Bad End

Ayami laid on the floor, tired from playing games too much. She screamed frustratedly after losing for the 999th round of the game. It has been three days since they started and Ayami had to stay here to beat the game. She was finally regretting coming here.

"This is too much!!!"

Bad, this is the bad you are talking about? This is just childish bad! 

All they did all day was slacking, playing games, and eating junk foods. They also pranked some of the employees. And now, it was already past midnight.

Ayami felt like she was disappointed, she was expecting something else. Wait, why was she disappointed?

Ayami blushed and covered her face. 

"Come on, why don't we try one more time?" Kayden urged her and handed her the console, "Maybe this time we'll win?"

They were playing an RPG game and were set on extreme mode. Everything was ridiculously hard and they were on it from the time they started playing.

Before they could even face the final boss, they would have to defeat the mini bosses. Every time they lose, they restart from the very beginning. Which was very annoying as they would have to face the mini bosses again.

"Fine, this is the last one."

And so, they went on a conquest to defeat the game. It was already dawn by the time they defeated the final boss.

Staring at the screen with bloodshot eyes, Ayami and Kayden celebrated.


You have defeated the final boss on your 1000th round…

After that, the credits rolled. But there was still something called the after credits and it was shown right after the credits.

And so the hero lived a peaceful life. But…

Was it really the end?

An unknown creature has arrived!


Please defeat it or else your saved data will be permanently erased.

"What!?" Ayami felt devastated. It wasn't the end yet? Who the hell made this game!? I'll find them and kill them!!!

The screen shook and the world inside the game started to crumble. Their characters were slowly vanishing, as if they were being deleted.

Then, the screen turned black. Words in red color started to appear.

B A D E N D . . .

It is unfortunate. You may only defeat the real boss when you defeat every enemy on your first try. 

Ayami almost threw the console on the screen, but Kayden managed to stop her. All the time they spent on it was wasted!

This can't be!

Then why the hell did we even play this game if we couldn't even defeat the real boss? Why the hell was this game invented when we couldn't even have some fun?

This game… is an embodiment of frustration and rage…

After playing the game three whole days without sleep, Ayami felt like she just wanted to crawl on a bed and sleep.

"The game you chose is the worst." Ayami commented.

"Sorry, I didn't know that this would happen." Kayden was also tired and disappointed at the ending. Oh well, they can't change anything now and they can't return the time they wasted. There's nothing they could do about it.

And so, they were just about to sleep when Ayami received a text message from Marie.

"We have finished interrogating the man."

"Sorry, I need to make a call." Kayden nodded his head and went back to his room. This room was soundproof so she didn't have to worry about being heard.

"Tell me the details."

Marie started telling her what they found out from the man. There was only a little bit they could find out as the man only knew a little. Of course, he was only in the lowest part of the organization.

"Come pick me up tonight." Ayami told Marie her location. "Understood.

Ayami hung up and then looked at the other phone. There were no activities for the past three days, they didn't even send her a message. Ayami thought they must have given up, but the timer was still bothering her. It felt like it was calm before the storm.

Time Left: 1d 18h 59m 21s