Enough For Youngsters Like You

"This is the sword I forged for you, taking exactly a week." Master Yi Feng said handing out the sword.

"Of course, the time inside here," he said with a cough. Time was spent much slower here. He would be here for a month and only a day would have passed outside.

Le Fang Ling respectfully took the sword and felt it along its edges. Just by looking at the wooden cover, there was nothing impressive about it. she wanted to take it out and see how it was.

"You will get to look inside, but first, we will have a short class," he said as he motioned her to separate herself from Nagina and Feng Po Po.

He wanted to talk with her alone. Le fang Ling obliged and caught her sword. She and Master Yi Feng sat around 3 meters away from the two girls.


  "Disciple Le, I am sure you know the limitation of your spiritual roots," Master Yi Feng said as soon as he and Le Fang Ling sat down on the ground.