.

They were currently in the cafeteria eating their breakfast. Ayami was silently eating and observing the students around.

Nobody was talking about the Yanna Jin, except their table. It looks like nobody knows or at least one of them knows but keeping their mouth shut.

"Um, e-excuse me? Are you Ayami Gardner?"

A meek girl appeared before them and spoke in an almost quiet voice. Ayami observed her from head to toe. The girl was pale and her knees were trembling slightly.

"Yes, I am. What do you need?" Ayami spoke in a flat tone. The meek girl handed her a piece of paper. After Ayami took the paper, the girl dashed away as if she was being chased by a monster. 

Weird girl.

Ayami thought while watching the girl flee in a hurry. She looked at the piece of paper and opened it.

"Yikes." Celine said as soon as she saw the content of the paper.

"Who would do such a horrible thing?" Rina worriedly looked at Ayami who might be affected by this letter.

There were cut out letters pasted on the paper and formed words. It looked like one of those death threats in detective movies.

I will kill you!

"Childish." Ayami murmured and ripped the paper apart. But this didn't mean that it didn't bother her. 

Who would do this to her?


Ayami took out her phone and looked at the notification. Unknown sent her a message with a picture attached to it. It was her looking at the death threat in the cafeteria.

Unknown: Have you received my love letter?

So it was them who sent her that childish threat. Ayami blocked the sender and turned her phone off. She didn't have time to play with kids.

"Don't mind it. It's just a prank." Ayami assured them. She was the victim yet the two of them were the most affected, almost like they were the victim.


Just as they were about to resume their meal, another one approached them. Due to her annoyance, Ayami didn't realize that the voice was familiar. Why are they bothering me!!!

"What?" Unhappy that her breakfast was interrupted, Ayami coldly spoke.

Frowning, she turned to look at the person in displeasure. To her surprise, it was Yanna. Ayami didn't expect that she would approach her after what happened.

"May I talk to you?" Yanna spoke to her seriously. Ayami had a feeling that something was different in her. It was as if she was talking to Yanna of the future.

"We are talking right now." Ayami sarcastically responded to her.

"I meant somewhere private." Seeing that Yanna looked serious, Ayami decided to talk to her. There was really something weird about her and she wanted to confirm her suspicions.

"Alright." Ayami stood up, only to be stopped by the two. They both firmly grabbed her arm, not intending to let her go.

"Are you serious, Ayami?" Celine glared at her, clearly showing her anger at Ayami's decision. 

"It's fine if you want to talk to her, but we'll go with you." Rina didn't want a chance for Ayami to be swayed by this fake.

The situation fell into a stalemate, with both of them glaring daggers at Yanna, while there was no change in Yanna's expression.

Ayami let out a sigh and shook her arms. She groaned in pain as their grip tightened. "It hurts."

"Sorry." Celine and Rina apologized and let go of her arm.

"Then it looks like my friends want to join. Would that be okay?"

Seeing that there was no choice, Yanna compromised.

"It's fine, but they mustn't interrupt me."