Vanessa pov

I stared at her as she sat next to me. I do admit, she did look elegant, beautiful and she also looks strong. I sighed as i sat up and fake smiled at her since my mood had flipped once she came.

"Hello." I said as i shook her hand that she offered, " I'm vanessa." she nodded as if she knew my name.

" So, what are you doing here?"

Relaxing- before you came and ruined my mood.

"Just liked this spot and decieded to lay here for a while." I spoke as softly as possible, trying not to lose my shit. While we are talking awkwardly, I noticed the ring that shows that she's engaged.

A simple sliver ring that has a small diamond on it. She noticed me looking at it and smirked eviliy, "it's amazing how we are going to get married soon and i cant wait to live the rest of my life with him". She said and sighed dreamily, staring at nothing to be specific.

I couldn't stay anymore. I stood up and said a quick bye while walking faster than i ever did. Once i entered the house, i ran to my bedroom and close the door with a bang, making sure it echoed in the house. I sat on my bed as i held my head in my hands.

What have i done to deserve this?

Am i unworthy?

why me ?

Why should i suffer like this?

First, i dont know my real parents, second, i was kicked out of my own pack because am the alpha king's mate,and my so called bestfriend now ex bestfriend left me. And now this. Why me? Why did the moon goddess paired me with a mate like him? Why did she even give me a life like this? I could have died when i had the chance but no!!! I always care about people , but they dont care. They are all fake, like plastic.

I sighed deeply as i layed on the bed, looking at the ceiling. Tears slowly fell from my eyes and then i was a sobbing mess. Loud sobs filled the room and i wont be surprised if they heard me.I dont care anymore.

But first, i need to find my real parents. Even if it takes me to leave this pack, i will. But i need help and there is no one to help me.

Maybe i can ask him to help me- No! I cant, he'll see me as a weak person who should be a rouge than an instead of a beta's " daughter."

I was raised to be strong even though they weren't really my real parents and left me for who i am, I still am going to respect them for having the time to raise and taking care of me .


but not everyone can stay strong for their whole life.


I knocked on the door, taking a deep breath. Damn will i regret this later. I heard a bit of shuffling behind the door before he aswered.

I slowly opened his office door to see him sitting on a luxerious chair, " What do you want now?" He said, his voice raspy.I slowly sat on the chair infront of him . " I need some help..." I spoke as i looked anywhere but him, "In?" He was curious now.

" I want to find my real parents.

"I'm not really from the pack that i was with, they are people who aren't my real family, am adopted. I was found near their pack borders where a pair couldn't have a baby, so they took me in and raised me." I finally looked at him, " I really want to find my real parents. I want to ask them questions that i never found the answers for." I looked at him full of hope.

He took a deep breath as he sat up straight, "Fine, but once you find them, you aren't going with them. You'll be staying here and they will also." He finally said making me smile widely, " Thank you!"


Two days have passed and his fiancé is annoying as ever. i dont really know what he see's in her. Sure she has beauty but damn isn't she fake. I can see that she just wants to be the luna of the whole werewolves species but then, can she control them?

The pack was having a small party, this happens every year for the day where jay became the alpha king. I was casually sitting on the benches, watching as couples dance to slow music.

They'll be flirting with each other, but love is clear in their eyes, why dont i have a mate like this?