Charlie And Carl


We carried each other out of the room and crashed outside onto the floor. Romero was in tears, sitting down against the wall. I fell into his lap, bawling like a baby. Marcus was laughing. I'd never heard him laugh so long and hard. It was the weirdest thing going into the room. What going back into the past could do to you. Marcus threw up again. I sat up to see if he was okay. He wiped his mouth on a sleeve and took gulps of air—not taking it well.

Juliet had given Romero and me ten years together. Carl and I were together in one. Kubra and I met after I was old enough in one of her timelines; he had come to tell me about my mother and who she was… Chris was my brother… I let out a sob, and more tears spilled over. I could still not believe it… All my life, my weird relationship with my mom and dad had been for a reason. My parents were so distant and cold because of who she was… always hiding. When Marcus branded Juliet, they moved me closer to Juliet and Carl… Bertram had known about the stone and that Qadir wanted it… He couldn't tell anyone about Chris… And although my mom was protected where we lived, she didn't even know who Chris was… Until one night after a party… Our lives were so big, and yet our world—so small—connected in every way. 

It was quiet in the windy hall. We all sat aimlessly, staring at the door we had just come out of. Romero now knew how it was on Earth… I turned my head to him. He took my hand and kissed it. Marcus looked worse than when he and Romero were alone in the tent... To see the two most stable men I know broken down and in tears the way they were made the truth hit home. They believed our kids were dead… I was conflicted. My own body ached all over. Inside, I was agitated and overflowing with pent-up aggression. I wanted to lie down and never get up. Losing so much at one time was worse than us all dying together; had Soren only found a way to kill us all, we would never be living this hell of uncertainty… I was on the brink of hope and despair… Liam was with the kids… He could find a way to save them… Or Liam was also dead… Cindy and Agatha. The three people who were more my parents than my own had been. I had faith they would do whatever it takes… But how? My two little girls and Kubra's son… If we could find Michael before the month was out, there could still be a chance.

My creatures were all over the place, and I tried to connect with Michael, but I couldn't find him. Although if I focused all my energy on Kubra, I would travel directly to him… I could feel it; even though I couldn't pull him out, I could go to him… And however sad I was, he needed me. He was taken and waiting for me to find him. I had not told Romero, but Kubra forced my body to write out a message… He had never controlled me the way the guys had done with Juliet… It was the first time, and also how I knew how desperate he must be. Kubra had only written a few words:

Kubra [ I don't want to be alone ]

I had left it long enough. He'd already been alone for four months, and before the end of the day, we would be together again, or we would die… How hard could it be to kidnap someone in the blink of an eye? I would go in with Romero in one arm and grab Kubra in the other.

Marcus and Romero were speaking in hushed tones beside me. I had no desire to find out what had happened to Juliet or them... Or if going back in time could work or what they were planning. In the end, Romero couldn't make one decision without me. The knowing curbed my curiosity or need to control.

I stood, "Come! Now!" I opened my arms, and we teleported into the village.

Bodies were being sent down a shadow train of dheka in one straight line out into the desert. Above their heads, they hovered the corpses, drifting them out to a figurative sea. At our end, a few dheka hoisted the bodies onto the conveyor belt, and the rest were bringing them in from all over.

So many dead people brought on all other feelings associated with my human nature. Was this worth it? War was for the uncivilized. The political tyranny of ignorance. How could I be okay with it one moment and feel guilty the next? I manifested into my vampire form. Marcus and Romero blanched. I laughed lightly at the scared faces. Lust, unsympathetic, and getting what I wanted when I wanted it was the only way I could get through the next part. If I had to stay in my vampire form for the next few months, so be it… Like Fahan said… Die trying. I wanted to practice… No point in denying a part of me just because everyone else was scared of me. "Charlene, are you well?"

"Oh, I finally accepted myself… Marcus, I don't want to be rude, but what's your plan? I want to get Kubra out as soon as possible… Will you wait or what?"

"No… no… I'm going to take all the misfits with me and go looking… The sooner we find Michael—Well, I've not given up hope yet."

"No, me neither… You guys travel South… Once Kubra and Carl are here, we'll go with the army up north and regroup with Sara to see how her region handled the whole fiasco… They might need help… I'll also try and find out where Chris and Michael were taken…"

Marcus and Romero shared knowing glances and chuckles. Patronizing, but I'll allow it. I reached into my pocket, pulled out my Royal token, and handed it to Marcus. He picked it up, "What is it?"

"It's a fast past at Disney World… What does it look like."

The corner of his mouth lifted, and Marcus's eyes came up to meet mine, "Be careful… Our family is important… However, many are left."

"No moral values!"

"None… Family first."

Marcus turned and shook Romero's hand, "If I were them, your communications and tunnels would go next. Reinforce in the most crucial parts so they don't get a foothold and work your way out."

"Thank You. I will. We will meet up as soon as we hear from you."

