We need to talk

When Alan saw her leave the room with her head held high, he had the urge to smash everything in the room, because he was really angry. He was blindsided by Alex, he was still dazed and his head was buzzing just thinking about what he had lost and he could not believe how she could blindside him like that, just like a little kid? She was not like her mother, not a woman who could be fooled or manipulated. 

Anyway, this deal was for the best. He tried to convince himself that even if he had to give back the old Michell company and brand, he could still empty that company's bank account before giving it back to Alex. That way he would not lose too much on this deal. The factory was still operating, but it was not as good as it used to be, and he only kept it because the old man's brand was still bringing in money.