The Leader

Ayami was in a good mood after she woke up. She slept at a hotel since she didn't want to go home or get back to her dorm. She was all alone in the room, with no one to protect her. 

Ayami gave the phone the stalker gave her to Marie, so that she could use it to investigate.

She had her breakfast and ate merrily. She was all lax all day and waited for time to pass.

"At 10 PM, it will start. It would happen in Crimson Hotel. Where should we meet?" Hailey, the one who she blackmailed messaged her last night. She just replied after a good night's sleep. "I'll be waiting at the lounge."

She also picked Crimson Hotel after she read her messages. 

And so, she did all the various things the hotel could offer and played around all day. While doing so, she also went to gather some information, until it was already 9:30 PM.

Apparently, a masquerade party was going to happen at the top floor, which was made for large events. Only the ones invited could enter.

Ayami prepared herself and changed her clothes. She wore a short wig, a simple white mask that covered her entire face, and a black suit. It was better to disguise myself as a male right now.

"Ahem. Hello, hello." Ayami tried to test her voice. She tried to make it deeper, but not awkward. Her voice was fine and she won't probably get found out.

Finally, after she finished her preparation, she went down the lounge and waited for Hailey to arrive.

Fifteen minutes later, Hailey arrived and was looking around, looking for someone. She realized that she didn't really know what their appearance was so she sent a message to that guy. "Where are you?"

"Near the emergency exit." Hailey hurriedly went to the emergency exit. There she saw an enthralling man wearing a white mask with a dignified aura. She couldn't believe that this man was her blackmailer.

"Invitation?" A smooth and seductive voice came out of the man's mouth. With just his voice alone, it was enough for her legs to weaken.

Hailey scurried and took out a black invitation card from her bag. She handed it to the man, shyly.

"Then, let's go." The man offered his elbow like a gentleman, while Hailey dazedly took it. Then as she touched the man's arm, she felt like a shock electrocuted her.

What is wrong with me today? Hailey thought. 

They both proceeded to the venue and showed the invitation card, then they entered and sat to the farthest seat away from the front as it was the one reserved for them.

They waited for the event to start. They had to wait thirty more minutes before the event started. All of the people were seated in their respective places.

Hailey was nervously fidgeting on her seat, while secretly glancing at the calm and elegant man beside her. She glanced one more time again and this time, their eyes met. Hailey immediately looked away, while her heart was beating rapidly like there were some people in there drumming.

Ayami, who was just there not thinking about anything in particular, felt that Hailey kept looking at her. But when their eyes met, she immediately looked away, which made Ayami think that she was being weird.

Soon after, they entered the main event. The host spoke merrily and welcomed a man.

"Now then, let us welcome the leader of the gang! Mr. Heisman!"

What? The guy who always hid himself was now showing himself?

A familiar looking man stepped on the podium. Ayami was so surprised that she almost fell off her chair.

What was he doing here?

That guy… was her former fiance's uncle. He was also one of Cole's long list of enemies. The gears on her head started spinning. 

"I thank you all for gathering under my request…" Ayami didn't bother to listen to the formalities.

"I have news for you. The leadership will now be passed…" 

Her hands clenched tightly to the point it went pale. That can't be! Was I too late?

"…To my dearest son, Devin Heisman. Although it is not this year, I hope everyone will support my decision."

The people inside the venue murmured to themselves. This was too sudden!