Marcus walked away, pushing the royal token into a pants pocket. Romero took my hand. Without giving it another thought, I hoisted him into one arm and traveled.

Wtf? Kubra was doing pushups. While he was still hands on the ground, I bent down, picked him up around the waist, and traveled out. The wolves around us were howling, yelling for no reason… They were too far away.

I placed him down, closed my eyes, and searched the universe for Carl… Even before the brandings, there was a connection… I could no longer deny that there were soulmates for each of us… No matter how many or where you were… In the end, love will always be a choice.

I had him—Carl, I'm coming—I nudged and traveled.

Romero didn't say one word; he only clung to me the best he could. Carl was on the ground, letting sand drop through closed fingers. He looked up. "Jump!" He did, and we were out. Carl was luckily not even guarded. Humans are weak.

We were barely on the ground before he said, "Dark city. Now!" I laughed, manifesting into my vampire face. Carl and Kubra had much the same reaction, "Okay… No, Dark City."

I looked at Romero, who had been quiet for four months since we found out our Fia was not in the village. It was true; life changed people. I didn't want him to change. I missed my quirky afro husband. He had the last say… It wouldn't help us in any way if Carl turned ittoqure, and it was probably the last thing Romero wanted to do. He had so much on his plate, but at least Carl would be safer, stronger, and capable. "The army can start marching… We could join up with them if we have a detailed plan of the route they will take…" Romero simply nodded and gave orders to the servants following us around.

Half an hour later, the four of us were walking out into the desert. The silence stretched between us for hours, and no one said a word. Romero was a little away from the three of us in the front. With every step we took, doubt clouded my mind even though I was in my vampire manifestation. The tension in the group was too thick to miss, let alone mention. Were we making a mistake? What is Romero thinking? I didn't like to beg a guy to talk to me—urge them to share their feelings if they didn't want to. I was not like Juliet, who goaded and prodded until they snapped. I smiled thinking about her; she saved me, and now we didn't know when we might see each other again…

My time with Carl was still fresh in my new memory. We were a couple for a lot of years in her timeline with Marcus. The two of us eventually got married. So I had no doubt about how the wedding night would go. Louis always stood back so Juliet could create relationships with the other men… Was that why Romero was so quiet? He wanted Carl and I to take the journey together and focus on one another? What? While they tagged along. Shouldn't we be bonding as a family… I glanced at Kubra, who was as depressed as I felt about Jaali… This couldn't have happened at a worse time. Mourning yet, we still had to get up and move. So, I left everyone alone and decided to focus on the path.

For three days, no one said anything until we reached the forest. "I'm going to take you each through."

"It's too far apart. You'll have to do it in stages."

I followed Romero's advice and went quarter by quarter. It was over in the blink of an eye, and we stood looking out over the plane of stepping stones. Two days of this… I took a deep breath to prepare myself. Romero was the first to jump. I waited to stay in the back. The guys at least kept an eye on Carl, who had a hard time doing what we were doing in our manifested states. No one was taking any chances. The food was not a problem this time around; with four packs we each carried, we had enough to last us to the valley. Fresh clothes and enough water.

We sat on two flat surfaces after a long day, Carl and me together and the other two on another. So they were leaving us alone in a way… I chuckled. It didn't help much… My new husband couldn't even look at me... However, in a way, Carl had to feel the loss of Miné and the babies. They might not be his kids, but he was also grieving. Our family didn't really have glue to hold us together anymore… I was not enough to keep us bonded… Did they love me so much? I didn't feel very loved.

We reached the valley with no issues. Kubra and I hunted while Carl and Romero built a fire. I had Kubra in my arms, teleporting into a herd of beasts. It was so easy for the two of us. Kubra stood over the two he killed and waited for me to drop down the last one. I scanned the surroundings, looking for anything else tempting… Blood was blood, but it tasted different.

Out of the corner of my eye, Kubra slowly approached me. I dropped my vampire face, and so did he. Bending his knees, he picked me up so we could be at eye level, and then he kissed me with passion, giving me no chance to match his enthusiasm. A hungry tongue stoked the fire between us. The thing about vampire lust was that whatever I thought off when in my vampire form built those sensations. If I hungered for vengeance, I was consumed by it. Anger. Power. Food. I manifested and thought about sex to get on the same page as him.

It took only a moment of his hands all over me to teleport us to a quiet place out of sight. We hurriedly undressed ourselves and came together forcefully—I guess like two vampires should meet when there were no barriers between them. Surrounded by the dark sky, only moonlight glistening on the surface, Kubra laid me down in a shallow little pond of water. The heat of the air dampened down, but our bodies—hot and writhing together, desirous, consumed in several positions over and over.

With our legs intertwined, we came to an end, bodies pressed together, mouths languidly moving from lust to love. Kubra didn't pull out but suddenly broke our kiss. He gathered me in a tight embrace and slowly shook against my body as tears racked through him. I'd never seen him cry. Not once. I could do nothing but hold him. Comfort him. For him, it was new. Raw. I had months to get over the initial shock.

