Jay was fuming. He saw everything. From when his older brother knocked on your door till he kissed you. He growled loudly as he threw the table next to him, on the wall, where it broke to pieces. He then went and tore the bedsheets and pillows, making the feathers fly in the air as they land on the floor. He then aimed on his mirror, he threw his fist on it, punching it hard as blood flew down his hand, releasing his angered madness.

He didn't care if he bleed badly, he needed to release his anger or he would go and mark vanessa with her against it. His eyes turned into a light yellow color, alarming that his wolf is about to take control. He needed your touch to calm him down. He opened the door but is surprised to see you there holding you hand in the air ready to knock on his door. Your eyes met his, seeing this color for the first time, your eyes widen.

Jay pulled you into his room and closed the door shut. He slammed you against the door making you flinch. His eyes admiring every inch of your face. He closed his eyes and sighed "I want to mark you so bad, but i know you won't accept me." he re-opened his eyes, the light yellow eyes weren't there anymore.

You were taken aback. You never knew that jay wanted you. You always thought that he will just keep you as a side mistress with what he said when you two first met." Look i know i fucked up at the beginning, but please forgive me? Everyone makes mistakes, right? I know that you have done some too. I have grown alone. My parents died when i was young. I grew up knowing that power is the only option for everything and that mates are just an illusion that it tends to be your weakness. Yes i may be cold at the beginning, but after your disappearance, it made me know how much i am attached to you." he took a deep breath as he looked deep into my eyes," please forgive me."

You knew that you will forgive him immediately, but you want to play hard to get," how do you expect me to forgive you after all you had done to me?" you held back your laugh when you saw his shocked face. "I prefer you brother o-" you knew that you fucked up when you said that because the next thing you know, is his hand holding your jaw tightly making you look up at him. His face serious and mad, "Tell me that again and i will fuck you for three days straight to get that into your mind that your mine and only mine." you can see that he wanted to mark you so bad, so you took your decision.

"Mark me then." you said

He looked a bit shocked, but hid it well.he was trying to hold back from marking you.

"I said, MARK, ME." you said, yor voice showing impatience.

"Fuck it." he said as he titled your head to the side giving him access to lay his bite. He first began sucking roughly on your neck, showing his need and hunger for you. You both didn't mate completely. So marking you was the first process, it should be completed when you get pregnant which is, when you are on your heat and do it.

You were pulled out your thoughts, when he sucked yor sweet spot making you moan, he smirked, finding the perfect spot to finally make you his. His canines grew out as he bit down on your neck, fully marking you his. It hurt at first, but soon the pain turned into pleasure. You moaned as he licked on the mark, getting rid of the blood.

"Everyone will know that you are mine now." he spoke, pecking your cheek.

But little did you both now that sarah was right outside the door and she heard it all. She was so angry and she wont stop untill she kills you.