Do you miss me?

Alex, looking at Eliott as his mother spoke, could not help feeling that he was not at all as her mother described him, at least not with her. On the contrary, with her, he smiled a lot, spoke tenderly to her, he was really kind to her. It was true that she had felt his coldness when he was on the telephone for example, but with her, he was really patient. 

" Auntie, he is not like that with me, in fact, he smiles a lot."

"Really? Are you sure? Don't be misled by his fake smile or impersonation as Ethan! Actually, I prefer Ethan, he's so cute..." 

"Well, Ethan is definitely cuter... for sure" 

Eliott could not help but roll his eyes at the comparison of the two women and then smiled, his mother always made fun of him. And now his wife, yes, he said his wife, because he would marry her no matter what, was making fun of him too. He was glad to see Alex relax more now.