As quickly as his tears began, he just as swiftly put on his mask again, dislodged himself, and rinsed his face with the water, dragging his fingers through his hair. I left him to wash myself in the gentle waterfall. As I turned, Kubra was already shaking out our clothes and fixing them so we could get dressed.

I took mine and placed the garments on a rock, pulling up underwear. "I'm sorry, Kubra." He held back his emotions, shaking his head the only response he could give, fighting not to lose control again.

I let him be and teleported our meals back to the camp. Romero and Carl were actually talking but stopped as I dropped down. Was I the problem? I shrugged off their concern for my vampiric features, a constant on my face. With one hand, I lifted the alien thing by two legs and dragged a nail down its gut. Blood sprayed, entrails dropped down onto the ground. The men complained, jumping up and out of the way, "Can you at least do it somewhere else. Come on! Now, every bug and other thing is going to invade our space tonight." Oh, Carl. In a few days, you'll be begging me to drench you in it and lick it off your body— something Kubra, and I did once—and then you'll eat every last piece of meat in your other forms. I dug into the cavity and dug out the rest, scraping it clean. The head got torn off and tossed. Skin—I ripped it right off with little effort.

"You're getting good at that," Kubra said as he came sauntering into camp. "I'll eat mine raw."

"I'll join you as soon as I feed my aliens." Carl gagged at the smell. Romero held his hand in front of his mouth to ward off the reflex. "Looks like I'll have to move us somewhere else for the night." Romero will have a rough time with three uncivilized beings around. Their culture was so different from our rough ways.

The valley I decided I wanted to walk. It was so beautiful and worth the trouble. To get up to the ledge within the mountain took only a few seconds. We did the tunnel and the water and then ended up where we could see Juliet and Caleb had been for a few days. "They left all their trash here," Carl complained.

"The servants will clean it up… Charlene, do you still remember the way? Kubra and I will wait here."

This is not how I wanted Carl and my time to be. Juliet and Chris were supposed to do this with us. All of us, as a family. We would finally have our double wedding and a trip of it with the kids one day to show them the way. Maybe when they were ten or so… Carl took my hand and pulled me down the corridor. Okay! Everyone had changed in the last few months… He was as eager as if it was his first time.

I led him to the walkway across the canyon, coming to a standstill. His hand clutched nervously in mine. On the one hand, I wanted to get it over with so we could all finally be on the same page. No more humans in the mix. On the other hand, I was nervous for different reasons. We'd been friends for so long and hadn't even kissed yet. Carl took the first step. I pulled his arm around my waist so we could cross together.

He pushed the doors open and closed them behind us. It was as clean and magical as I can remember. Who kept this place so well maintained?

Carl walked around a bit, looking at all the finer details of the room. The dim lights set the mood. The big bed was a welcome sight on a planet full of tents. I wanted to look at both our asses to see if the marks were already there or if they really formed only when we came together.

Carl turned to look at me and took a deep breath before he spoke, "Charlie, will you marry me?"

I laughed and took a step closer, "Yes."

He took a step closer, "Are women not supposed to have some kind of time to build up to want to have sex? This is a lot of pressure on both of us to just kinda get through it."

I took another step closer, "If I were normal, I suppose… But Carl, I'm not anymore… Are you sure… There is no turning back."

He closed the last bit of distance between us. In arms reach, Carl leaned down and rested his lips on mine. I tipped up on my toes to make it a little easier. This time, he kissed me, pulling me closer as our lips met in slow movements. Satisfaction coursed through me. It had been so long coming, and his action was what I needed. He wanted me, this, a life together with all it entailed… although his attention was still tentative and cautious. Our lovemaking wouldn't be any different tonight. This was him for now.

With hesitation, he ended the kiss. A hand grasped mine while his eyes suggestively led me to bed. I lay down a little nervous as he lifted his shirt over his head and unbuckled his pants. I couldn't look at him anymore. He chuckled, "Who's shy now?"

"I am… I can't believe this is actually happening."

"Did you think it might get awkward?" I giggled, like seeing him naked for the first time was not enough… "Charlene, I've been waiting for this for eight years… The way you looked at me… I knew it would never be weird…" he eagerly climbed onto the bed. "It feels like I have to ask permission to touch you… You were always so serious when men did try, and you didn't like it."

"I like it when you touch me." He rested on an outstretched arm, and his other hand slid under my shirt, slowly inching up my body. Carl watched me as if testing my reactions because I could still not look at him. Skin on skin, I loved every gripping sensation. Carefully, he followed the curves and lines—cradled and feather-light caressed my breast. Fingers circled my nipple and traced the peak, rolling it between fingers and drawing a breathy hum from me. Gentle and wandering, his hand drifted to my other breast, exploring every bulging line. "So soft," he whispered and came up on his knees. He urged me so he could pull my shirt over my head. "You're so beautiful."

