Let Me Tell You Story Of The Past (2)

"Lilith?" Le Fang Ling repeated after Feng Po Po.

Feng Po Po nodded her head in affirmation. Though, she was slightly surprised when Le Fang Ling mentioned that name with a small hint of familiarity.

"Yes, she was always shrouded in that ominous-looking purple aura, yuck," Feng Po Po wrinkled her pretty face in an ugly twist.

The expression on Le Fang Ling's face stiffened a bit like an image of certain someone flashed in her mind.

"Lilith as in that Lilith? That one with a purple flame that surrounds her?" Le fang Ling had no idea what she was saying, but truth be told, she was clear of every word she was speaking. In this weird world, there was only one creature she had met whose name and description matched with the one inside her head.

The world was not this small or was it? There was no way 'Lilith' mentioned by Feng Po Po was the same woman who was trapped in the dimension of hers.