A New Home


At the end of the day, our party was relatively small, considering the size it would be if our whole family was accounted for. Jessy had done his best to prepare temporary housing, secure a teleporter station, and bring everything we would need to Mirach. But when we stepped out of the structure, the only building they were working on was at foundation level, and I had to wonder how we would manage. It felt strange being on the receiving end of Charlene's hospitality. To push ourselves into their space and lives. Although we were family. Romero, Izani, and Yamen had never signed up for a full-blown evacuation. 

We all took a minute. No one moved until Sammy wriggled out of my arms and made a B-line for Charlene's house. Jessy nudged me in my side. "You're up." I was still processing. My mind didn't want to accept that we might never return to Earth. My parents' home was on En-gannim. If I was still unmarried, I would have been there. If nothing happened, that had happened. Liam was doing something to make an income on En-gannim, but what the hell were we going to do there to contribute. Their way of life was so different than what we were used to. It would be the first time we had to take a giant step back, especially if Marcus lost the war. 

Sammy's hand was in Charlene's. She met my eye and could see that this was not a visit. Charlene's eye drifted over the crowd. She turned around and went back into the house. The next moment, a sea of servants came out of different houses and made their way to us. Charlene was busy giving orders and splitting us up. The Dheka started pitching tents, and the people dispersed to help. Jamal and Selena were going back to En-gannim. Michael took my hand. "I'm going back with them. Marcus will need all the help he can get… I don't know where we will hide all the refugees. Will you manage?"

I didn't answer, nor could I look at him. The sound and small gust of wind brought me back to the present, and Charlene took my hand. "What happened?" Charlene asked. 

"We came to protect you."

"Me? What do you mean?"

"Lyla leaked everything." I shook my head slightly in disbelief, staring aimlessly out in front of me. 

"What do you mean? Everything."

"You were on worldwide TV. You were branded on screen. You had Miné. I think it's safe to say your parents know what happened."

Charlene's grip tightened in mine. "It's just going to be a matter of time before the first woman manifests and pitches in front of me." I nodded slowly. "You should've killed Lyla." 

"I don't know what happened. How Carl let her slip through his fingers." 

"Where is Carl?" Charlene had a cold look on her face. "You left him there?"

"You think we made a mistake?"

"I don't know? What if he's in danger? Should I force him here?" I reached for my pocket and took out the letter. Charlene took it and unfolded the single sheet. I took a step toward her, and we read together.


I know you want to take control. I know you're frustrated. I am, too. I miss you. I miss us, and I want to come home. I will come home. I promise… And then we will consummate our relationship and take it to the next level.

We both chuckled. "He's not eighteen anymore," Charlene said softly. "I think I missed his whole coming-of-age story. I wasn't really there for you. Or Carl. Or Kubra… Oh, Jules, I was so selfish." 

"We still are."

She folded the paper. "Now, don't go into a miff on me. No depression. No snakeskin. No… sulking."

I shook my shoulders and went to attention, lifting my hand to my head to salute. My arm didn't make it halfway, and I sighed heavily. I had no silliness left. "Then give me an occupation. Quickly."

Charlene glanced around. "It looks like the women will have to finish the houses this time. We can move rocks and mix dirt and water." 

"We will need more than one if Marcus loses this war."

"If you were there, it would have been over," Charlene said. 

I hated to admit it, but I nodded. "Oh, Charlie, did I make a mistake? Trusting Marcus… again!" 

Romero had been watching us for some time, giving us space. I waved him over. "When you told me to be ready for all your people." His eyes scanned the crowd. "I didn't think you would bring half of Palmyra here."

Charlene's eyes had followed Romero's over the Werewolves. She had not seen Ben, and their eyes met. Charlene took hold of Romero's hand. He followed her gaze. "Baby daddy," I whispered. Charlene giggled, and she was back. Romero took her face in his hands and kissed her. "Aaa, how sweet… I'm sorry… Your political career just started."

Charlene turned around, "I'm going to talk to Yazen." She dragged Romero with her. He pulled her to a stop and nudged his chin in the air. Charlene laughed, but he jumped into her Riphath arms, and they disappeared.