I shyly smiled at the compliment, feeling like this was my first time, too… It was exquisite torture to reign myself in and let him take the lead to enjoy this. I took a deep breath and looked at him. Carl rested a hand on my midsection and stroked up, watching himself touch me… as if seeing it made it more real. He closed his fingers on my breast, sensually kneading, getting lost in the feeling… Happy, he caught my gaze and held it… A moment of us staring into each other's eyes while he caressed me solidified us on a whole new level… He was handsome and large above me; I reached out to touch his arm, stroking over chiseled muscles and thick thighs resting on his feet.

With two hands, he pulled on my waistline and tugged my pants over my ass, down my legs, and over my feet. Without hesitation, he slid down off the bed and delicately dragged me with him to the edge. A breathy gasp escaped me… He definitely planned this… With a firm hold, he eased my knees apart. My breathing deepened in anticipation. With potent desire, he licked at my pleasure. My voice quivered, "F—." I squirmed a little with heady desire building. Daring, he slid two hands under my ass and lifted me a little—unsteady, his tongue pointedly delved. Carl's fingers dug into my skin, moaning hoarsely. Two thumbs splayed me, spread me while he ravished my entrance… My hips writhed against his mouth. After he had his fill, he pushed me to the mattress and held me in place. Lips kissed their way up to innocently find my bud. My breathing quickened—my core sensitive to every movement—anticipating that sweet feeling—waiting. His tongue dragged over my clit. Heaven. Audibly, I moaned to let him know. With fingers, he explored and stroked, watching me, moistening me with my own slickness. I didn't need to do anything or say something. Carl was focused on me, perceiving every reactive tremble and wordless sound. I quivered every time his lips grazed me, swiping at my arousal with rhythmic attention. Gripped in the expectation and fear he would stop, I lifted my feet and placed them on his body to keep him in place. Carl was steadily shattering me. My heels reacted, and my legs closed around him to make him wait so I could satisfyingly come to an end with a shuddering drawl... Unsteady, my legs melted.

Triumphant, he came up, "Lie if you have to."

"I don't need to," I said breathlessly, edging up so we could be entirely on the bed.

Carl slowly followed, holding my eyes with his and mounted in between my knees. I reached out to have him close, our bodies coming together as his mouth took mine in passion. My hands slid over his back to the curve of his ass, grazing his skin from one side to the other. Panting, he released me and settled between my legs. With one hand, he teased over my breast and my stomach and took himself in hand. Our eyes held as he entered me with love and one sliding thrust. In a stilled, dreamlike state, he relished in the feelings. "F— is right," he said, moving around, thrusting deeper. "I'll never get enough of this." Hips rolled smoothly in long, drawn-out thrusts—sweet yet heavy against my body. His weight pinned me in place, and his strong legs firmly held me open for him. I absorbed the feel of him inside me, panting with him to his building climax.

On two arms, he pushed himself up and, with a deep forward thrust, anchored himself inside me. He bared down on me, eager, with loud, deep grunts. My back arched a little when tiny pricks into material reached my ears. I looked to my left to see black spikes embedded in the mattress. "F— what's wrong with me?" He clawed down, gripping a fist full.

Carl had manifested. If he changed to his riphath form, I could, too... A little distracted, undeterred by his relenting force—I touched his vampiric features. Trailed the wrinkles up his brow. Black eyes bore into mine; his spirals were out of control. "Let go… Enjoy it."

He shut his eyes tightly, and a harsh, raw moan escaped, filling the silence. With his strength, I manifested too, and in a rush of rapid strokes, he erupted, crying out. His muscles were tense all over, slowing down. Carl came down on me—utterly vulnerable on top of me—chest to chest—face to face. His lips found mine desperately. A hand sprung out to my neck; roughly, he pushed my chin up and claimed my mouth. Surprised, I choked on his hungry tongue, tasting me in broad strokes. With another surge, he solidified into steel inside me, large and rigid. I let my lust run—stoked by his fire—and tossed him over in a swift twist of my legs. His arms and hands reacted to take charge. With mine, I gripped his wrist, staying his effort to get loose. In the slightest reaction, he was out of my grip and sitting up. My body jerked, and my breasts bounced as he pushed up on his knees and caught me. One arm held me in place and pushed me down—impaled me to waver. He was not going to let me take charge. It would be a battle for control if I didn't let him have his way with me… Without mercy, Carl grabbed a chunk of my hair, pulling my head and exposing my neck. He was out to kill me, not to rut again.

Teeth bare, he came at me; I did what I had to. I pushed to my feet, grabbed his shoulders, pierced my claws into his flesh, and tossed him over my head. He hit the wall, crashing into the little ornaments and décor.

I teleported to Kubra, who was on the other side of the walkway. This was what was wrong. Bewildered and at attention, the two guarded me, scanning our surroundings for the merest sign. It was the worst place for us to go into a fight… The walls shuddered as Carl let out a deafening roar. Furniture broke apart. With a ram, Carl thundered into the door; they broke open. Romero was already there and rammed him back into the room.

