The Journey Continues


My heart was pounding. I had just killed someone, unable to control my breathing. My first living person… creature or whatever the universe called us all. Romero was calm behind me. His breathing was steady. "Calm down… You won't let anything happen to me." Romero quipped.

"Another joke… I'm impressed." 

His one arm was around my waist, holding me tightly from behind, kicking the beast below us. I glanced down at his arm. It had turned into a shadowy spirit after his manifestation. Where his skin was usually brown, it had turned completely black and seemed almost on fire. The ends of the black flames drifted off into the air. Where the veins in Miriam's hand had traveled up from her fingertips… Romero's whole arm was covered in golden veins. Contrasted on the black background. When I caught a glimpse of the blackness in my peripheral at the oasis, I only had a second to take in his form. Romero's facial features were utterly consumed with the darkness, and at that moment, he had no colored veins. No eyes. Nothing distinctive. 

"Do not dull me now!" I said, seeing the gold patterns rapidly moving around my waist. 

"No. I'll be good. I need you alert."

I had thought about turning the beast away from the storm of raiders coming at us. Still, I was sick of being a coward. And Romero didn't say we should make a run for it. He was ready for the fight. The group in front of us started spreading out, circling, and trying to corner us. It would make it easier to take them on one by one. 

As we came closer to the first two raiders, Romero let go of me, sliding off the back of the beast. I didn't want him to go. Afraid that something would happen to him. The one man, covered in material from head to toe, kicked his beast into motion, galloping towards Romero. A long sword in one hand. If Romero could manifest…. Did everyone on the planet? 

Romero was still walking on two legs. He was solid, but his whole body was covered in those shadows. He wasn't literally turning to air. I directed my attention at the other man on his own beast. Just like the first one, I would teleport and catch him unaware. I stood up on the moving form beneath me and landed behind the raider. My nails dug upward into his skull. I extended and flexed my long black claws. It splattered his skull and brains over my two hands. I grabbed his sword before pushing him off. I straddled the beast, holding the reins. 

The other raiders gave a cry into the air. I glanced over my shoulder at Romero. The other man had also manifested, thrown his cloak from his person, and the two were fighting with swords. Both their black shadows were moving and covering their swords. The golden veins were gone, and they were both black as night. Black meant murder. Romero wasn't in distress. His form was flawless. So, I left the two to fight it out.

Would it be the first time that I saved another person? Killed a group of men. The corner of my mouth lifted. I pushed the reins over the neck of the beast. It moved its feet under me. The other raiders had gathered and stopped in a group, observing me. They had no idea what I was. Their gazes traveled from the dead man in the sand to me.

"Don't think you will get away… You might as well come at me." Their heads cocked, and they glanced at each other. They didn't understand me. I hurled the beast forward. They did notice the threat, and I growled loudly, letting loose the animalistic roar stuck in my throat. A low rumble emanated from the group in one accord. They all climbed off their mounts. A frown played over my brow. Wasn't it better to stay mounted in a fight? That's what the movies said. I missed my family at that moment. Marcus would have been able to direct me. Juliet wouldn't have asked and had already been fighting. 

"Where are you when I need you?" I whispered as I stopped my beast. The cloaks went next. They all manifested. "What will you do? Lull me to sleep from a distance?" I had to ask. They pointed their swords, channeled their veins to the edges, and pushed their power out towards me. The darkness was coming at me, so I manifested into a Vampire. Some of them faltered, seeing me change into yet another creature. And unfortunately, I was still naked… I snorted. The shadowy colors hit me. The beast under me fell to the sand. I dismounted slowly, stepping over its big corps. The beast had died instantly. How could they kill something so fast? Another cry, and they grouped up even closer together. 

While they focused on pushing out a more potent force, I was not going to stand around and take even the slightest chance that I could also get knocked out or even die. I started in the back of the group, manifesting into a Riphath, teleporting to the furthest man from me. Grabbed him, or rather sunk my claws into his sides and traveled as far away from the other men as I could manage. Unthinking, I did this as quickly as I could from one man to the next. Fighting them one by one as a Vampire as soon as we landed in isolation. 

Even if some of them got their hands on me, it meant a moment of pain. Their swords I could easily avoid. If there was one thing Marcus had taught me, it was to keep moving. Romero had used his power to give me a sense of peace and heal my mind… They used it to control me entirely, sending jolts of agony through my body. Romero had finally joined the fight. They didn't know if they should focus on catching me when I came in again or on Romero yielding his sword, countering their attacks. I killed them all while they decided. I was moving so fast. There were only about six of them. 

