Let Me Tell You A Story Of Past

"T-The E-earth deity…" Feng Po Po answered and immediately buried her face in her palms. The tremendous power the earth deity carried scared her…More than she had expected.


'If you ever meet the Earth deity, don't think, don't stare.  Just run! Run away like there is no tomorrow!' The warning Feng Po Po had given her before ran across her mind like a wild horse.

A cold shiver ran down her spine. It was not because of Earth Deity and his power. There was something else that was scaring her more.

The similarity that she and the other girl carried!

They both had knowledge of earth, had a system; although it was just a guess, there was a 99.9 percent chance of that girl having a system with her and finally, a deity that was attached to their soul. It was as if fate was tired of seeing her life and decided to have fun by messing with things.