A giant darkness filled the air; two faces looked at us and crossed the walkway, following Romero. A fight ensued. I teleported to my bag and dug—shaking a little—into my pack for clothes, getting dressed as fast as possible.

I stepped out the door, and the cloud was whisking Carl away past us. "Is he okay? What did they do? How and why are they here?"

"I asked them to follow us," Romero said clipped. "Get the packs! We're leaving… Charlene, pick us up and follow them the best you can."

A little emotional, I did what I was told, teleporting through the city. The two drifted across the expanse of water, and we met them at the entrance of the city.

Through the tunnel, I couldn't manifest, and neither could Carl fit still stuck in his riphath form. "You'll have to take the pain for the few minutes it takes to get us all in the valley… Only at the bottom of the ledge." I took Carl first, and the pain hit me from being away from Romero. When I got to him, the pain didn't stop because I was too far from Carl. Romero winched as I picked him and Kubra up.

"We will meet you there in a moment," Iku said, and they drifted into the darkness.

I dropped to my knees. The pain was double what it always was, and it would take my body a while to calm down. What have I done? It would be even more dangerous for the three of us. I met Kubra's eyes, his hand clutching his heart. He felt it. A sob racked through me as I collapsed as Charlene again.

My head rocked forward and viciously whipped backward, straining my neck this way and that. Coming out from my unconscious state, the green of the valley blurred in my vision. We're still there. A dark form loomed over us. In Carl's arms, I was tossed whichever way he thought would get him out of the prison. I manifested and fought my way free. He decided Romero would be a better target. Iku and Roa warded him off, tossing him far across the ground. Carl disappeared, and the pain stabbed me and Romero to the ground, yelling. In a second, Carl was back and vanished again. He was testing his boundary. The pain was worse every time, "If he comes back, knock him out!" Romero strained to get the words out, "If he goes too far, he won't be able to come back, and we will all die."

The two giants waited—ready. Carl returned fuming and revolting at the injustice of his planet boundary. Iku and Roa dove at him—consumed him off the ground giving him no traction to teleport. The brown form of his body thrashed in the darkness. Gold and white pierced him like lightning over and over. Carl howled in pain. They were using black as well to curb him. His cries died down, and they laid him on the ground.

Romero pushed through the pain and jumped to his feet. He unsheathed his sword and walked over. "What are you doing?" I cried.

"He is out of control!" Romero spun on me, murder in his eyes. "We did not know what would happen or what the consequences would be! All he wants to do is kill us! I will not let him touch you again."

"Please," I begged.

"No! You knew the risks. Carl told me to do it if you were in danger in any way."

"I'm not. This will pass."

"And if it does not!? How long will we wait? Fight him. How long can we ward him off? How many years did Michael take to acclimate?"

I rushed him and fell on my knees, clutching his clothes, "Please! You can't. I won't make it… Not after everything… I can't lose him too."

"Do you understand what's going on?" Kubra asked.

"NO!" Romero turned on him, "How should I know. This is the first time the brandings have been tested this way—" Romero turned to Iku. "Will you please go check the room and the colliding prospects."

Iku shook his head, "Not now. It does not matter. I will stay to protect the two of you."

"Can't we use the red stone on him?"

"Where… do you want us to find it? The wolves hid the sword they used in the village… There is no more teleporting!"

"There is one in the abandoned city," Kubra said. "I think… If we can get there… Maybe—."

"Until then? If they hid that one as well!"

"If we can get to the army, they will be able to contain him. He can't take on all of them! If we can catch him human… It might work… You do with him what you did to Charlene."

"Please," I pulled on Romero's pants.

With a jerk of his leg, he stepped away from me, "Are the two of you willing to do this for her? Carry him all the way home?"

Roa didn't wait for Iku to answer; she stepped forward, "I am." She held out her hand, and Iku placed his hand in hers. "We are willing."

In a huff, Romero sheathed his sword and grabbed his pack. Kubra helped me to my feet and swept me into his arms.

The rest of the way was grueling. When I was able, I had to carry Kubra and Romero, teleporting behind the wave of shadow over the landscape of the valley, but had to come to a halt at the platforms, which produced another heated tirade from Romero, "You will kill us all to save him! What if he wakes up in the middle of that." My gaze involuntarily drifted across the expanse of heated plates of earth. I stuttered and couldn't give him an answer.

"Why not rest and have some water. Charlene, you might want to eat something. Kubra, you too… I need to speak to Romero," Iku said and pulled him aside.

So we took a break while the men sat far away from the group speaking. Roa and I had put together a cooked meal for the two men with meat and fruit from the trees in the valley.

Romero seemed a little calmer taking the first jump. Iku carried Carl the whole way in his shadow manifestation, hovering from one plate to the next for hours. When he was too tired, he placed Carl down and came back to human, taking a breather. Being unable to put his gigantic feet on any of the structures was draining. While Iku rested in his meditation pose, Roa surrounded Carl with her abilities to keep him knocked out.