Romero was so good for her. He knew how to make her focus on other things. I was so jealous. He would always be there. Could I not have one guy like that?


We all had a busy two days. The Werewolves were on their trek to the city where Zavier had left them on Mirach. Charlene had briefly talked to Ben. He didn't even know what had happened to her until the news. He was angry like always, and I suddenly didn't like him anymore. The werewolves would hear the rest of the shocking truth once they got settled in the city. Charlene said she would tell them later and make a trip there herself. She had some hard decisions to make. The rest of us started construction for Kubra's house. It was only fair that we move in with them for a change. 

Earth was now free of all aliens. The lonely ones that were there were on their own. Jacklin seemed to be the missing link in all that had happened. She had contacted Louis several times but fell off the map at some point. Louis and Marcus thought that if Carl found Lyla. Jacklin would be nearby. They had a theory that it was Jacklin who had helped Sita. After Sita's death, someone had to ensure Lyla started her crusade.

I was distracted with Soren's wedding coming up. It felt like I needed to talk to him. No, I wanted to see him. Find out what was going on. Explain why we have not come to speak to them or get them back to their family. I knew it had nothing to do with me… The last time we spoke was the day the guys told him to leave, and I felt guilty that Marcus had brought him in to help and Chris had left Isla there all alone.

"What's bothering you?" Charlene asked. 

"It's Soren."

"Do you think he will go through with it?"

"Oh, Charlie, I have no idea what's going on. The wedding is tomorrow, and the guys are just leaving it. I've heard nothing. Michael hasn't been back since we arrived. All they say is... It's still quiet over here."

"You didn't answer my question… What will you do if Soren marries and sleeps with that... goddess."

The thought repulsed me. It enraged me. I tried to change the subject again. "I'm so jealous of you."


"I've said this before… but you have the life I longed for."

"Jules, your one weakness is not Chris anymore. It's your jealousy. And have we not learned enough through Ahasuerus's death. Qadir. Count your blessings."

That was the last thing I wanted to do. Irritated, I stood up, rubbing my hand over the small bump forming around my midsection. "I know, I know. I will try and curb it. As best I can. But I am pregnant. You will allow me to rant a little. I am not happy… It's like not one of them understands me. Marcus should be here… Why did he tell me if he planned on doing nothing about it?"

"I will allow you to rant, but only to me. You can complain all you want, but don't put this on the men. No one is happy."

"It's not about being happy! It's about my freaking sanity. I don't know what's going on. It's been a month, and Marcus is nowhere near making any progress… Earth will leave us to fight all alone, and I'm forced to sit down and protect this child."

"May I ask why Marcus is in charge?" Romero asked hesitantly.

"They don't want to work with me."

Romero frowned. 

"Marcus lied to me to force me to keep the baby safe."

"After you stole the Chadari baby." I nodded, relieved that they had dropped the subject of Soren. 

"Why don't you call for Chris? He always comes? Romero hasn't met him. We can make a night of it."

"I can't… Jessy said they are too busy in meetings with Earth, and when the Watchers leave, the four of them will have to restructure. It's not like Ian is going to stop attacking because he's getting laid."

Romero and Charlene laughed. "Jules… Don't let your jealousy make you do something stupid regarding Soren." I looked up at the sky in defeat. It was exactly what I was thinking. I was only twenty-two years old. If I couldn't make stupid mistakes now when would be a good time?



En-gannim was oddly quiet. We had no attacks that day, and we figured the wedding was going on and that they were taking the customary few days to celebrate. The refugees that were on Earth had to come back. We had no choice. Most of them had gone home to their various islands. It had been a grueling day of regrouping and taking our time to figure out what Ian's next move was going to be.

Juliet's office was so quiet without all the men from Earth. The Watchers had left and needed to contain what was happening on Earth. After a few hours of silence, the people were in an uproar, and for the first time, the government couldn't silence them by feeding them to us. Earth's only solution was to stop the teleporters and curb the people. Force them to realize what they would lose. With no more teleporting on Earth, the infrastructures were at a halt. It was instant chaos. It was more difficult having it and then taking it away. Earth never had time to fully embrace all the possibilities there could be. Only once a world had the power for itself could there be real change.