The last two tried to run away, but it was no use. I landed in the middle of the two men, hitting them in the throat. They turned to me as one. The first grabbed onto me with both hands. As a Riphath, I had no power to counter the pain that consumed my mind. Nor could I change my manifestation. The other stabbed me from behind. I saw the blade pierced through my chest. Romero sliced down from the side. Hands connected to wrists fell into the sand at my feet. Romero stabbed him and jumped over me to slice down into the last perp. The blood pooled at his throat. I fell to my knees and into the sand, changing into a Vampire, and stared into the man's dying eyes. 

Romero pulled on the blade slowly. I hissed and screeched with every nudge. I wanted to tell him to stop. To leave it in. Never remove an impaled object and rush to a hospital. There would be no ER for me. He picked me up in one swoop, running to the water. His face was a jumble of emotions, and strangely, I felt the same. I didn't want to die. Kubra. I groaned. I had made a mistake taking on two at a time. Romero submerged me for a few minutes. My hand held onto his neck, and I clutched and released. He looked at me and smiled reassuringly. Genuine compassion and emotions in his eyes. Miriam had told me they used their own abilities on themselves. It was why he never let any show. He had also stopped dulling himself. "Neccesarry for mating." 

His smile broadened. "It is the first time I have ever wanted anyone." His smile turned sheepish. "I… I do not know how to court yet." 

I closed my eyes, and he lifted me out of the water and laid me on our blanket in the sand. He pushed me onto my side. His hands covered my cuts, one on my back and the other on my middle. It was dark over me. Romero grunted, and the golden veins flowed over me so strongly that I felt no more pain. Ragged, dry sobs escaped my lips. Romero pressed harder, and I looked up into his face. He wasn't entirely a shadow anymore. His features were defined, set in a light black background to the stark dark flames surrounding his head. His eyes had no definition. Only gold. "So beautiful." He touched my forehead, and the color on him changed to white. The familiar feeling rushed through me. "Sleep for a bit." He whispered. "You will be fine. I will not let anything happen to you." 



When her eyes closed… I sat back, letting the ordeal catch up to me. My hands shook… I had never been so afraid that something would happen to any other person in my life. I let my manifestation go. My feelings for Charlene were… More than I had anticipated, more than I could handle. 

I glanced around and listened, making sure we were alone. I drank some water, splashing my face. It would only be a matter of time before more raiders showed up, searching for their scout party. But not one had escaped. It would give us a day to get a head start. If we could get to the forest before they noticed, they would leave us alone. No one would dare enter after us. 

I stood and left Charlene to sleep it off. All I could do was close the cut and stimulate her mind for healing. The damage on the inside was up to her body to heal. I climbed the bank ridge and put my hands together over my mouth, making a clicking sound in the air, calling out. The beasts soon came waddling towards me. They had an awkward gate walking. I removed all the headgear and saddlebags, letting them all go except two. In the end, the raiders might be what would save us. Having transportation for a stretch of the journey. It was not the way, but I would take the shortcut.

After that, I had to gather all their bodies. The men were almost unrecognizable after Charlene was done with them. I had thought she was not a fighter… Instincts were a wonderful thing. She had saved my life. Both our lives. I dragged them far away where no sandstorm would unearth them. Dug a pit and began dropping bodies down, hiding all the proof and keeping the decay away from the water source. They would come there first. It was the only water for some time. I had been foolish. The water pit must be somewhere they came regularly. 

By the time I got back, our star was almost setting. Charlene was still asleep, but I could not wait for her to feel better. Never before did I have to dress a full-grown woman… Because even if she was young on our planet… It seemed that she was not a child on hers. That look in her eye when she came at me in my room. She knew without a doubt what mating entailed… If I had not fought her, she would have… I chuckled at the thought of her chasing after me. I couldn't help myself. I reached out and caressed her hair and slid my knuckles over her cheek, hoping and praying that, in the end, it would all work out. 

I filled our water container one last time, draped Charlene over one of the beast's backs, and tied it to mine's saddle. We were off before it was even dark. Every time she stirred or complained about the jostling, I made her sleep. I gave her peace. Let her body believe that she was not hurting at all… But still healing and working together. Even if it was only mental stimulation, the mind could perform miracles. She quieted down with each touch… I hoped she didn't mind that I kept her quiet.

The next landmark we needed to reach was an entrance to a wooded area. It would be the first change in landscape. It was why we settled in the sandy part of the planet. It was quiet. Open and safe.