"We can be glad he didn't stay in his vampire state," Kubra tried to joke. I couldn't relax just yet… He pulled me against his body and hugged me. "He will be okay. And we will make it. You'll see."

"There is a hard road ahead of us with the wolves… Maybe it was a mistake."

"You didn't make a deal with them; Romero did…" I looked up at this to make any type of connection with Romero. He grimaced, listening to what Kubra had to say. "And if we left, we never would've been able to make the journey… Who knows how long and how far this next part will take us… Carl would only grow older and older, and it wouldn't have been fair for Carl to fight a war unable to protect himself… Always the weak link who needs to be coddled."

That's the reason Romero was so upset? An oversight. A fault in his rulership. His decision caused a planetary incident, allowing the wolves refuge when Michael branded Juliet. Romero couldn't have known I would follow, which only made it worse. We had talked once about regret. I sighed; even Romero had limits, and at some point, he would reach them. 

"The wolves already wanted to kill Carl when they separated us… He means nothing—human… I believe in the boy… Once he gets a handle on his manifestations, the four of us will be able to go anywhere on Mirach… It will be an asset to Romero… You'll see… What does it matter if it takes Carl a few years to figure things out…"

It had to be difficult for Kubra… Tossed here and there, and in the end, he would always have to submit to someone. It was Romero's planet… I looked away from my husband, who had his own things to work through and focused on the one at least trying. A smile tugged on my lips, "Thank You."

"I love you, Charlene… We will get through this together… I'm not going anywhere… If you like, we can ask Carl to push Romero off your body," Kubra made a little gesture into the air.

Romero went on a lengthy rant in the dheka language.

I ignored him, sitting up on my knees and pulling down my pants, "I haven't even checked… What do you see?" I asked Kubra, pushing my bum into his face.

He placed two hands on my two cheeks and cupped... "Iiii can't concentrate like this."


Kubra chuckled and pulled my pants down even more, "Oh, wow!"

"What? What was Carl's mark?"

"All around the palace is a detailed nature scene and a narrow little path leading up to the entrance… I think it is a good symbol of his gentle nature… He will be your peace."



My mind, body, and soul were pulling me in twenty different directions. The once quiet I always had I would never experience again. It was awesome. Why did I wait so long to be this free from all the stupid ideas of earth… I couldn't sit still and teleported from one side of the men walking to the other, very aware of how far I could leave Charlene and Romero. Who was walking on either side of the men anyway because they were fighting. Was it about me? I didn't care. I jumped again and pulled Kubra's feet out from under him. He at least laughed, landing on his ass. However, he reacted fast and was on me in a second, fighting with me so we could stay fit for the war to come. I had to get used to my body before we reached the abandoned city. From there, it will only be a matter of time before we have to fight. As a vamp, Kubra was strong, and we matched each other in blows. Both had numerous wounds already—not holding back. The dheka enjoyed our show… We were providing entertainment.

Romero's general was a cool guy… a head taller than me in person and twice the size—a giant for a human who could disappear into thin air and come back, spearing a body with a thousand black shadowy stabs. Tasallah helped me to get used to the dheka's way of combat. Kubra and I had daily lessons with him.

As soon as I got bored with Kubra—which was only after a few hours—I teleported out and jumped around again, practicing my new ability. I honed in on my wife and had her swept off her feet and in my arms. "Hey!"

She laughed, "Hello?"

"Come on, Charlene, you can't be this sulky for the rest of time."

"I'm depressed, okay."

"They're not dead! You've given up already… I told you I can feel them!"

"How are they still alive? Why can't I feel anyone anymore?"

"I don't know… Hmm, you were always a little cynical. Maybe it's because you're so serious."

"Like you are boring."

I dropped Charlene in the sand and stood over her human. I took her face in my hands and pulled her lips onto mine. With one hand, I kept her mouth on mine, and the other firmly grabbed an ass full. The dheka complained around us. It was not the way. She pushed me, unlocking our lips. "You don't want to?"

"F— Carl, we already had sex twice today!"

I pouted. It made her giggle. I was trying my best to cheer her up. I wished we were not confined to the planet, or I would've gone to get her children for her and make everyone happy. Kubra had believed me when I told him and was just glad they were alive… I felt every one of them. Naji the most, for some reason, and Caleb… I knew precisely where the son and mother were. "Can we go see Juliet?" Charlene turned to walk away. "Please… I want to show her."

"I want to as well… Have you sensed Michael yet?"

"No… the swords are doing their work." Charlene ignored my plea, "Come on, we do something stupid and kidnap Romero and go for a second. I take him. You take Kubra. We'll be there and back in jiffy…"

Charlene rolled her head on her neck, wrestling with her impulses, "You were the one who always followed orders. Rank! Did you forget what happens to deserters… How can you expect Romero to leave his men and go traversing all over."

