What Do You Think You’re Doing?


Everybody was staring at me, waiting for me to speak and tell them all about myself. No one had asked a specific question, so I didn't know where to start. I watched Louis intently to try to determine what he knew and if he would let us younger kids into his confidence. "Just ask Carl," his eyes stayed fixed on Juliet, and he said, "I promised to tell the truth and not hide anything anymore. If you guys do the same, we might actually get somewhere."

"There is really no point in me saying that I'm a watcher. Because I can't tell you why the watchers even exist... I have been trained to some degree, but I haven't been told where you come from."

"You said you would manifest," Juliet said.

"I lied. Thought it would be better for Charlene." Charlene and Juliet threw me with a pillow.

"What do you mean, Carl? All of us were born here." Juliet said.

There were three pairs of eyes on Louis... He shook his head. Juliet stood up, already frustrated, "Tell me already."

Louis sat forward, "Our parents were sent here as prisoners. Earth is a prison planet. Watchers are humans who know we're here and in exchange for certain… things. Secrets, help, whatever it may be." Everyone stared blankly at him, "Look, we're all born, but where do we come from. We haven't been here forever… Even in the world today, the legends or stories of vampires and werewolves originated in the seventeen hundreds."

"So, what you're saying… it hasn't always been vampires, werewolves, and humans on Earth?" Charlene asked. He agreed. "How long has this been… a prison planet?"

"A few hundred years."

 "So… my mom or my dad is a criminal? Who is it?" Juliet asked. Louis didn't answer. It took her two seconds to understand. Juliet gave a sardonic chuckle, "It's the brothers. They did something… My mom had no choice. She had to come!"

"Two hundred years is nothing… Aliens aren't so farfetched after all." Charlene added.

Louis continued. "It's the kids of the parents that are watched. I also don't know exactly how it works because I wasn't on the… Anyway… If there are no problems, they get to go back. Or so I heard…."

Juliet walked closer to Louis, "Where are your parents?"

He shook his head, "My dad did something. My mom and dad died later here on earth."

"Are you going back?" Louis got up and grabbed her hand. "No! I would never, baby."

She was puzzled, "Why not? Why would you stay in this place where everything is so difficult? Where we don't belong!"

Louis's hand rubbed his forehead… he was stressed, "Our planet is… not like here. I don't want to scare you." Juliet and Louis were staring at each other. 

"The werewolves?" Charlene asked.

"Their world is very peaceful. It is governed by a queen… So, it is very different. Again, I don't know everything. They don't have that many children who make it to that age where they have a choice… So, there are theories about that as well."

Juliet pulled her hand out of Louis's, "Don't read my mind right now," she walked away.

"Can I come with you?" she shook her head, "I'm going to take a bath and sleep. It's been a long day. It's enough for tonight."

Charlene got up to follow Juliet. That she didn't mind… They locked arms and went into one of the rooms. We heard them laughing and talking for the longest time. Later, they quieted down.

Louis and I were left watching the wood burn in the fireplace, "You're a watcher?"

I nodded, "Well, the son of one."

"Your father is…?"

"Julius Bertram."

Louis's whistled and took a long sip of his beer, "What is being said about Chris?"

"Why do you think I'm here. Or rather, why my father let me come… At first… we were watching Sita and Chris… which didn't yield anything. But now there have to be tabs on Juliet to see if she's—"

"Pregnant?" Louis drank the rest of his beer in one gulp. "Can I ask you a question, Carl?"


"Why can't I read you?"

I didn't really want to tell Louis that my father knew everything about everyone. Louis didn't even know he had a watcher himself. He thought he had grown up away from all the politics. My father knew exactly what was going on in that house. I hoped that my saying anything was okay.

"When you first came into the neighborhood… My father had tech implanted."

Louis bobbed his head, "Tonight, let's do what the girls are doing and do something boys would do."

"And that is?"

"Have something stronger. Some shots, maybe. Do you play poker?"

"Yeah, I do… and why not. What will we bet?"

"Secrets, of course."

