Jay's pov

Its been three weeks. I've been avoiding vanessa all these weeks, i did'nt want to see her,nor feel her presence here. My wolf, kept on nagging me about going and meeting her but i always reject and block him out. He once took control over my body, in the middle of the night, and took me to her, it was a struggle to get on control again but i did at the last minute where i stood infront of her bedroom.

My fiancé, is alot smarter than vanessa. She could manage the whole werewolf species, keeps them in line and makes them respect each other, herself too, right? She can fight, but vanessa cant figjt right? I can't judge by that because i didnt see vanessa fight, and she was laying near a river alone for god's sake! She looked pathetic and irresponsible. But i had to accept what the moon goddess fated me with. Vanessa is the only one who can carry my pups, if it was'nt like that i would've rejected her long time ago, but i couldn't since i did need heirs that would rule after my time finishes.

I found my self not able to sleep since all i was thinking of was vanessa and my fiancé, about which one is the best in being the place of a proper queen, which they both tied at it.

I sat up as i held my head in my hands. I can't belive am doing this.

I left my room and went into the room that was at the end of the hallway. I entered the room as her scent hit me like tons of bricks, it was addictive but i couldn't do anything else. I took an extra pillow and blanket , made my way to the couch that is in the corner of the room which by the way had the strongest scent of her. I closed my eyes as i drifted to sleep while my wolf pured in the back of my mind.


Vanessa's pov

I woke up, surprisingly, happy.

A smile made its way onto my lips and my wolf was hipping the whole time. It made me confused, last time i checked. I wasn't this happy, ever. I looked at myself in the mirror, which was in the bathroom, and laughed.

Wait-laugh? What- I never laugh at myself, I would always grumble and nag about why i wouldn't wake up perfectly like any other girl out there, but laugh... Nah.

My eyes looked brighter than normal, with a few touches of sparkle, my skin was brighter in a good way but isn't it normal- wait what's happening to me?

I blinked as i realized that i kind of changed.I looked more... beautiful? Yes i did. I dont really know what is happening to me.

As i exited the bathroom, finishing my business and took a small bath, with a towl wrapped around my body. I noticed the sofa. It had a untided pillow laying there but the blanket was done perfectly. I frowned. Who would possibly come and sleep here? I shrugged as i passed the sofa into the closet .

I went for a casual look, skinny jeans, a simple red shirt that had short sleeves and did my hair into a high ponytail. I never bothered to put on makeup to be honest. I just do when there is events or meetings.

I walked out of my room and went downstairs, planning on making a delicious breakfast. I dont care if that asshole comes and tells me to go back, because guess what? I ain't.

I made some pancakes and poured a little bit of raspberry syrup on them. It made me even more hungry just by looking at it. Damn, i can't wait till i shove them down my throat like the monster i am.

I took the plate while humming making my way to the dining table. I sat and started eating.As i took my first bite, i closed my eyes as i enjoyed the taste. " Its been a while babies..." i said, not loud enough, i guess. I ate the whole plate and made sure that there is not a single bit of it left, and made my way to the sink to wash the plate.

I went oustside, wanting to see the sun. Its bright light made me smile. I made my way under the tree, i sat there listening to the birds chippering. suddenly someone came and sat by me, " Hello am jay's fiancé." and with that my eyes widen.