The hospitals were flooded with women coming in with burns on their bodies. Men had tied down their counterparts, destroying relationships in minutes. The world was in distress. There were revolutions all over. The people had no more faith in their governments. There had been no sightings of any Ittoqure on Earth. It was probably a matter of time. Juliet and Ira would be in danger. Charlene, maybe too? 

Our troops were firmly in place, but there would be no rest for us until Ian was sorted out. With the watchers on Earth, our numbers were dangerously low to make any difference. The Islands we had could fall into Ian's hands. We were still on defense, and not knowing what Ian was planning was a problem. Would he keep going on like that and try to take over Island by Island, working his way toward Narhima. He was playing a long game, and there could only be one reason for this. They also had the stone Ahasuerus had thrown at Juliet and would soon approach Fahan with it. As soon as they figured out it wasn't the right one… It did take us a while. I hoped it would give me some time to develop a plan. I needed to know what Soren had told Ian and why. They could not penetrate Nahrima and needed us out of there to take over. If Soren was helping them, they would have an even more significant advantage. We still had to figure out where Ian had a teleporter built. He was still teleporting thirty people at a time. Caleb was an option, but after the last time, I didn't want to put him in danger. I had to be careful if I sent him out. It couldn't be for just any reason, and talking to Soren was the last thing I would risk his life for. 

Thoughts about Soren brought me full circle to my pregnant wife. I knew Juliet would have trouble with him getting married, especially to Rana. I didn't want her to do something stupid. If I had to give her answers, we needed to get to Soren and Isla soon before something terrible happened. I didn't know what was worse. Soren wanting to move on and jump ship or still waiting for us to save them. I was at my wit's end. 

"It's the only option we have," Caleb said. "It will be information gathering. Nothing else."

"If something goes wrong, they will know you have an ability. It will make them even more vigilant, and that element of surprise is not something we should take lightly."

Caleb stood up out of the chair. Irritated that I wasn't doing anything. I knew they were all waiting for me to make a decision. We were all tired from all our meetings about Earth, closing off everything, and relocating everyone. The generals were disappointed that Carl had not taken care of Lyla. They were furious that Nevin had helped her and that the compound was so easily infiltrated. It was too late to regret or place blame. She was gone and hiding. In any way, they couldn't blame Carl for being pulled out supernaturally. It was, after all, something they couldn't plan for. Carl went directly to the tunnels after coming back from Mirach, but by then, the tubes were gone, and so was Lyla. Carl wasn't even with us, and we didn't know when we would see him again. He needed to find Lyla before she did more harm. 

Everyone wanted it to be over. I was scared it was only the beginning. Ian had taken much more ground than us. The planet could not stay divided for long. At some point, Vampires were going to jump ship. It would never work if we had no source of water. How would we wage war for years if we had no food and no water? My typical way of playing for the long haul would not get us out of that mess. I also didn't want to make any rash decisions. 

I had thought about intercepting Ian, going around him, and getting Fahan on our side. Dimitrios had not answered any of my messages. At that point, I was even more irritated that we didn't wipe them off Palmyra. Caleb had curbed Michael and me, and they still didn't want to negotiate with us. The boy wanted me to listen to him again. I had hoped giving Aries back would make them more amenable, but I was wrong.

It was Juliet's job to find out if there was anything in those chests to help us. Jessy's father was in The Tower for now, and I was inclined to bring him into our confidence. Figure out why he had helped Lyla. Why Soren was helping Ian. Not everyone seemed to be on board with the new way of life. I understood my grandfather more and more. It was too difficult to govern the vamps. 

"Marcus," Caleb touched my shoulder.

"Michael, you go with him. And you, Chris?" I said softly and glanced up at him. "You back?"

"Full power, yes."

"Okay, fine. You guys go see what's what and report back. Find out when Ian might be off-site. If we can cut off their water supply and put all their people in prisons. Even if it is just the main island. We will be one step closer."

