Meeting Marcus’s Grandfather

February 2024


It had been a rough two months. There was too much to deal with. I wish I could say that I was counting down the minutes until Juliet would be coming… but I wasn't. I was nervous. Her meeting with Qadir the first time was a disaster, and I had no idea what would happen between my grandfather and her. Why he wanted to meet her if he was so against us, and what her test would be. 

I had taken a few days for myself. Sent Soren home. I couldn't look at him and focus on Juliet. It was less than an hour. She would be traveling across the galaxy. I wondered what she would make of the place. What would I say? What would I do? How would I feel seeing her?

I heard the noise of the mechanism. The sound was slight... but my heart was pounding. It almost drowned out everything else. She was alone. At first, she stood staring at me. My hands were hanging at my sides. It had been so long… I kept thinking about what Ahasuerus asked. Why I hadn't gone back?

Juliet ran for me. My arm instinctively opened, and I caught her. She pushed off me and plunged her lips onto mine. My core didn't react like the times we kissed before… I was holding back. For the first time, I had the question nagging at me… Why?



I hadn't been that nervous in a long time. Since we were sure Sammy was Chris's second child. We didn't need to fear that Qadir would come for her. No one would ever touch her… And she had Warden. It could've been Louis's. I would have run, leaving Caleb and Chris to make it to Earth. Qadir would never have taken the chance that it might be Marcus's. 

Kubra had come to get me. It was my second time teleporting off the Compound. Saying goodbye to Louis felt strange. I had hoped he would've gone with me, but he declined… I didn't really know why… Like my parents that day with Qadir… 

Coming out in Washington, we had to go through so much red tape that it took us half an hour to teleport to En-gannim. But once I stepped out of the room that separated our system from theirs… I knew I was somewhere else. Just like you knew when you left the city, all the cares of one place faded, and the peace of the countryside washed over you. I can't explain it. It was like I was home. My beacon of navigation was quiet. 

"Species don't mix." That phrase kept running through my mind. 

Was it really true? The city of Nahrima was beautiful and vast. Big and never-ending buildings. No roads. No cars. No pollution. Pink waterways and white sand. The vista they had created there, coming out at the embassy, was breathtaking. My heart contracted in a good way. I wanted to stay so badly. For the first time, I felt that I didn't belong on Earth. Kubra showed me around a bit before I traveled to another place. A balcony where it was only Marcus and me. I was home… body, soul, and spirit. I promised myself that I was not going to cry. So I kissed him instead. Not wanting to be that woman asking… "Where have you been? Why haven't you called? Not even a good morning message."

My legs always felt like they wanted to fall out from under me when I was in his arms. He always held me up… The older I got, the more I valued everything they did for me. I wanted what I wanted. But patience wasn't one of my strong suits. My hands fisted his shirt at the back. 

"I can see why… you are so obsessed… She is full of desire for you." My heart started racing. I thought I was scared of Qadir… But at that moment, his voice jolted me to a whole other level of, fake it till you make it. 

Marcus kissed me one last time and whispered… "Please try, Julie." I nodded. That alone made my defenses go up. Marcus was different, already asking me to bend. Marcus turned around, wanting to introduce me to Ahasuerus. I stood next to him. For a moment, my hand was desperately clinging to his. I heard his heart racing. Was it because of the kissing or something else?

"Hello, Juliet." The man said, staring at me. Gaze running up and down my person. "You look more stupid than in the footage." That made me laugh lightly. I stepped forward, holding out my hand to him. He was taken aback. A few guards wanted to assault me. But I lifted my hand into the air. They all stopped. Ahasuerus bit on his teeth, scrutinizing me. Being able to command his people. Since Louis's little sit-down speech… I've stepped it up a notch. I had been trying. I really have…

I bent down and kowtowed before Ahasuerus, seeing he wouldn't meet me halfway. It meant I would have to take a step closer if he wasn't going to. Marcus bent down and pulled me up. "I thought we talked about it, Julie." Marcus was irritated that I did that.

"Humility is also a trait, Marcus." My tone clipped as I pulled my arm from his hand… Ahasuerus didn't like my answer or how I spoke to his grandson. His eyes turned black and back to their grey… He was so old that I didn't think he could see anything through those cataracts. I snorted at his inability to contain his emotions. 

"I have to say… I feel at home. It's like stepping into a place you've known your whole life." I walked past the king of that place to survey all there was of En-gannim. "And I've never even been here. Did you feel it, Marcus?" 

His brow furrowed as our eyes met. He shook his head. I was confused about my feelings about loving the place so much. Both our eyes drifted to the only guy who would know if anything supernatural was going on…He wasn't happy… Again. Marcus stepped up and stood next to me. "It's so beautiful! No wonder my mom wants to come back." 

Marcus took my hand. I turned him to me…"Can I stay, Marcus? Only one night. Please." Marcus drew in a ragged breath. But he hesitated.

