A Painful Scream

Ayami slept first in the guestroom and woke up when it was already dinner time. She stretched her arms and did a small warm up.

After sleeping for the whole day, she felt refreshed but her stomach was empty.

"Are you awake yet, sleeping beauty?"

Kayden asked as soon as he opened the door. "Someone is here to pick you up."

It must be Marie. Ayami thought.

It was time to leave the happy moments and start to get serious. It was also a perfect timing as she had already recovered from the wounds she suffered the other day. "I have to leave now. Actually, I was just going to stay here for a day."

They went down to the sitting room. Inside the sitting room was Alfred and Marie. Ayami was wondering what Alfred was doing here, but she thought that he must be here for Kayden.

"Young miss." Marie smiled sweetly at her, but her eyes were vigilant as she was in an unknown territory. The most she was wary of was Alfred. She couldn't even read this man as she conversed with him while waiting for the young miss.

"Mr. Kayden, thank you for taking care of our young miss these past few days. We brought some gifts in token of our appreciation." Marie showed him the gifts she brought while maintaining a courteous distance.

"There was no need for this, but thank you anyways." Kayden smiled perfunctorily.

"Then we have bothered you for long enough, we will be taking our leave."

"Let me see you out."

They were both smiling and looked like they were getting along with each other, but actually they were checking each other out. 

Are you even worthy of our young miss?

Then, the atmosphere changed when Alfred and Kayden switched places. With a straight face, he spoke towards Marie. "You have not really bothered us, in fact we welcome your beloved young miss with open arms. We would like it if you visit us often."

The tension in the air increased, but Marie was still calmly smiling.

"Yes, when the young miss have time, she will visit you." Marie spoke for Ayami like a spokesperson.

"You two get along well. But Marie, we have to go." Ayami impatiently spoke. 

"The young miss has some business to attend to, so we will be taking our leave." 

The four of them left the room and went outside, where a car was parked. Sebastian was also there, seemingly waiting for them. He bowed ninety degrees after seeing the four of them.

"We apologize for letting you see an unsightly thing on your first day of stay here. We'll make sure it won't happen again." Then after that Sebastian took his leave. 

"I'll be taking my leave." After saying their goodbyes, the car left Golden Hills Residence. 

Marie was the one driving the car. They didn't head home, instead they went back to the warehouse. Fortunately, there weren't any pursuers on the way home.

Ayami wore a mask that covered her whole face. They then entered the warehouse, which was guarded by hundreds of men.

The men confirmed that he was part of the unknown organization that Yanna was talking about, but as he was low-ranked, they couldn't find any useful information. All they could find out was the content of his mission and the basic information. Ayami expected that finding information from a tight lipped organization is difficult.

But she knew that there were still some more the man wasn't telling them.

Facing the man who was terribly worned out from torture, Ayami frowned.

"I told you… I don't have any more I can give you…" The man, whose name was John, spoke. Poor John didn't know what his fate awaits if he continues to be like this.

Ayami couldn't believe she would be the one who would personally interrogate.

A painful scream reverberated throughout the warehouse that night.