Bella sat with her parents on the sofa. She decided to pay them a visit to their new house and help them unpack their things. By now mostly everything was settled and now they were drinking a Egyptian tea as it was a gift from her mother's friend.

"She wasn't kidding when she said that this is tasty." her mother said.

Her father nodded in agreement while bella just continued drinking it. Her mother noticed that her daughter had became oddly quiet. She knew that there was something wrong with her but she didn't think that her daughter was ready to talk about it. She glanced at her husband, nodding at bella. He just shrugged and continued sipping on the tea. She kicked her husband's foot whivh resulted into burning burning his tongue.

"Ow! What was that for? What is wrong with you women!"

She signaled him to their daughter who was in her own world. He sighed and placed his cup on the table.

"Bella, you know if something is wrong you can tell us. We aren't your parents for nothing we are her for you okay?"

Bella lifted her eyes from the ground and met both of their, "I'm pretty sure ehat I'm gonna say will make you very ashamed of having a daughter like me."

Her parents both shook their heads and arguing her to talk about it. Bella sighed and sat her cup of tea on the table before talking.


By now the sun has disappeared and the moon began to shine its own type if light, not blinding and calming.

"I've heard that the former king is still alive from someone inside the pack."

He looked at the parents who were snuggling to each other, "I'm pretty sure he'll be able to help us with it."

They nodded. Afterall, they didn't know what to expect for fighting when the day comes. They haven't had the thought of turning against the king, but as Madison's father came and asked for their support for it, they couldn't disagree since their children were no where to be seen. Werewolves are very possessive over their children and would do anything to be able to have them in their arms again.

A man came to them jogging with a bunch of keys hanging from his belt.

When he reached them, he smiled.

"Hello, I'm Jackson. I'm responsible to look over the ones in the cells beside my friend, Oliver." He introduced himself.

Lara's father, patted him on the back and smiled at him, "I believe you said that the father is still alive?"

"Yes, he is."

Lara's father scanned the grouo of parents that had came with him and spotted the first sacrifice. "You're Lyla's father, right?" he pointed out.

The clueless man just nodded in response much to Lara's father satisfaction.

"How about you go with jackson here and check on the former king, yeah?"

Eyes narrowed from the wife as the father just nodded and jogged with jackson into the dungeon.

He wasn't sure why would ge send a weak member like him into here knowing so well that he can get killed easily? Lyla's father shrugged it off as Jackson assured him to the cell that was in the end of the hall. He went to it slowly, looking around for any attack coming his way. His wolf was on edge, meaning that ge may or may bit be dead by the second.

Just as he entered the cell, he spotted a body. It wasnt with normal human skin, rather grey. His eyes widen, the former king was killed by silver! Just as ge was about to make a dash for it, he was attacked by a red haired man. He began to panic.

"Even if i wanted to kill such a traitor and get rid of it, i need to give you up to the king himself, or the queen, she's better known to be ruthless herself." The unknown man spoke.

"No! Please! I never intended to joining--" Lyla's father was interrupted when his wife came in.

"What the hell is going on here! Leave my husband alone!" she rushed to his side, trying to move the man from over her husband.

She felt it. She felt that something wrong is going to happen and she couldn't just let her husband go in like that, she wanted to make sure that he was safe. After all, he wasn't as strong as her but she didn't mind, she at least has his love for her and a lovely daughter who hasn't came home for the past three weeks. She cant lose her husband too. If hr goes, sge goes with him.

Just as she was about to pull her husband, she was thrown next to him by the red haired man that wad on her husband, one of his hands hold her arms back while the other are were holding her husband's.

"Jackson! Come help me here!" he yelled.

The grey haired man came running into the cell and sighed, "Oliver, why didn't you just twist their heads so they become unconscious."

"Well, does it look like i have two bodies to be able to do that?"

Jackson took the women and twisted her head while Oliver did the same to the man that was lying under him.

"The king or Queen?" Oliver asked.

"The King, he'll at least be more.. merciful."


They chained both of their bodies into a chair with silver. Jackson and Oliver were chilling at the cell's door, waiting for the King to arrive.

Once they heard the rapid footsteps coming their way, they straightened their back and were ready to bow byt what surprised them was the arrival of the Queen as well.

Well they tried.

They bowed their heads and murmured, "King, Queen."

As much as Jay tried to convince Vanessa that its nothing too big, She just didn't budge. He sighed as he stared at the pair that were now chained into separate seats. Omega Josephine and Delta Owen. The most trusted pair. He snorted.

But, they wouldn't betray him just like that. Unless there was someone who started fire in them.