Only thinking about Marcus and me together ignited all the desires I had ever had. "There isn't much I wouldn't do." I tugged at his shirt. Marcus closed his eyes and lifted his chin into the air. The same way he did when we were on the compound years ago. He was going to disappoint me. Or… someone else would do that for him. 

"Well, that won't happen, dearie. If I had my way… you and Marcus would never copulate." He held out an arm for me to walk first. He knew some Earthly customs. I pulled up my big boy pants and ventured into the next teleporter with Marcus and his grandfather. 

It only took a moment. We were somewhere else in the house. A lady in a black veil was standing there. Not moving. I wanted to walk over, but I didn't. I waited… "Julie, this is Tabitha? My grandmother." She nodded. I nodded. I knew she would not say anything. Ahasuerus wasn't going to allow her, either. 

More tears wanted to run down my cheeks… I had a grandmother that I had not met. I wanted to ask Marcus a million questions. If he even thought to find Cindy's mom… Where was my grandfather? Was he in a hole with Michael? Did Marcus even know? Tried to find him.

Ahasuerus was really quiet. He was watching me. Calculating and making plans. He was so much older than me. At some point, my luck was going to run out. 

We sat at the table, and we ate. I didn't say anything unless he asked. I was just happy I could come without a veil. If I ever had to put one on again, I think I would rather die. I shook myself and took it back before Louis came out and made me…It was symbolic of so much, though. I hated it. Marcus risked so much to take it off. If I had to stay on Earth, I would… I was dreading what Ahasuerus wanted me there for that night. 

I couldn't meet Marcus's eye, although I wanted to. He sat across from me, Tabitha was on my left, and Ahasuerus was on my right. 

"So, let's talk about Michael." My heart sank, having the same feelings as with Qadir in that cell. All the euphoria of seeing that place and being that close to my people was gone… I wanted to know what had happened to him. 

Hardening my heart, I waited. 

"He is fine. Alive… But he will be the price you pay for giving up your life." 

My eyes didn't come up. Dinner was over. 

"The brandings and you and Marcus's life connection can be severed… If you kill yourself." 

I've wanted to do that before. That wasn't so bad. Qadir had already told us anyway. I dared to glance at Marcus. His spoon was halfway up to his face, and the contents dripped into the bowl in front of him.



"The other option is that because the baby is not Marcus's… And only the firstborn can inherit. Marcus might take another wife… If they had a child together, I would be rid of you either way. The succession is only for first wives and male babies. Not branding rights."

I was angry about Soren… I didn't know about the tests Ahasuerus was planning. Watching Juliet listen to his suggestions was weird. She wasn't reacting. Her face was wooden. As mine always was. She wasn't giving anything away. I felt bad for telling her "to try." She would have been entirely different if I were different. Louis words… Kubra's words…. I was out of my depth emotionally. 

My grandfather didn't treat me like Qadir. He was a fascist, but… he tried.

I remembered what I had asked her long ago. If she would really not be able to share me? I had to share her. I felt like doing it just to get back at her. If she could walk out with Michael and not kill herself. And all I had to do was sleep with someone else. I hated myself for even thinking about it. I had to weigh the options. When we kissed… were together… nothing would induce me. I wanted to be nowhere else. But not that night. 



Inside, I scoffed at the stupid man next to me... He was posturing exactly like his son, and he was gambling on my ignorance. My patience would be my prize. I would go throw a party when I got home. But… I would love to know what Marcus thought about it. He had so many women before me… Would one really make a difference? Why was I so jealous? 

"At some point, Marcus… what we love will be taken away," I whispered.

His jaw flexed. He was gritting his teeth. 

I could see Ahasuerus's eyes on me. "She has three other men, and you won't take one woman to have sex with… You could live on Earth. Come to work every day. Conjugal every Friday… Juliet gets to step out with husband number four and live... On her compound."

I started giggling like the little woman I still was... In so many ways. Nervous and amused. The two men sat staring at me. Ahasuerus smashed his fist on the table. I didn't even get startled; it made me laugh louder. "I'm sorry Marcus… I can't do it. Not anymore… What I've been through… No… If I let you control me… I would become that." I pointed to his grandmother. I could see the wheels turning. "You're jealous… You think I don't know you. The way you kissed me tells me all I need to know." I drew in a big breath and let out all my frustrations. 

"I told you… I'll wait… Heaven knows why… I go against everything I stand for… Not only for you but for everyone I love. I told you it would take you a lifetime to leave this all behind. But… You know what? We've come full circle. So not only will I be the one to help you out of your cowardice, but I will be the man of my small four… five-man harem." My gaze was penetrating Marcus's… "And if Soren is a problem… Then stay… really… I told you… It's your choice. If you want to take another wife. I won't care… But don't think that I will be waiting… then. It is number three on my list… Anyway, not once did I force you to stay. You had all the facts. And not once did you ask me not to… or talk to me… or set boundaries. Or came home."

I turned to Ahasuerus, pushed my chair out behind me, hardened my heart a little bit more, and let the act drop altogether. 

