Stupid Bells?

Sunlight seeped in through the windows of the teacher's lounge as I inspected the place.

The other places of this surprisingly huge place made me realize that this place was some sort of mix between, motel, dojo, and restaurant?

Are these the benefits the wealthy always had? Having all of this is a bit…

No, this is very very practical. I really can't find anything wrong with this.

There's a lot of infighting, but all of the older people, who I assume are the teachers or other relevant people, simply ignored it. In fact, sometimes they added fuel to the flame as they encouraged such fights.

I've seen people turning a blind eye to these things, but I've never seen encouragement. Strange people.

I've a few Asian-American friends, but not any that are exclusively Asian. I'm guessing this is how people were before the age I lived in?

Too bad I don't know astronomy or something similar. I'd be able to figure out the year.

Ah, that wouldn't be very relevant information, since I'm in an entirely different world.

It is very similar to the Earth I know, though as there is a white moon and yellow blazing sun, both the same distance away I know them to be.

If I did know astronomy, I would be able to at least find out if I'm in the same galaxy as Earth is in, right?

This is too much to rack my brains over. I don't have any knowledge on these type of things and my thought process right now could just be ignorant ideas as far as I know.

As a modern American man, I have a motto: think less and eat more!

I sat up and looked around the comfort zone and felt like I'd definitely take advantage of everything I can.

There were a lot of things here that even in the modern age, were greatly luxurious.

For example, the couch I'm sitting on. I'm sinking into this couch and feel like I'm silently massaged by the sheer comfort of this couch.

Now that I completed the think less part, I started chewing on some sweets they laid out in one of the luxurious layered plates.

I also want to test out the concept that one could lose fat with cultivation. If that works, that would help a lot with growing this skinny body.

Ah, it's so uncomfortable when I realize the body I'm in is completely different than my original one. I have to consciously observe or think about that very fact to actually realize it. I just have the lingering subconscious thought that I'm in my normal self.

This place is very comfortable, though. The couch, the air, the quiet, the tasty food, and the well-designed place all are great for stress relief.

I stand up off the couch with some hesitation, step out of the room to check its general location, then step back in.

Lay my palms on the floor and then get ready to do a pushup.

When I do one, it's really easy and simple. I try doing another and I have no struggle at all as if I just took a step down a staircase, so I change position and try doing one handed.

In pushup position with one hand, I go down and up once more and I finally feel something, but the feeling is as strenuous as taking 2 steps up a staircase.

I advance further and try doing it with less and less fingers, eventually reaching one finger.

Now doing one finger, I start to feel something besides the pain on the finger.

A pushup is a basic exercise that works a lot of the upper body. Right now, I mainly feel a contraction in my triceps which are on the back of the upper arm and my deltoids which are on the side of the shoulders. I feel it also more in my chest and slightly in my abdominals which I use to balance myself along with the deltoid.

Before I actually do anything, I do a few upper body stretches which are called dynamic stretches. These are stretches that require movement. These are important to warmup the body and decrease chances of injury.

Prepared, I try hitting as much of these pushups as I can, switching sides and doing equal amounts on both.

In the end I hit 50 repetitions on both sides when really pushing myself, which is just a supernatural amount. I'm sure this kid can embarrass any of the power lifters I knew by lifting twice their weight.

Then I modify a few pushups I know of by adding weight onto my back. I try to target different parts of my skinny chest and triceps with each different pushup.

In the end, with sore arms, I stop and rest.

The other parts of the body like biceps, forearms, abdominals, legs, back, etc I didn't target since I was trying to only do chest and triceps today, despite my excitement.

Also because I couldn't think of any way to modify most of the exercises besides adding weights, which I still need the craftsman for.

I could use the couch and other things, but that'd be a bit impractical to do.

I finally step out the room, wiping my sweat with a complementary towel I found on a rack. I somewhat struggle to lift up my arms to wipe my face.

That struggle brought a huge smile to my face. I'm back to my roots.