"Is that why he's not touching you? War?" Charlene spun around. I smiled mischievously—deliberately goading her. "You're no fun in your vamp face. Can we please see the pretty girl again… Soon, we will both be middle-aged—stuck at forty—and you'll regret not enjoying your twenties."

"What happened to you?"

"I had sex with a gorgeous woman—the love of my short life—but still the lover of my soul… I have a mark to prove it."

She smiled, and her shoulders dropped a little, "Ohhh, you're good… Who would've thought you'd get the palace on your ass? Selling yourself to the royal family."

"I did, didn't I… But our friendship is officially over!"

Charlene laughed; my stomach made stupid butterflies at the sound… I loved her so much… I wanted her to be happy.

I left Charlene and appeared next to Romero, curbing my enthusiasm a little. "Why are you not using me and Charlene? You're wasting the army's time marching from place to place! What if the majority of the wolves are the other way… They can't have gotten so far and have to be on this part of your planet."

"Carl, I will not discuss this again… I am fortifying and clearing ground! We have to protect everyone and get the smaller towns to move back to centralized locations… I have to protect all my people."

"Urgh, again, you're wasting time… We could go get the stone from Juliet and already annihilate them wherever they are… Michael has to be somewhere."

"The dheka have been living for a long time before you were here… We have a way, and I will follow our procedures so the rest of Mirach knows what to do… If I suddenly change tactics, how will they know?"

"We tell them! We can meet with every last representative in a day!"

Romero stopped and turned to me, bringing the army to a halt. His hand flexed on his sword. Not this again. The guy is so wound up. Can't he just chill—a little. "You will put Charlene in danger?"

"How will she be in danger?"

"We will be overpowered!"

"Fine!" I threw my hands into the air. "Can we at least have a night off? All we do is walk! You might care about your people, but I care about Charlene! She needs a human slash girl moment!"

"Intoxication will not solve her problems."

"NO! Only take it away for a few hours! You won't even grant her that! Why do you think she's walking on the other side of the army?"

"If she does not want me to control her emotions, she can stay there! I can not focus on her moods right now!" I pushed him on the shoulder. Before the army could overtake me, I was on the other side with Kubra again. The dheka wouldn't know what happened between there and here.

"Carl, no! I'm tired and don't feel like sparing again."

"Argh! I want to do something, but Romero still thinks Charlene will be in danger."

"He's not wrong! Let it go… This is army life on planets like these… You shut up and walk."


"What is the first thing Juliet taught Michael?"

I sighed dramatically and huffed, "He is not invincible…" I dragged my hands through my hair and clamped down, "I feel like I want to travel into the stars! To another planet! Come on! Let me push everyone off her, and we're free to go to En-gannim."

"Romero will kill you before you can figure out how..."

I growled in my werewolf manifestation. The dheka around us drummed up a war song—politely warning me. None of them wanted to see another wolf and was reminding me of what would happen if I thought of joining the wolves... Yes, Romero was afraid I'd go completely nuts and switch sides…

Far across the dunes, I heard the gallop of padded hooves on soft sand. None of the dheka would know the scout was coming our way. To get rid of my energy, I teleported to him, taking the sting of being too far away from Charlene. I picked up the miniature horse and teleported him to General Tasallah, who was walking next to Romero.

The animal was offended, tripling around to get in a good position to kick out toward me. I laughed, dodging it and slapping it's ass. Shai didn't mind my boredom and vaulted off, letting the beast trot off. He spoke in the Mirach language. I picked up some of the words. Learning was something Charlene and I could do together, and she welcomed the distraction. Some days, she sat down and waited for the sting of our separation and teleported to the front of the convoy only to sit down again, using her ability to bypass the walking. The process repeated till the end of the day. At some point, she would burst if she felt at all like me.

All I could pick up was 'wolves' and 'north.' We were close to Sara and a few days away from the coastline. Tasallah stopped the army. We were camping for the day. "What's going on?"

"Other wolves came back into the area after we killed Liv's people."

"How many?"


In the multiple squads, the dheka pitched their tents. Grouped up together in unity. The women would soon come through with food to serve their husbands and join them for the night. Once, before the camp had to go to bed, the singles went into song accompanied by instruments to end the day and give couples a chance to come together. To wake up, it was the same ritual… Two times a day, you had a chance; if you didn't take it, you had to wait… Everything was on a strict schedule. How long could anyone go on like this? Sometimes, Charlene and I would sneak in a quickie behind a dune. My body reacted, remembering every detail, yet I still blushed a little at how unpracticed I was. Not once had she said anything about my performance… 

Romero headed for the cluster of generals who pitched their tents together as the higher ranks. I followed, helping them set up. "Are you ever going to speak to her again? She said you haven't spoken to her in months."

"Carl, when you are as old as I am, months mean nothing… Time is relative… I waited five hundred years for her… A few months are not going to make a difference."