I thought that was a good idea. If I did say something stupid, my dad couldn't blame me. Louis made his way outside to the bar on the patio. I followed. We made one massive fire in the pit, drank, sat up late, and fell asleep outside—bonding. I liked Louis from that first day at Juliet's house. My father even said… he was one of the good ones.



"Aren't you scared? Of the pregnancy… the birth… facing Ben," Juliet asked.

"I am…" Juliet was lying on my bed, scrutinizing the roof and twirling her hair with a finger. I was on my stomach beside her, reading a magazine I had bought at the airport.

"This place is insane… chandeliers are hanging in the bedrooms… Everything is so—"

"Expensive," I said and laughed lightly. "Maybe why… you like Chris so much? In his chinos and cheap button-up shirts. He couldn't care less about stuff like this."

"No, except for his car…." Juliet said.

"I know, right? What's up with that? And now it doesn't have a door," I said, trying not to laugh. Juliet burst out in her boisterous laugh. We laughed until we cried, imagining when he saw it the first time and them having to drive like that.

"When do you want to go to talk to Ben? Can I check his social?" I nodded and gave her my phone. I was curious, too. I have only checked it once. Juliet smiled brightly when she went through his photos, "Everything is on here. Your whole holiday… And this post with you sleeping." I hit her to stop playing. "I've said this before… But Ben's really handsome. Why haven't you shown me before?"

"Why didn't you ask?" she smiled. "Yes, he's good-looking, but will he even want to know about the baby?"

"Tricky, what do you think? Let's check his other posts… Look here… after that one of you sleeping, there is another about the New Year's Ball… A photo of you in that insane dress with your mask on gazing out at the dark skyline… on a very dark roof."

I grabbed the phone, "What does it say?" I quickly read the few words. "The night that changed my life." My eyes widened. Giddily, I fell back onto the bed, rolling around and kicking the air.

Juliet enjoyed the moment with me, "I think he will welcome you with open arms. He doesn't seem stupid. He's last year in Uni, isn't he?"


"For all you know, he might even be ready to tackle a serious relationship."

"I really don't want to do this alone…."

"You're not… You don't have to worry about that forever," Juliet hugged me.

"A baby needs a dad, don't you think?"

"Sure, but I know many kids with the worst dads, and they turn out to be their own people."

We were both thinking of Carl.

"Juliet… I'm tired. I need to sleep."

"Can I sleep here, please?" she begged me, making little cat feet and puppy eyes.

"Scared Louis might creep in through the night?"

"No…" she said, but I knew she was bugged out about everything she heard. "I also don't want to do this alone, Charlene," we both got under the blankets, cut the lights, and slept.

The next few days were solely spent sorting out small things; online school, schedules for cleaning and making food. Everybody there was easy in doing what they were supposed to do. We all kept Louis's house as clean as we could and tried to respect his things.

I was dreading facing Ben after all those months. I kept myself busy reading books on birth and child-rearing. Juliet was with me all the time and read everything I did. We discussed it at length, lying outside on deck chairs in the sun. She would have to wait for the snowy months… I relished the summer… I didn't like the cold.



After a few days of ignoring Louis, knowing he wasn't in my head. I got to a point where I couldn't do it anymore; take the uneasy feeling I had in the pit of my stomach. He wasn't happy, and I wasn't happy. Suddenly, I was in a serious relationship that would end in a lifelong commitment. One I had made easily. It had never been hard for me to make a decision. The plates around my neck kept ending up in my hand. There were so many questions I had. Not only was I not a vampire as such, but an alien that didn't belong on Earth. There were actual planets out there with species on.

Louis sat down next to me on a deck chair. I threw my legs over the side, watching him like I did that night in the car. His stare pierced mine right back. None of it was his fault. We hadn't known each other very long. He was being honest, and I could've kept asking questions. I got up and climbed over him, wrapping him with my legs. His hands rested on my hips, "I'm sorry, Louis." He pulled me down onto his chest. I breathed out a ragged breath, feeling him so close. Having someone that was there no matter what. I had to keep reminding myself—that was all I wanted all my life, a partner who would not walk away. "Can I kiss you?" I asked.