The smile was no doubt very creepy and I'm sure I scared off some people with it.

Before I could walk even 10 feet away from the door, I find the idiotic servant in his same fancy white robe walking besides a short, fat man who had a skinny yet long beard and mustache.

They were walking in my direction very hurriedly and I notice some sweat on the fat man's face.

They obviously were here for me, so I lay against the hallway, which was twice my height both vertically and horizontally, and wait for them.

When they come to me, I gesture to the teacher's lounge. "Let's talk in here."

I lead the way, but the craftsman stops outside the door, hesitating.

Seems like he can't enter the teacher's lounge? Makes sense. Not anyone could just come in here.

The craftsman twists his mustache while smiling wryly.

I look up to him and furrow my brows, as if I feel disrespected by his actions. I speak forcefully "Come in already."

The craftsman quickly walks in and hesitantly sits in the opposite couch from me as the servant gestures he sits there.

I smile like a corrupted politician with pure expectancy as I look at everyone and say, "How about we all introduce ourselves?"

The craftsman nods and puts a palm on his chest as he proudly says, "Qian Ju, Master Artisan of the Dai Clan."

I gesture to the servant very expectantly, hoping I can finally get this dude's name.

He nods and clears his throat with a fist over his mouth. "Fan Liang, the Hellish Serpent of the Dai Clan."

The Hellish what? He made himself sound pretty cool, though...

Despite my thoughts, I keep my smile and introduce myself based on what I remember my name being, "Dai Ning."

The other two aren't surprised with the fact that I said only my name, meaning that they expected that arrogance, and that my name really is Dai Ning.

"Artisan Qian, I wonder if you've ever heard of dumbbells or barbells?"

Qian Ju twisted his mustache with an amused expression. "Dumb bells? No, I haven't heard of these dumb bells."

I chuckle and cross my arms. "Ok, then I'll need to make some for me."

I explain the concept of dumbbells to him and he becomes increasingly interested. "What's the purpose of these dumbbells? How could you use something like this in battle?"

He seemed to have thought I want to knock someone out with the dumbbells.

I pulled my arrogance card out of my ass and said seriously, "Don't question me!"

He just looked confused and looked like wanted to say, "Um, ok?"

I then described the plates and the pull up bar and easy bars. I don't know if I have the money to purchase this, but I'll worry about that later like a true boss.

I don't use kettlebells and I don't plan on it either, so I'm not even thinking about getting those.

Qian Ju twisted his mustache, a little interested in the purpose of these things, but he didn't ask. He probably thought I was one of those people who thought they're innovative and requested random things.

Once he left, I looked at Fan Liang. I internally questioned whether I should interact with this 'Hellish Serpent'.

Instead I turned away and ignored him, thus following my arrogant character.

I instead went to meet Qian Ju to remind him to hurry up and then I went to my room. I think it's my room with how I slept there last night at least.

I looked at the mirror on the side wall, the bed on the opposite side, and the window at the far behind of the large room.

The window reflected my beautiful self as I sighed, feeling somewhat lost.

I grabbed a wooden chair, brought it to the side of the window and looked outside.


"He's making changes. He's making changes, Roland, what are you thinking?"

A roar that seemed to pierce the heavens shook the white fog that surrounded Roland.

Roland picked up his face looking at the dragon spouting the question. Roland's golden eyes reflected the impurities hidden within the deep recesses of the dragon's body.

He smiled, creating a holy light that could seemingly burn the contamination in anything. It failed to effect the dragon in the slightest, though.

He spoke with a voice, ethereal to the ears of those who could hear it. "Think? I know."

The dragon with black scales, red eyes, and green teeth mimicked Roland's smile. "You're really something."

The hideous smile dripped green acid into the pure white clouds under them.

The clouds parted and avoided the green acid, while Roland watched every action of the dragon.

Wings spread on both of their backs as they vanished from their spots.

The white clouds that surrounded the area they were in quaked as they disappeared before it turned infinitely still.