The day has passed surprisingly great. Having his mark laid on your neck made you feel different. Whenever he's around you would find yourself wanting to touch him, and kiss him. Whenever he's not around you would feel lonely and sad. It makes you confused sometimes because you wanted to hate him but you can't. The mark was beautiful, it had your wolf and his standing next to each other with a red rose around you two.

Sarah has been trying to get closer to you as if she accepted the fact that jay belongs to someone else. But you did caught her alot of times trying to seduce jay which made you place a close eye on her for whatever she's doing. You were in the kitchen, a watermelone in hand. While watching out the window as kids are playing outside and couples holding-hands. You bit on the watermelon, at the same time, jake came panting.

"L-luna, the alpha wants you on the borders now." he said as he bowed.

"okay, am coming thanks for informing me."

"My pleasure" with that he walked out.

You made your way out of the kitchen, leaving the bitten piece of watermelon on the table. You were curious, why would you be called there? Is it important? You shook your head, clearing out everything while you made your way to jay.

You were halfway to the borders, when you were stopped by sasha.

"Luna! Hurry Hurry! Alpha wants you there, fast." she said as she dragged you to the borders.

For a small girl like her, she sure has alot of strength. She kept on dragging you till you reached the borders. Jay was standing there talking to a couple. They looked a bit old, maybe in their 50s? As the women looked at you, her eyes filled with tears making you confused. She ran to you, leaving her husband behind, and engulfed you in a hug. She began crying onto your shoulder, tightening the hug around you.

You looked at jay in confusion,and the man who is standing next to him began shedding tears. The women pulled away and looked at you in loving eyes " My daughter." she said making you surprised, "Um, what?" you said looking at her.

"Oh my baby, am your mother." she took a deep breath and said "we are ancients." That made you ten times shocked.

Ancients are the most powerful wolves in all the wolves species. Everything was clear now, your wolf was white because your an ancient.

I am an ancient wolf.