His eyes drifted up into the sky, "Can I read you again?" he asked.

"Not yet… We need to get to know each other, and you have an unfair advantage."

He smiled and pulled my lips onto his, "I thought you would have a lot more questions."

"I do… It just can't be the basis of our beginning. I'm here because of you. If I keep asking questions, we're going to have a lot of time where we don't talk or spend time together. I don't like space." he pulled my lips onto his again, "I hope you are ready," I whispered.

"What do you mean?" 

"You'll see."

"Okay… But Baby, we gotta talk about Chris and Marcus."

I had thought about them; I thought about Louis telling me subconsciously I really did want Marcus. Asked me if I would choose if Chris came to France. I was connected to Marcus either way. Chris and I had slept together. It was a big thing to just let go. I had some time to play around with the idea of having two husbands. Chris would never—after Sita. His celibacy. Honor and commitment. He didn't even love me. Marcus… would never happen. He would never end up there in France and ask to stay. He was on the compound. A million miles away. Even if he apologized for branding me and told me he missed me, I could never go back there. Leave Louis for Marcus? Never. I made a decision. Love the one that is good for me. "Well… It's not really up to me, is it." I said after a lengthy pause.

"What do you mean?"

"You said you're okay with it. Polyandry and all. I don't think… I can forget about Chris," Louis didn't smile and wasn't happy, "How did you make the decision?"

"I love you. You might die… I've been with so many women… How can I stop you from loving someone else? Because of jealousy? Chris was first, and long before him or me, there was Marcus… I walked into your life."

"Well… then it's easy. You decide when the time comes."

Louis kissed me—passionately, forcefully and pulled me under him. I wasn't going to think about anyone else.



The following two weeks passed quickly. It was Sunday the 25th of April. Juliet had gotten better; her scars were completely gone, and it was time I gathered all my courage and faced Ben. I didn't want to call him; I wanted to go there and catch him off guard and see what his natural reaction was when he saw me. Louis and Carl were firmly against that course of action. They said men needed a lot of logistical preparations. Me pitching up like that could make him freak out before deciding for himself. But Juliet was so adamant about supporting me. We both knew the importance of feeling wanted and begging a guy to like us was not something either of us dreamt about. If he didn't want me, how would we ever share in raising our baby? If he wasn't happy when he saw me… I wouldn't tell him. I wasn't getting an abortion either; it was too late for that anyway. I had decided even before I became pregnant. It wasn't something I could even consider, and neither would Juliet. We would instead raise a baby together.

Benjamin and I had too much to drink. Initially, we used a condom, but we kept drinking in the hotel room, and things must have happened again. I couldn't remember every detail… What I did remember was playing strip poker, and it led to us making out. After we had sex the first time… he stayed and made me laugh. He didn't run away, and we danced to some music, took more shots, and ordered room service. We even had a smoke outside on the balcony. Ben was fun, just a regular guy. His parents must be wealthy for him to study at such a prestigious university. Before all that happened the night, we were at the same masquerade ball. After he paid for everything.

What Juliet and I didn't tell Louis and Carl was that I had asked Juliet to use her incredible ability to follow Ben for a day. Do some sort of 'stakeout' to see if he wasn't, maybe hiding some serial killer intentions or that he didn't have a girlfriend. Juliet had made Louis promise that he would not read her thoughts; it was a fifty-fifty shot that he would honor her wishes. It had been going really well with them.

"Come on… Juliet, we've got to go," I said.

She grabbed her bag and stuffed her face with the last bit of some pastry left on the counter, "I don't know what is wrong with me… I'm so hungry.

"Your period must be close. Or you're pregnant," I said it before I thought about it—pregnancy on the brain.

Her eyes wide, we both paused... "No! Not going down that road just yet…You're probably right; it's my period, ugh."

We were trying to leave about twenty minutes after Louis and Carl. They had taken one car to go to the nearby town and do some shopping. We had our overnight bags hidden away under my bed. Grabbing the keys we needed to get going.