It was two days before she woke up or before I felt I could let her wake up, hoping that her Vampire had helped her heal quicker. It was the end of the second day. I had placed her on our blanket, staring down at her. The journey we were on was what all couples had to make to the dark city. It was a test of fate… A bonding experience if you made it. Honor among the people… I wasn't going to tell her. At the end of our excursion was a sacred chamber with a bed… One where all couples on our entire planet consummated their union. And if they did… They could never be parted again… My father knew how I felt, and they would bless my choice. And if I made it… Ruler of my world… We would be happy. 

"Romero…" Charlene said late into the night with her head resting on my chest. I stroked her hair, "I am awake. How do you feel?" 

She laid her hand on top of mine, holding it, bringing it closer to her chest. "I feel okay. Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" She slowly tried to sit up. I reached out to help her. She gasped when she saw the sky. "Oh… Romero, how beautiful… It's almost magical." 

The stars in the sky formed a vertical line from the horizon out into space. So close that it lit up the air around us. The crescent moon on our right was bright. The one on our left was so close to the planet… It felt like I could touch it. She got up and walked towards it, stretching out her hand. She kept on walking with her arm in the air. I snorted and chuckled. Charlene turned around and watched me laughing. "I know how it works… I just wanted to see if it's the same here."

"It is the same…." She stretched out her index finger… That must be the arm…." She pointed to the stars. "One of the arms of our Milky Way…."

I frowned and dropped my head. Lay down on the blanket, closing my eyes. I didn't want to talk to her about their world and where she came from. She didn't join me. Charlene sat in the sand for the longest time, gazing at the stars… Her golden hair sparkled in the light, glowing almost white. 

If I wanted her to fall in love with me… In the next few days… I was going to have to work harder… I jumped up, going to sit beside her. She was propping herself up with her arms and her legs stretched out in front of her. I placed my hand on hers. She glanced down quickly at the gesture. Her eyes met mine for a moment. Charlene lay down, resting her head on my lap. My heart faltered. She was so close... Would I be able to wait until we had a bed and safety? If I did not… It would mean nothing… I swallowed hard. Her meaningful eyes bore into mine. The green was framed with a dark line. They crinkled at the sides. "You are so beautiful." I traced her face with my finger. 

"Your heart is racing." She snickered.

"I know…" 

"Is this all physical for you?"


"All about mating?" I laughed. My head fell back, and I laughed more… "Why are you laughing?" She sat up. I couldn't stop. Her hand slid over my cheek, and her thumb rubbed over my lips.

I grabbed her wrist and pushed her down into the sand, holding it above her head. The joy forgotten and replaced with need. My one knee pushed up between her legs and pushed them apart. She lifted her other arm so that I could take hold of both wrists… I took a ragged breath. Charlene was giving herself to me... All the signs were there. "We have to talk about who branded you," I said softly.

Her eyes turned to emotionless pits. As if she did not want to talk about it. My brows furrowed. I was opening up about what we knew. I thought she would not want to stop talking. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing… What do you want to know?"

"You say you don't mate for life on your world… Then what? How could there be that kind of connection?" 

She bit her bottom lip in between her teeth. As she closed her eyes, a tear rolled down her temple. "I have no idea what's going on. Most of the time… We take every day as it comes. Things change at a moment's notice… Our world is so complicated… I cannot tell you how it feels to have to push thousands of years into eighty… Because that's what most people reach… What most people do."

She was right… I had no notion of how I would be… If I had to live every day like it was my last. Or do everything because time would catch up to me.

"But… I won't be living for eighty anymore… I'll live for thousands… Even longer if I go to another place… It will be only Michael and me for thousands and thousands of years. Oh, and don't forget Chris."

"Michael, is he the one that branded you?"

She laughed. Charlene's face was so expressive. So much feeling. Her hands usually moved a lot when she had something to say. "No…"

"Is Juliet your mate?"

She laughed even louder. Rolled on her side and giggled. "What?"

"Juliet is a woman." 

"What? You have mentioned her so many times… I thought…"

"Juliet is my person… But not my mate… Not that I've been much of a person to her the last year."

"Did you fight… Did something happen to break the connection?"

"No… Me… Juliet and Carl… Our bond will never break. It does not matter what we go through." 

"Carl sounds like a man."

She snorted. "Urgh, if you can call him that." 

"So if he is not your mate and Juliet is a woman… then who?"

"A Vampire… His name is Kubra. And he is the reason it worked."