"The prisons are already full, Marcus. This campaign is much larger than the little coup I had tried two hundred years ago." Samuel said. 

My first thought was to take them to the Red Planet. Let them operate all the factories, but sending them off the planet had brought me full circle to do precisely what Ahasuerus had done. Louis was observing me carefully. He would have to go and manage the Red Planet. It would mean we were splitting up, and I needed him there. 

We could steal water from Palmyra for a time, but they would eventually start traveling. It wasn't a permanent solution. They only had ten coordinates. "If Soren starts helping Fahan," Louis said, continuing my thoughts for me. I took a deep, heavy breath. I didn't want to think about him. There was too much to consider, and worrying about him and his sister was not on my priority list. He wasn't even part of the family. 

"Observe them? You make the call if you need to talk to him." Chris nodded, and the three left. Louis wouldn't be there to figure out what Soren was thinking… Or how far down the road he was. 

I went upstairs. I needed to sleep. I could do nothing if I was too tired. 


I woke up in the middle of the night. My body was drenched in sweat. Juliet was constantly on my mind. Everything I had to juggle was giving me nightmares. I was back at the compound. I needed to talk to her. I didn't want to. If she knew nothing was happening. It would frustrate her even more. She wouldn't want to interfere and have all those emotions to deal with. 

I traveled and went out to the field. Traveled again until I was entirely on another planet. One I had not seen before. She had been having fun, and I was left with the mess on En-gannim. Louis and Michael were the ones who wanted to fight… Why did she throw that stone at me? 

Jessy was at his post. "I'll take you." He got up, and we left the teleporter building.

I stopped and turned to him. "I need to talk to my mother." Jessy regarded me momentarily and looked like he wanted to say something. "Now is not the time." My tone was clipped, and it was a red flag. I was on the verge of doing the one thing Juliet had said I can't do. 'Go into work mode.'

The village was small. Only a few houses spaced out far apart. The architecture caught my eye. It was beautiful, and the sky as a backdrop made me actually feel I was on another planet. Seeing the Milky Way so close was… indescribable. I wanted to run and join her there. I wanted to enjoy that time with her. I knocked softly. I heard the bare feet on the stone floor. My mom opened the door. She nodded to Jessy. The four men always at her side were sleeping in the lounge. She took me to a room and closed the door. I couldn't look at her and fell into her arms. She hugged me but pushed me away and started signing.

Agatha [ What's wrong ]

I was too tired to try to have a lengthy discussion with her.

"I'm out of my depth. Scared, we will lose it all."

Agatha [ Does it matter ]

"If we lose En-gannim? What would have been the point? Where would we go?"

Agatha [ Getting away from your father was enough for me. At this point, where we will end up is the least of our problems. There are a lot of people counting ] She paused [ on you ]

I nodded. At one point, it was all I wanted. To get away from Qadir. That and then a family. I told Liam it was a worthy cause, and my family motivated me. I sat down on the bed, looking up at my mom. Juliet had already done so much. Why was it so difficult for me to move. 

Agatha [ You want to run away ]

My mom knew me so well. 

Agatha [ Even as a kid, you would rather hide than face what you had to. You bend too easily… You avoided a lot of things… feelings. Unless it was about me. But no amount of running will help you in the future. Eventually, the work will catch up to you. You're lazy, Marcus. You always wait until the very last minute before doing something. And only then do I see what a great man you are… I wish you would have more faith in yourself ]

The truth was never easy to hear. Or to do something about it at all. I've listened to everything she said a thousand times in my head. 

Agatha [ Now off with you. Go see your wife. Talk to your child. And go home and take back what belonged to you in the first place. Take responsibility and… keep your promises. The baby is already five months ]

Five months. Just four more, and I would be a father. I would bring a child into… what world? She put her hand on my shoulder, and I left. I didn't want to kill all of them. But not doing it… was only prolonging the inevitable. And if it meant that I had to kill Soren… I shuddered at the thought. Scared that my decisions would push Juliet over that thin line of ours. She was still not there with me before she and Michael disappeared. It had already been a month, and I was missing everything. 

