Found The Perfect Solution

"W-What is happening?" A frightened voice mumbled as the ground continued to shake with tremors. It was not an earthquake, one could see that, however, this was what made this situation scarier.

A tree uprooted from the ground and came crashing down towards the same youth. He was dressed in a blue-colored robe.

  "What the…" his soul almost left his body when the tree almost hit him by a few inches. If he had been a second late while running away from the spot, he would have been smashed under the big tree.

The tremors finally stopped and the youth settled down a bit. Taking long and deep breaths, he stood near a huge rock. It seemed safer than any other place there.

With his mind cleared out a bit, he tried to analyze what had happened. With trembling hands, he took out a crumpled piece of paper from his small storage pouch. It was the paper that was given to him by the young master Le Lao Ling.