"What is going on, though? If it's me?" He didn't answer. "You have to say something." I pulled on a rope and handed the end to him to secure in the sand. Other dheka pushed poles up in the air, lifting the material to create a roof. "Do you even know the doctor is using his shadow to keep her child free?"

"It is the way."

"You will not allow her to have any children? The rest of the army wives are allowed."

"It is everyone's personal choice… You can not replace a child… It is for the best… For now."

The abandoned city was one long, drawn-out place from west to east; the layout made it hard for the dheka to come up with a plan. They were not a race that would initiate the fight if they were not sure it would go in their favor. Usually, the ranks would form one giant wall or surround whatever they need to kill… Here, holding the formation from one end to the last would be impossible; at some point, they would have to regroup. First priority for everyone was the families behind the army.

So, after days of back and forth between the generals, we were waiting—at one end, preventing flanking attacks after making sure none of them were behind us. When they fled, it had to be west toward one of the largest deserts there were… Tasallah's idea was to do this slowly, steadily, day by day. Food had to be killed off first. Then the men would move into the city in increments…

On the one hand, for the dheka, sustaining themselves with their ability for long periods was an option. On the other hand, every last wolf in the city would put on armor—trained to fight alongside the army—and be able to protect themselves, tripling their numbers. Surprise attacks were the most dangerous if the wolves had a plan to overtake them at vulnerable moments when the men had to build up their inner strength.

The first squad stood ready to move in, just waiting for the signal. As a family, we had a decent view on a little hill over the area the dheka planned to infiltrate. A cloud formed and drifted, disappearing in the darkness. Charlene's hand tightened around mine. Beasts anticipated the danger, trampling in their pens. Others pushed and rammed into barriers. With the many trees and buildings, it was difficult to see much of what the men were experiencing on the ground. The wolves had fortified, but how would they be able to counter the force of a short attack and the then sudden retreat unable to pursue.

Continuous nervous bellows resonated in the darkness; short grunts and barks came from different directions. "They split the animals," I whispered.

Romero took a step closer. A spark of fire shot up a tree, igniting with a blast of flames. Another tree and another. The orange flame spread wildly across a section of the city, creating a barrier. Now, the moving shadow was visible—close—too late to change direction. Will they go right through? The dheka's creams of pain shot out toward us. Charlene let go and was gone. Romero's head whipped with the sudden teleportation, "Where is she?"

Kubra went into a run—three steps later—I got him and brought him right back, "Are you insane." Kubra ignored me, his eyes traveling in every direction to find her. I was waiting… he had to say it; Romero turned to me, "Go."

"Wait!" Kubra yelled. We turned. Flames burst and crackled along the perimeter of the city in sporadic eruptions as Charlene traveled from one part to another. Unpredictably, every wooded wall they built came to life, setting the trees aflame. It spread like wildfire with the accelerant they used to bring it to life. A long line formed and outlined the entire place; in a few seconds, the wind forced the heat toward the city, and everything was burning. Wolves were scrambling as glass exploded. 

A horn blew behind us. Tasallah was issuing an order.

Although Charlene had done all she did, she wasn't back. Romero groaned with the pain that hit us. She was too far into the city… Where are you? "Carl, find her. Now!"

The next moment, my mouth fell open. Charlene hovered over a body, stabbing sharp nails repeatedly in and out of its flesh. If another woman tried to leave, she was there slashing a throat. How did she know there would be a room filled with only women. In the darkness, a red flame came around a corner. Instantly, I had her out and on the hill covered in blood. As a riphath, she still had to lift her chin to look into my eyes. Her mouth dripped with her vengeance. Magnificent. The next moment, my anger caught on. Taken aback, my head moved from side to side; I grabbed her shoulders and shook her. Charlene laughed and disappeared again. "What the f—!" Kubra hollered.

"Do I go after her?"

"Bamf." We all turned. Charlene was there dressed in clean clothes with not a speck of blood on her. "The girls were ready for me… Ten-second change over like in those magic shows." She lifted her hands and turned in a circle.

Kubra pounced on her; she yelped. He whipped her feet out from under her—she landed face-first in the sand. The belt unbuckled. I wavered between stopping him and helping him. Charlene looked up as it flicked into the air, crackling. He doubled the leather, fisted the ends, and lifted his arm. Without hesitation, he lashed out and hit Romero over the back, sprawled out over her. Kubra gasped, grunted, and hit again and again until his chest was heaving, and I grabbed his wrist, "Enough."

Kubra ripped out of my hold and stormed off. Charlene was in tears. Romero was bleeding. What do I do? He pushed himself onto his knees and looked up into the sky. His eyes slowly closed, and his brow furrowed uncomfortably, moving his shoulders. Charlene scrambled to a seated position, staring at him. "Take her away…"


"Now! Take her away!"

Furious at everyone, I grabbed her wrist, pulled her into my arms, and left. I was supposed to be the crazy one.