It was a difficult journey at first. We needed to drive to the closest major city, which in that case was Lyon—without Louis! But we managed to park the car at the station, rushing to catch the train to Italy. Bologna was a seven-hour trip with two stops and switching. We tried forcing Louis and Carl to make the trip with us… They would not budge, so Juliet and I thought we would teach them a lesson by keeping us so dominated in that place. "Calling Ben and talking first," like they suggested, was lame… where would the fun be in that?

When we arrived, we had to find our hotel. We needed to pay with Louis's card, which meant they would know where we were when they saw the bank's message… It was only one night, anyway. I was sure Louis would be on his way there the following morning; we would have one day without the spoilsports.



I had woken up early that morning, watching the sun rise over the mountains. The sky was orange and bright around the peaks, and my life seemed perfect with Juliet in my arms. She had been sleeping in my bed for a few nights since we consummated—this. That night had made me quiet the last couple of days, just watching her. She had asked me if I was ready, thinking back… I wasn't. Juliet was a whole other ball game after she apologized. I had not been reading her for weeks, and it was frustrating, to say the least; it took all my willpower not to go against her request. I desperately wanted to know what she was thinking. If she was regretting what happened.

So, later that morning, when she asked for some takeout for lunch, I had no scruples in jumping in the car and placating my wife. Yeah, that's how I saw her; there was no point in calling her my fiancé—we were beyond even that. I could still not wrap around my head the way she had been with me the last two weeks. Juliet was like a different person. Carl quickly joined me when the girls said they would be skinny dipping and tanning next to the pool, and we weren't allowed for a few hours. I didn't think much of it; I felt they needed to talk and have some time together. 

It was almost an hour and a half to town and then back. We needed to buy groceries and some toiletries anyway. Carl was excited to get off the plot, shoot some pool, maybe get a drink at the pub. I wanted to do my part in bonding with him; it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get to know him.

Later that day, Carl and I drove up the lane towards the house. It was completely dark in the garden, the driveway, and nothing behind the glass from every window. At first, I thought the power had gone out, and maybe Juliet couldn't get the generator going. Or they were in my room upstairs talking and drinking. That was Juliet's favorite place; she spent most days there, reading, meditating, or taking in the amazing view.

We searched the whole house and grounds—they were nowhere. I got worried halfway through and finally had to stop and think. There were no messages, and they were not answering phones. Carl and I looked at each other simultaneously, thinking the same thing, and ran for the garage. We had never opened it. One of the cars was not in its spot. There was a note on the counter…

I don't think I had ever been that angry.

Baby. Don't be angry. We got on the TGV and will be in Bologna tonight. Tomorrow, Charlene and I will scout out Ben. See if he is a creep or not. Surprise him to see his reaction. We did it because you guys didn't want to take us… There was no other way… I will keep doing stuff like this… so yeah. See you soon. Know you will come for me. X's and O's.

I crumpled the paper, crushing it in my hand. I tossed it on the floor, stomping and swearing so many times Carl had to put his fingers in his ears. Vented. I fixed my jersey, breathing deeply. I bent down, picking up the paper; it was her first note to me.

Carl took his fingers out his ears, "Been a little different between you since you guys slept together… Your eyes haven't left her for days."

"I know! I… am, finding it very difficult right now. I'm sorry, Carl."

"You don't have to explain to me… But tomorrow is a full moon."

My head snapped to my watch, "Arghh! Juliet, I will give you such flogging when you come home, I swear…." I whispered more to myself. I had not thought of Chris for the longest time. Realized why Juliet didn't want me in her head. So many questions popped up at that moment. She was too smart for her own good.

Carl snorted, "I would love to see that."

I climbed the stairs into the house when my phone dinged. It was a message from the bank. She had used the card I gave her. They really were in Bologna. A smile played at the corner of my lips; the hotel they chose was expensive. "Let's go buy tickets. We'll catch up tomorrow… How much trouble can they get into? It's only two days?"