Her voice was filled with sorrow, not regret or excitement about getting a chance to talk about him. If connections were rarely formed, how… "Have you wanted to go back to him?" 

She did not answer, but her eyes flickered. "He and I are fighting… We love each other but haven't mated yet. I don't even know why."

I couldn't help the smile that spread over my mouth. Charlene shook her head, with teeth shining in the moonlight. I watched her pink lips move. "This is the perfect scene in a movie for a kiss." She whispered. Her body was so soft against me… Subdued. I let go of her wrists and laced our fingers. I was not going to kiss her… All I could do was stare into her eyes. Let her get used to my touch and us together. "You were so close to kissing me a few days ago… If your father didn't come in, you might have let me have my way with you."

I stood up. Too happy to contain myself. Did a little dance. She laughed again. "You're so weird."

"Weird?" I asked, moving my feet in the sand, hands moving next to me. I had never been that happy. Her telling me they had not mated was the best news I had ever received. Over the last few days, I had stopped controlling my own feelings. 

"I didn't think you could be happy." There was a sparkle in her eye. 

I stopped dancing… Reality came back to hit me in the gut. "When you spoke last time, it sounded like you have mated before."

Her smile fell… She ran an agitated hand through her hair, gripping it on the side of her head. "I didn't think I would ever say this… but it's the first time in my life I regret not being a virgin. Not being unmated… if that's even a word here." Her hands sprung free again, moving. 

My fists clenched at my sides. "It is!" I spat out. I had forgotten how it felt to be jealous. Angry. Disappointed… But as soon as we found the one we wanted, it was necessary to leave that life behind… And to form a connection. A real one. My trouble was doubled… Charlene was making me lose control.

"I told you, Romero… I'm not your girl… Why don't you tell me what is so important… And let me go home… Live your life and forget about me. Why do we need to go somewhere for you to talk to me?" 

"I am not forcing you to stay. You can leave at any moment… Why have you not?"

I turned away from her. Charlene kept telling me that she was not the woman for me. I don't know why I was so reluctant to hear about her life. It didn't matter what she told me. It changed nothing. The white sand stretched out in front of me, touching the horizon. The stars were surrounded by a glow of different pinks, whites, and blues. It was breathtaking. I heard her get up. She came to stand behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and hugging me. They started to wander and ran up my body. I stilled hers with mine when they reached my chest. Too angry for her to touch me. Scared at the rush of emotions, I had no idea what to do with. 

"Like you said. I'm here for the throne… I don't know why I ended up in front of you... I've not left because I need to know what's going on."

I groaned out loud. Almost a cry into the cosmos. It felt like my insides would burst. She was staying because she needed information for her people. I gripped her little hands in mine, wanting to pry them off my person. There was not being the right person, and then there was no mutual affection. Charlene was a new creature, with needs, nothing more. She held onto me. "I'm not done talking." She whispered. "The other reason… Is that I'm…" She hesitated. "I've never…." I turned around. Her eyes shone in the moonlight… Bright and sensitive at the same time, piercing mine… "I'm desperately… In love… with you." She had to force out the words.

"In love?" I asked skeptically.

"I feel deeply connected to you… Fated to have met."

My lips crushed down on hers. Arms pulling her into me so close that I thought we were already one. She answered my mouth with fervor. Out of breath and moaning into lips. I lost myself in her. We kissed for the longest time. Neither of us wanted it to stop. She tried to lift my shirt. I pulled away from her so quickly and pushed her. I was not in control of myself, but I would not hurt her like that. Use her like that. Or throw away any chance we had.

"F-," She yelled. "What's wrong with you? You are just like Kubra. Old."

I laughed lightly. She was full of passion. No wonder she had several matings behind her. I also had a sudden respect for this Kubra… I tugged on a tendril of hair hanging next to her face. She slapped my hand. 

"Like I said, Charlene… We mate for life." I walked past her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards our blanket under some trees. Maybe Kubra would be willing to let her go. My eyes drifted into the forest that loomed before us. I had made camp under the first trees before we would enter the thick covering of endless canopies. On the other hand… Would I be able to?

I pushed her down and dragged her against my body. "You will sleep now." She tried to struggle, mumbling something. I ran my hand over her hair and used my power to calm her. Her body relaxed against me. Her breathing slowed till it was deep in her chest. Then, I turned it inward and used some on myself. I know my father forbade me, but what was I supposed to do. She would mount me in my sleep… That I would keep for later when she decided to stay.