I stopped walking before I got to the door. Juliet's reception of me at the house came to mind. It was the first time we had seen each other in a month. Oh, no. I was already in work mode, on my way to get off and leave her in bed. Juliet was trying, and I was not there. While I was deciding whether to go to her, my mind jumped to Ian. I needed that stone before they made it to Fahan. I wanted En-gannim to be a safe place for us to live. Now more than ever. How could I be with her if I didn't sort it out… I just hoped… Not losing her home will outweigh the loss of a loved one. I stretched out my hands in front of me. There was so much blood on them. Blood that was forced upon me. Those women and babies on Zoreah haunted my dreams. Michael was not the only one that felt that day. More war meant more blood. Could I kill Soren and his family? I understood why Ira was so bent upon separating the species. Juliet and Caleb wanted everything to work out perfectly. 

Before I knew it, I had opened the door, and Jessy was waiting outside for me. "I want to see Juliet." That time, he didn't even look at me. I entered the house without knocking. A man came out of one of the rooms. I guessed it was Romero. He eyed me and pointed across the open space to another door. Juliet and Sammy were fast asleep. I picked up the little bundle of energy and carried her out. Romero and Jessy were talking, and when he saw me, he took Sammy from me.

The next time I went in, I closed the door. Juliet was wearing almost nothing. Silky light pink sleep shorts still exposing some of her ass cheeks and a strappy top curving nicely around her breasts. In the beginning, it bothered me. While she had been my wife… not so much. Unable to wait anymore, I positioned myself behind her and ran my hand over my child, mapping every inch of her swollen belly, reminding myself of why I was there in the first place. Juliet stirred a little. "Marcus," She mumbled lazily.

"How do you know it's me?" I asked, kissing her ear. Juliet rested her hand on mine, and together, we held our baby.

"You're the only one that does this."

"I am?" I was genuinely surprised. Usually, she woke up with me thrusting into her. Some women didn't like that. I lifted her knee to prop up her one leg and expose her thighs. My hand slipped underneath her shorts and slid over her backside while I spoke. "You've never stopped me or said I shouldn't." I dipped and delved, stretching her to work her open faster. Juliet's breath hitched, and she shuddered against me. Her hand came around and gripped the back of my head. I got up to pull down her shorts, undid my belt, and pushed my own down to rest on my thighs. I didn't have time to get undressed. It was another sign. It was going to be fast. I looked down at her while I was busy. She was not moving, waiting. Still half asleep and not looking at me. I should stop. I know I should. The last time we had sex was down in those tunnels. "I wouldn't be able to say no." She whispered. Our eyes met, and it was all I needed before I rested behind her. I pushed my arm in under her head and shoved her knee forward, gripping her skin as I showered her shoulder with aggressive tongue-filled kisses. Nipping and licking her with broad strokes. My hand closed over her plump and swollen breast. Her soft skin felt so good under my fingers. All I wanted to do was touch her. Knead her and clamp down on her pert nipples. Have my lips on her. There was no time. Her feet were mingled with mine. My need echoed in every twitch of her skin and moan that escaped her lips. Juliet was hot and willing. I knew she was back with me. She stoked the fire I thought I would need to contain. I didn't need to see her face to know our excitement was matched. Her back arched, beckoning me closer. I quickly stroked my thumb over her mouth, and she responded by taking it into her mouth. I was aching by the time I shoved myself between her thighs, taking hold of her waist and quickly going to work to get to the bliss I was after. Over and over. Intensely and possessively claiming satisfaction. I took in the sweet smell of her skin and dragged my mouth over her skin. Juliet was audible with every thrust, biting into my wrist under her mouth as I pushed harder and harder and savagely came undone inside her. Shallow, ragged breaths slowed as my movements did, and I pulled out of her. I mingled our bodies and ran my hand through her hair, catching my breath. Those sessions I had with her were to relieve myself of all the burden. The cares and worries. Slowly, I untangled myself from her and left, hoping it wouldn't offend her. Hoping she wouldn't hate me if Soren died. If it did hurt us… I would have this to reflect on, wanting to answer her question in the diary. "Marcus, will this feeling ever go away?" 

