I Have A Plan

"It's always Le Fang ling this, Le Fang Ling that!" Le Lao Ling said hatefully. In his every word, there was spite and hatred so raw, even Le Zuan felt a shiver run down his spine. He tightened his fist and raised his head to meet the questioning eyes of Le Zuan.

"Guess what old man," he said with an evil sneer on his face. Le Zuan always thought he knew his son very well, but this was the first time he had seen this expression on his son.

"What did you do?" Le Zuan asked, however, he was not sure if he was ready to hear the answer.  Either he was going to be highly disappointed by it, or highly flabbergasted by it.

"The man that I sent on an errand," he said. "His name, he said it was Fei...Fei.." Le Lao Ling placed his hand on his chin as if trying to remember something insignificant.