The Sword Training

"As you can see, my spiritual root is fire element-based spiritual root, hence my weapon spirit is a type of fire spirit," Master Yi Feng said looking at Le Fang Ling. She was holding on to her sword as she looked at the cut in the ground in awe.

"That is why I said it was good you found a wind spirit when you are developing your wind-based spiritual roo."

Le Fang Ling nodded.

"But before I teach you how to work with a certain spirit, there is a most important thing," Master Yi Feng said as he produced two wooden swords in his hand. "You need to know how to wield a sword!"

Le Fang Ling looked at the sword he was carrying and wondered why he brought them out. She already had her sword ready… Just as her thought was starting to trail, Master Yi Feng explained his reasoning.