"No, Julie… Not for me. Ever." I whispered into the cold night air. 

At the station, I told Jessy to follow me, and I started giving orders as soon as we stepped over the office threshold. The trio returned and reported that all was quiet and that Ian planned to leave the next day. They had the coordinates for the very center of the city and for the foyer of Ian's home. The bulk of the men would land and take over the places they had said to be the densest of soldiers. Selena and Jamal, you will be with Michael and me at the house. Louis was watching my every move. Sitting in that manner of his made me doubt every decision. 

"We followed Soren and Isla. The wedding is going on later today, and then Ian and Soren will leave for Palmyra the next day. It was him that told Ian about the stones." Chris said. My eyes were on Louis. "Soren and Ian are always together. Soren was given leave to handle negotiations with Fahan. There was no time to talk to him."

My hands started wringing in front of my body. It was not good news. 

"So you know where the teleporter is," Louis asked. 

Caleb nodded. "Go to your mother, Caleb. Now. And don't you dare come back, or I will flog you myself?" I said. The boy faltered. I needed him out. 

Chris stepped forward. "Listen to him. Protect your mother. With Jessy here, we need someone there… that's… level-headed." Chris tried to lighten the tense atmosphere. Caleb left hurriedly. I closed my eyes to gather myself. I didn't want to hurt him or her… I just couldn't do both like they could.

"Jessy, you will lead your men on Palmyra. I do not care who is there or not. You kill them all." I tossed the pink stone at him. "I tested it. It works even with our pink water." His eyes flickered to my hands. Not one scratch or burn. "When Ian is dead, come to help Kubra. You are in charge of that stone. Use it whenever you need to."

Jessy went down on a knee and left. "Kubra, you will join us and take the city. Not one woman or child survives. Dump the bodies into the ocean." He wanted to say something. I lifted my hand. "Better get geared up. We have one day to get this organized. Give the four of us the room." 

"What's going on, Marcus?" Chris pleaded. "Are you really going to kill your own people?"

"If Soren dies…." My hands were shaky. "And his whole family… I'll ask you all for some time. I would need to take Juliet somewhere. Chris, can you keep her contained and deliver her to me? Louis, if you would tell me how far I had gone." I met Louis's eyes. "If you all agree?"

"Why are you so certain the boy has changed?" Louis asked. "You told her that he was doing it to protect Isla. He is playing double agent."

"I hoped he was… but thinking about it…. Isla… She would never have agreed if she wasn't sure she wanted to. And we know where we pushed Soren to. He would want to protect her at all costs. I…" I stood to my feet. "I'm getting dressed... I'll be at the barracks the whole day with Jessy planning." I glanced at Louis. "You never told us how she really feels about him. You might have said she would bend for him. But…"

Louis averted his gaze and left the office.

Chris clapped me on the shoulder. "I don't think you have to worry. If Soren has changed his mind completely. Ian would have more information. He would've told him about the brandings and Michael."

"That's the problem. Isla will eventually spill when Ian plays her just right. And it seems that his plans are working already. They have killed everyone where they infiltrated. What did we do?"

"What Ahasuerus had done," Michael said.

I nodded. "Locking people up for two hundred years is cruel. It would drain our resources, and they would be a constant threat. How long would we wait till we think they are reformed. Able to go back into society. Ian is playing one way, and we are trying to be fair. It stops tomorrow." 

Michael stepped to the door. "I have no qualms with what you want me to do. We did it on Zoreah, and we will do it again. The children will eventually become a problem. Who would raise them? At what age will we cut it off, and will they not want revenge for their parents. I think you are making the right decision, Marcus. I still think you should let me go kill Fahan."

Their support did mean something. Michael and I had an understanding, which helped. "Let's leave that for last. Let me think about it."

"I will handle the children," Chris said. "My apathy will not make me care. It didn't happen on Zoreah, and it won't now." He and Michael silently took that charge on themselves with a nod.

"I think when it comes to Soren, Marcus. Let Louis guide us. It's more a Juliet issue than a decision you must make." Michael stated. 

That was why Louis was so upset. If someone had to kill the boy. It would have to be him.