"You're a bad gambler, sir. Your son… has stabbed you in the back. You are more stupid than he was… Filial, idiotic, fascist." I grabbed my bag and opened it. The men behind him wanted to stop me. I held up a hand, yelling… "Really? What the hell am I going to do… Idiots. You will be the first to go when I run this place!" 

Ahasuerus stood up at my words. 

"Just wait, old man. Keep your panties on." 

I didn't even care what Marcus was thinking. I took out the little round scroll. I held it out in a flat hand made from material and paper. The same material their generational scroll was made from. Ahasuerus took a step back.

"I, Juliet Samantha Furrow … challenge you, Ahasuerus Ahmed, to the throne…. On 30 April 2025…" Ahasuerus grabbed the little scroll, and my gaze flickered up to Marcus. That time, I let my disappointment show. 

"The reason the brandings were banned… The more men were behind a woman, the more power she had… And you can't do anything about it. Kubra, I want to go home." 

The door opened. Kubra's eyes were big. He was shaking his head… I winked at him... I didn't even think Marcus had him anymore.

"I will make you want to kill yourself before that." Ahasuerus lifted a hand. Two guards brought in a man hanging in their arms. I swore, walking over slowly. A tear rolled over my cheek. I swiped at it. Slowly, I bent down and pushed the hair out of the man's face. I didn't need to make sure who it was. I knew.… But I wanted to see if he was still there. His eyes were shut from pain and infection. A sob escaped my lips. "I'm so sorry…."

"Don't do it…" Michael croaked.

I rubbed my hand over his cheek. 

"Oh honey, that's not how this works." I turned to Ahasuerus 

"If you let him go and you win in the ring, I will plunge that knife into my own heart. That is my stake in your game. Take it or leave it." 

Ahasuerus turned to me and wanted to hit me. My eyes closed, and I braced. Marcus's hand snapped out and grabbed him mid-air. "You will let Michael go," Marcus growled, or I will leave for this year. Ahasuerus's head snapped around to Marcus. "If you think that I can't, you have very little faith in me. And I shouldn't be here regardless. I'm staying because it's the best for everyone." 

Ahasuerus ripped his fist out of Marcus's grip. 

"I'm sorry Julie, I've been searching but I couldn't find him… It's a whole planet with no way of tracking anyone." 

"You're not the only one that failed Michael." I rubbed my hands over his face. "Hold on, we're almost there." 

Marcus did the wrong thing and turned away from me, telling Kubra to take Michael away. Ahasuerus turned to me and struck me so hard that I hit the opposite wall. Marcus swore and jumped over the table. "That's going to cost you. Your temper is your weakness."


"Where is he?" I was in my room at my house in the compound.

It was quiet. I sat up. "Where is he?" I couldn't glance around. My eyes fixed on the door.

"He was taken again," Kubra said.

"F-! F-! F-!" I picked up something and threw it at the wall. 

"You had one job. If I wasn't knocked out, it would never have happened. Do I have to do everything myself?" I wasn't speaking to anyone in particular. I got up and walked out the door. Out the gate. Down the long road lined with trees. I felt my face. It hurt like nothing had hurt before. Ahasuerus was strong. So much more than his son. He didn't even hit that hard. Nerves for the fight bubbled up in me. How were Louis and I going to take on all of… that?

Qadir had played me. He might have given me a tiny way out, but he planned it. He wanted out of the cage, get Michael off En-gannim, and take him once he was on Earth…. He needed Marcus to kill Ahasuerus, and he needed Michael, so we would do it. I knew I was gambling. My life was one big game at that stage. Tears pooled again. I swore under my breath, touching my swollen cheekbone. It was going to be really bad in a day or two. 

I was going to kill Qadir. Get Michael back. Fight Ahasuerus for the throne. Even if it was the last thing I did. I had nothing else to do anyway. My jaw hurt... I felt like vomiting. Two hands rested on my shoulders. I turned. I knew who it was… "Marcus!? What are you doing here?" 

"You didn't even see I was in the room." 

"Not used to seeing you in your own house… I have to kill your father… You have to prepare yourself." I pushed away from him and walked away. 

He grabbed my arm. "Julie, you challenged my grandfather to the throne… What the hell?" 

I shook my head. "It has nothing to do with you." 

His eyebrows raised. "Will you kill yourself?"

"Yes… If I have to. But thanks for the confidence."

"Did you see your face?" The pain crossed my brow again, darkness and blurred vision.

"Your whole family will die… because of me."

He shook his head. "They were never my family. That is not family… What you did for Michael is family. And I'm sorry we lost him." 

My eyes teared up. Marcus pulled me into his embrace. "I was so close," I whispered. 

"I know Julie… I'm sorry."

"He packs a mean punch."

"You and Chris had another baby."

"Mmmm… And he doesn't even know… I think I'm gonna throw up." I ran for the bushes. 

"You have a concussion." He picked me up.