TV Show

Soon they arrived on the set. The platform was full of people: the production team, the presenters and the other participants. Alex was a little excited, she was curious what kind of game they would play and how funny it would be. 

After arriving, each artist got rooms to prepare before the filming started.

Alex did not pay much attention to the other contestants and went with Fidelia to her lodge to get ready right away. In the lodge next to hers was Eliott, still scolding his sister. He could not believe he was going to spend the whole day there! Luckily Alex was there to lighten his mood.

Thinking about it again, he had only come because she had said that this little nothing Kylie was also on the show, but now he thought he was really just fooled. After all, what could this girl possibly do to Alex if Leila was here? He really was fooled and thinking about it he smiled a little "she's already my weakness now".